Something's wrong with recent g++ include files

David Ronis
Sun Dec 3 09:31:00 GMT 2000

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the reply.  Your suggestion about -I... worked.  However,
did anybody consider how much legacy (and not-so-legacy) code this is
going to mess up?  Try for example today's alpha version of ddd.


  >The snapshots have been non-compliant up until a snapshot or so ago.  :-)
  >ISO Standard C++ only defines an <iostream> header, not an <iostream.h>.
  >Please see for more.
  >If you absolutely must use <iostream.h> -- and the classes in there are
  >very old, not just <iostream> with a 'using std::foo', either -- then
  >you must add -I/wherever/you/installed/gcc/include/g++-v3/backward to the
  >command line.  Older headers are installed in the 'backward' subdirectory.

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