namespace error???

Wed Apr 26 10:57:00 GMT 2000

Hi all:

When compiling a little program a problem arises if I call a namespace
with a name different from std. With std it works fine!

compiler version is 
	gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

Thanks ins advance

// --> using namespace std works but noother else :(

#include <iostream>   // ostream
#include <algorithm>  // min/max_element
#include <vector>     // vector
#include <list>       // list


namespace eo
  template<class Container> class Pop: public Container
    typedef typename Container::value_type chromosome;
    Pop(unsigned num = 0): Container(num) {}
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Pop<Container>& pop)
      copy(pop.begin(), pop.end(), ostream_iterator<chromosome>(os, " "));
      return os;
}  // namespace std


typedef eo::Pop<vector<int> > vPop;
typedef eo::Pop<list<int> >   lPop;


  vPop v(5);
  lPop l(5);
  cout << "sizeof(Pop<vector<int> >) = " << sizeof(v) << endl
       << "sizeof(Pop<list<int> >)   = " << sizeof(l) << endl;
  cout << "v:" << endl << v << endl
       << "l:" << endl << l << endl;


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