gcc-2.95 bug: stdcall rubs off on templates

Karl-Johan Johnsson kalle@algorithmica.se
Thu Sep 2 07:03:00 GMT 1999

The problem appears with the following versions of GCC:

gcc-2.95 linux -> i586-mingw32 cross compiler
gcc-2.95.1 linux -> i586-mingw32 cross compiler
gcc-2.95 i386-mingw32 native (Mumit Khan's binary distribution)

but not with the version of gcc included in cygwin-b20 (egcs-1.1).

When compiling the following program, the implicit instantiation
of A<0>::f() is decorated with a trailing '@4' (as if it had
been declared __stdcall), leading to an undefined reference:

template <int> class A
    static void* f(int);

template <int i> void* A<i>::f(int)
    return 0;

int main()
    return !A<0>::f(0);

void* __attribute__((__stdcall__)) foo(int);

$ i586-mingw32-g++ bug.cpp
/tmp/ccj5gaaa.o(.text+0x11):bug.cpp: undefined reference to `A<0>::f(int)'
$ i586-mingw32-g++ -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -S bug.cpp
$ cat bug.s
	.file	"bug.cpp"
	.def	___main;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef
	.align 4
..globl _main
	.def	_main;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef
	subl $12,%esp
	call ___main
	addl $-12,%esp
	pushl $0
	call _f__t1A1i0i
	addl $16,%esp
	testl %eax,%eax
	sete %al
	andl $255,%eax
	addl $12,%esp
..section	.text$f__t1A1i0i,"x"
	.linkonce discard
	.align 4
..globl _f__t1A1i0i@4
	.def	_f__t1A1i0i@4;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef
	xorl %eax,%eax
	ret $4
	.def	_f__t1A1i0i;	.scl	3;	.type	32;	.endef


A program that uses STL and includes <windows.h> (_after_ the
standard headers) will crash with a call to address 0.
For example:

#include <list>
#include <windows.h> /* Plenty of __stdcall functions. */

int main()
    std::list<int> l;

    return 0;

The compiler instantiates std::__default_alloc_template<...>::_S_refill()
with @-decoration, but the call (from the list constructor) is to
the undecorated function (which does not exist).  The linker then
resolves this call to 'call 0' => crash.


Karl-Johan Johnsson

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