arm load/store multiple

Mike Stump
Tue Nov 16 16:49:00 GMT 1999

I was thinking that gcc should use the load/store multiple
instructions for:

int *ip;

main() {
  int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6;
  i1 = ip[2];
  i2 = ip[3];
  i3 = ip[4];
  i4 = ip[5];
  i5 = ip[6];
  i6 = ip[7];
  asm volatile ("# bla bla");
  ip[2] = i2;
  ip[3] = i1;
  ip[4] = i4;
  ip[5] = i3;
  ip[6] = i6;
  ip[7] = i5;

type of code, but yet, it seems to have difficultly using them.  Since
I am not an arm head, I'm not certain that this would be a win.  Since
I haven't tracked it down, I don't know why it isn't using stm/ldm
instructions more often.  I checked the arm port and it seemed as
though the code tries to group 2, 3 and 4 loads that are adjacent into
one instruction.  And yet, I see:

        ldr     r2, L3
        ldr     r3, [r2, #0]
        ldr     r4, [r3, #8]
        add     r1, r3, #12
        ldmia   r1, {r1, r5, ip}        @ phole ldm
        add     r2, r3, #24
        ldmia   r2, {r2, lr}    @ phole ldm
        # bla bla
        str     r2, [r3, #28]
        str     r1, [r3, #8]
        str     r4, [r3, #12]
        str     ip, [r3, #16]
        str     r5, [r3, #20]
        str     lr, [r3, #24]

As I explore around with different sample code, I see that the
compiler does try a little bit, but just doesn't succeed often.

I can't help but wonder if these types of instructions are supported
in the right fashion in the md file.

Anyway, thought I would forward this along.

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