Spam Mail

Phil Edwards
Thu Nov 11 11:38:00 GMT 1999

> I believe at least 50% of our spam currently is coming via the gnu.gcc
> newsgroups which are gated into our mailing lists. Perhaps this kind of
> messages could be moderated, hmm.

FWIW, even those messages still don't have similar-"looking" headers that
the regular list messages have.  A fairly simple procmail recipe happens to
catch those and put them in a "these are automated messages but not from
a mailing list" folder for me.  So my gcc*-list mailboxes are fine, and
spam relayed through the gcc newsgroups still gets caught and put aside.

That may not be feasible for the list servers, but it is a simple solution
for those readers who are bothered by spam (for example, me).

(If you reply to the list, please don't cc another copy to me.  Thanks!)

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