[gcov] .da file contents not exhausted

Jonathan Thackray jon-gcc@thackray.org
Thu Nov 11 02:45:00 GMT 1999

I'm getting the following error when running gcov:

   .da file contents not exhausted

Does anyone know what it means? (other than something's broken!)
Generally I then see 0.00% of lines executed, which is patently not
true. I also sometimes see:

    ../../gcc/gcov.c:690: Internal compiler error in function read_files

which looks nasty. Using egcs-2.91.66, but I've also tried gcc-2.95.2
which has the same problem, and gcov version 1.50. This is after
compiling with -fprofile-arcs and -ftest-coverage; gcov works fine on
noddy test cases, but the project I'm working on uses large numbers of
templates and classes.

Ideas anyone? Is gcov ready for the prime-time yet?

// Jon Thackray      ._o
// Cambridge        / //\.      
// UK                \>> |      
//                    \\        http://jon.thackray.org/

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