Bug with Crystal Space 3D Engine

Black Guard 666 blackguard6@hop.multimania.com
Tue Nov 9 02:45:00 GMT 1999


-> gcc version : pgcc-2.91.66
-> System type : Linux (Mandrake 6.0 - Krn 2.2.9)
-> Option to gcc :
g++ -c -o out/LINUX/INTEL/optimize/polyset.o
libs/csengine/basic/polyset.cpp -Wall -mpentiumpro -march=i686
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer  -I. -I./apps
-I./include -I./libs -I./support -Ilibs/libjpeg -Ilibs/libpng

-> Gcc result :
libs/csengine/basic/polyset.cpp: In method `const struct INTERFACE_ENTRY
* csPolygonSet::GetInterfaceTable()':
libs/csengine/basic/polyset.cpp:49: Internal compiler error 191.
libs/csengine/basic/polyset.cpp:49: Please submit a full bug report to
libs/csengine/basic/polyset.cpp:49: See
<URL: http://egcs.cygnus.com/faq.html#bugreport > for details

I have attached the cpp files with this mail.
Thanks and good luck and work !
    ___     ____             ___    ___    ___      __    ___    _____
   /   \   / __/__   ____   /  /_  /  /_  /  /_    /_/   / _ \  /    /
  / // <  / /__/ /  /___/  / // / / // / / // /   __    / // / / // /
 /_____/ /______/         /____/ /____/ /____/   /_/   /_//_/ /____/
Blackguard666 Nexus0 -- 23-M-FR25 mailto:blackguard6@pop.multimania.com
    Copyright (C) 1998 by Jorrit Tyberghein
    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "sysdef.h"
#include "csengine/polyset.h"
#include "csengine/polygon.h"
#include "csengine/pol2d.h"
#include "csengine/polytext.h"
#include "csengine/dynlight.h"
#include "csengine/world.h"
#include "csengine/camera.h"
#include "csengine/sector.h"
#include "csengine/curve.h"
#include "csengine/rview.h"
#include "csengine/stats.h"
#include "csengine/dumper.h"
#include "csengine/cbuffer.h"
#include "csengine/bspbbox.h"
#include "csengine/cssprite.h"
#include "csobject/nameobj.h"
#include "csgeom/bsp.h"
#include "csgeom/polypool.h"
#include "igraph3d.h"
#include "itxtmgr.h"






const INTERFACE_ENTRY *csPolygonSet::GetInterfaceTable ()
  typedef csPolygonSet _InterfaceTableClassName;
  static INTERFACE_ENTRY InterfaceTable[2];
  InterfaceTable[0].pIID = &IID_IPolygonSet;
  InterfaceTable[0].pfnFinder = ENTRY_IS_OFFSET;
  InterfaceTable[0].dwData = COMPOSITE_OFFSET(csPolygonSet, IPolygonSet, IPolygonSet, m_xPolygonSet);
  InterfaceTable[1].pIID = 0;
  InterfaceTable[1].pfnFinder = 0;
  InterfaceTable[1].dwData = 0;
  return InterfaceTable;


long csPolygonSet::current_light_frame_number = 0;


csPolygonSet::csPolygonSet () : csObject(), csPolygonParentInt ()
  max_vertices = num_vertices = 0;
  max_polygon = num_polygon = 0;

  num_curves = max_curves = 0;
  curves = NULL;

  curves_center.x = curves_center.y = curves_center.z = 0;
  curve_vertices = NULL;
  curve_texels = NULL;
  num_curve_vertices = max_curve_vertices = 0;

  wor_verts = NULL;
  obj_verts = NULL;
  cam_verts = NULL;
  polygons = NULL;
  bsp = NULL;
  draw_busy = 0;
  fog.enabled = false;
  bbox = NULL;

  light_frame_number = -1;

  cam_verts_set.SetTransformationManager (&csWorld::current_world->tr_manager);

csPolygonSet::~csPolygonSet ()
  CHK (delete [] wor_verts);
  CHK (delete [] obj_verts);
  if (polygons)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
      CHKB (delete (csPolygon3D*)polygons [i]);
    CHK (delete [] polygons);

  if (curves)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < num_curves ; i++)
      CHKB (delete curves [i]);
    CHK (delete [] curves);
  CHK (delete [] curve_vertices);
  CHK (delete [] curve_texels);
  CHK (delete bsp);
  CHK (delete bbox);

void csPolygonSet::Prepare ()
  int i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
    csPolygon3D* p = (csPolygon3D*)polygons[i];
    p->Finish ();

void csPolygonSet::AddCurveVertex (csVector3& v, csVector2& t)
  if (!curve_vertices)
    max_curve_vertices = 10;
    CHK (curve_vertices = new csVector3 [max_curve_vertices]);
    CHK (curve_texels   = new csVector2 [max_curve_vertices]);
  while (num_curve_vertices >= max_curve_vertices)
    max_curve_vertices += 10;
    CHK (csVector3* new_vertices = new csVector3 [max_curve_vertices]);
    CHK (csVector2* new_texels   = new csVector2 [max_curve_vertices]);
    memcpy (new_vertices, curve_vertices, sizeof (csVector3)*num_curve_vertices);
    memcpy (new_texels,   curve_texels,   sizeof (csVector2)*num_curve_vertices);
    CHK (delete [] curve_vertices);
    CHK (delete [] curve_texels);
    curve_vertices = new_vertices;
    curve_texels   = new_texels;

  curve_vertices[num_curve_vertices] = v;
  curve_texels[num_curve_vertices] = t;

int csPolygonSet::AddVertex (float x, float y, float z)
  if (!wor_verts)
    max_vertices = 10;
    CHK (wor_verts = new csVector3 [max_vertices]);
    CHK (obj_verts = new csVector3 [max_vertices]);
  while (num_vertices >= max_vertices)
    max_vertices += 10;
    CHK (csVector3* new_wor_verts = new csVector3 [max_vertices]);
    CHK (csVector3* new_obj_verts = new csVector3 [max_vertices]);
    memcpy (new_wor_verts, wor_verts, sizeof (csVector3)*num_vertices);
    memcpy (new_obj_verts, obj_verts, sizeof (csVector3)*num_vertices);

    CHK (delete [] wor_verts);
    CHK (delete [] obj_verts);

    wor_verts = new_wor_verts;
    obj_verts = new_obj_verts;

  // By default all vertices are set with the same object space and world space.
  wor_verts[num_vertices].Set (x, y, z);
  obj_verts[num_vertices].Set (x, y, z);
  return num_vertices-1;

int csPolygonSet::AddVertexSmart (float x, float y, float z)
  if (!wor_verts) { AddVertex (x, y, z); return 0; }
  int i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < num_vertices ; i++)
    if (ABS (x-obj_verts[i].x) < SMALL_EPSILON &&
	ABS (y-obj_verts[i].y) < SMALL_EPSILON &&
	ABS (z-obj_verts[i].z) < SMALL_EPSILON)
      return i;
  AddVertex (x, y, z);
  return num_vertices-1;

csPolygon3D* csPolygonSet::GetPolygon (char* name)
  int i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
    csPolygon3D* p = (csPolygon3D*)polygons[i];
    const char* n = csNameObject::GetName (*p);
    if (n && !strcmp (n, name)) return p;
  return NULL;

csPolygon3D* csPolygonSet::NewPolygon (csTextureHandle* texture)
  CHK (csPolygon3D* p = new csPolygon3D (texture));
  p->SetSector (sector);
  AddPolygon (p);
  return p;

void csPolygonSet::AddPolygon (csPolygonInt* poly)
  if (!polygons)
    max_polygon = 6;
    CHK (polygons = new csPolygonInt* [max_polygon]);
  while (num_polygon >= max_polygon)
    max_polygon += 6;
    CHK (csPolygonInt** new_polygons = new csPolygonInt* [max_polygon]);
    memcpy (new_polygons, polygons, sizeof (csPolygonInt*)*num_polygon);
    CHK (delete [] polygons);
    polygons = new_polygons;

  polygons[num_polygon++] = poly;
  ((csPolygon3D*)poly)->SetParent (this);

csCurve* csPolygonSet::GetCurve (char* name)
  int i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < num_curves ; i++)
    csCurve* p = (csCurve*)polygons[i];
    if (!strcmp (csNameObject::GetName(*p), name)) return p;
  return NULL;

/*TODO weg?

csCurve* csPolygonSet::new_bezier (char* name, TextureMM* texture)
  CHK (csBezier* p = new csBezier (name, 0x1234));
  //TODO??  p->set_sector (sector);
  AddCurve (p);
  return p;

void csPolygonSet::AddCurve (csCurve* curve)
  if (!curves)
    max_curves = 6;
    CHK (curves = new csCurve* [max_curves]);
  while (num_curves >= max_curves)
    max_curves += 6;
    CHK (csCurve** new_curves = new csCurve* [max_curves]);
    memcpy (new_curves, curves, sizeof (csCurve*)*num_curves);
    CHK (delete [] curves);
    curves = new_curves;
  curves[num_curves++] = curve;
  curve->SetParent (this);

void csPolygonSet::UseBSP ()
  CHK (delete bsp);
  CHK (bsp = new csBspTree (this));

struct IntersInfo
  const csVector3* start;
  const csVector3* end;
  csVector3* isect;
  float* pr;

void* test_bsp_intersection (csPolygonParentInt*, csPolygonInt** polygon, int num,
	void* data)
  IntersInfo* d = (IntersInfo*)data;
  int i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < num ; i++)
    csPolygon3D* p = (csPolygon3D*)polygon[i];
    if (p->IntersectSegment (*d->start, *d->end, *d->isect, d->pr))
      return (void*)p;
  return NULL;

csPolygon3D* csPolygonSet::IntersectSegment (const csVector3& start, 
        const csVector3& end, csVector3& isect, float* pr)
  int i;
  if (bsp)
    IntersInfo d;
    d.start = &start;
    d.end = &end;
    d.isect = &isect;
    d.pr = pr;
    return (csPolygon3D*) bsp->Front2Back (start, &test_bsp_intersection,
    for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
      csPolygon3D* p = (csPolygon3D*)polygons[i];
      if (p->IntersectSegment (start, end, isect, pr)) return p;
  return NULL;

void csPolygonSet::DrawOnePolygon (csPolygon3D* p, csPolygon2D* poly,
	csRenderView* d, bool use_z_buf)
  if (d->callback)
    d->callback (d, CALLBACK_POLYGON, (void*)p);
    d->callback (d, CALLBACK_POLYGON2D, (void*)poly);

  if (d->added_fog_info)
    // If fog info was added then we are dealing with vertex fog and
    // the current sector has fog. This means we have to complete the
    // fog_info structure with the plane of the current polygon.
    d->fog_info->outgoing_plane = p->GetPlane ()->GetCameraPlane ();


  csPortal* po = p->GetPortal ();
  if (csSector::do_portals && po)
    bool filtered = false;
    // is_this_fog is true if this sector is fogged.
    bool is_this_fog = sector->HasFog ();

    // If there is filtering (alpha mapping or something like that) we need
    // to keep the texture plane so that it can be drawn after the sector has
    // been drawn. The texture plane needs to be kept because this polygon
    // may be rendered again (through mirrors) possibly overwriting the plane.
    csPolyPlane* keep_plane = NULL;

    long do_transp;
    d->g3d->GetRenderState (G3DRENDERSTATE_TRANSPARENCYENABLE, do_transp);
    if (do_transp)
      filtered = p->IsTransparent ();
    if (filtered || is_this_fog)
      CHK (keep_plane = new csPolyPlane (*(p->GetPlane ())));

    // Draw through the portal. If this fails we draw the original polygon
    // instead. Drawing through a portal can fail because we have reached
    // the maximum number that a sector is drawn (for mirrors).
    if (po->Draw (poly, p, *d))
      if (!d->callback)
	if (filtered) poly->DrawFilled (d, p, keep_plane, use_z_buf);
	if (is_this_fog) poly->AddFogPolygon (d->g3d, p, keep_plane,
		d->IsMirrored (), sector->GetID (), CS_FOG_BACK);
    else if (!d->callback)
      poly->DrawFilled (d, p, p->GetPlane (), use_z_buf);

    // Cleanup.
    CHK (delete keep_plane);
  else if (!d->callback)
    poly->DrawFilled (d, p, p->GetPlane (), use_z_buf);

void csPolygonSet::DrawPolygonArray (csPolygonInt** polygon, int num,
	csRenderView* d, bool use_z_buf)
  csPolygon3D* p;
  csVector3* verts;
  int num_verts;
  int i;
  csPoly2DPool* render_pool = csWorld::current_world->render_pol2d_pool;
  csPolygon2D* clip;
  for (i = 0 ; i < num ; i++)
    clip = (csPolygon2D*)(render_pool->Alloc ());
    p = (csPolygon3D*)polygon[i];
    p->CamUpdate ();
    if ( !p->dont_draw &&
         p->ClipToPlane (d->do_clip_plane ? &d->clip_plane : (csPlane*)NULL,
	 	d->GetOrigin (), verts, num_verts) && //@@@Use pool for verts?
         p->DoPerspective (*d, verts, num_verts, clip, NULL,
	 	d->IsMirrored ())  &&
         clip->ClipAgainst (d->view) )
      p->GetPlane ()->WorldToCamera (*d, verts[0]);
      DrawOnePolygon (p, clip, d, use_z_buf);
    render_pool->Free (clip);

void* csPolygonSet::TestQueuePolygonArray (csPolygonInt** polygon, int num,
	csRenderView* d, csPolygon2DQueue* poly_queue)
  csPolygon3D* p;
  csPortal* po;
  csVector3* verts;
  int num_verts;
  int i;
  csCBuffer* c_buffer = csWorld::current_world->GetCBuffer ();
  bool visible;
  csPoly2DPool* render_pool = csWorld::current_world->render_pol2d_pool;
  csPolygon2D* clip;
  for (i = 0 ; i < num ; i++)
    if (polygon[i]->GetType () == 2)
      // We're dealing with a csBspPolygon.
      csBspPolygon* bsppol = (csBspPolygon*)polygon[i];
      csSprite3D* sp3d = (csSprite3D*)(bsppol->GetOriginator ());
      // If the sprite is already marked visible then we don't have
      // to do any of the other processing for this polygon.
      if (!sp3d->IsVisible ())
        // Transform it to screen space and perform clipping to Z plane.
        // Then test against the c-buffer to see if it is visible.
        clip = (csPolygon2D*)(render_pool->Alloc ());
        if ( bsppol->ClipToPlane (d->do_clip_plane ? &d->clip_plane :
		(csPlane*)NULL, d->GetOrigin (), verts, num_verts) &&
             bsppol->DoPerspective (*d, verts, num_verts, clip,
	 	d->IsMirrored ()))
          if (c_buffer->TestPolygon (clip->GetVertices (),
	  	clip->GetNumVertices ()))
            sp3d->MarkVisible ();
        render_pool->Free (clip);
      // We're dealing with a csPolygon3D.
      clip = (csPolygon2D*)(render_pool->Alloc ());
      visible = false;
      p = (csPolygon3D*)polygon[i];
      if ( !p->dont_draw &&
           p->ClipToPlane (d->do_clip_plane ? &d->clip_plane : (csPlane*)NULL,
	 	  d->GetOrigin (), verts, num_verts) &&
           p->DoPerspective (*d, verts, num_verts, clip, NULL,
	 	  d->IsMirrored ())  &&
           clip->ClipAgainst (d->view) )
        po = p->GetPortal ();
        if (csSector::do_portals && po)
          visible = c_buffer->TestPolygon (clip->GetVertices (),
		  clip->GetNumVertices ());
          visible = c_buffer->InsertPolygon (clip->GetVertices (),
		  clip->GetNumVertices ());
      if (visible)
        poly_queue->Push (p, clip);
	if (c_buffer->IsFull ()) return (void*)1;	// End BSP processing
        render_pool->Free (clip);
  return NULL;

void csPolygonSet::GetCameraMinMaxZ (float& minz, float& maxz)
  int i;
  minz = maxz = Vcam (0).z;
  for (i = 1 ; i < num_vertices ; i++)
    if (minz > Vcam (i).z) minz = Vcam (i).z;
    else if (maxz < Vcam (i).z) maxz = Vcam (i).z;

// @@@ We need a more clever algorithm here. We should try
// to recognize convex sub-parts of a polygonset and return
// convex shadow frustrums for those. This will significantly
// reduce the number of shadow frustrums. There are basicly
// two ways to do this:
//	- Split object into convex sub-parts in 3D.
//	- Split object into convex sub-parts in 2D.
// The first way is probably best because it is more efficient
// at runtime (important if we plan to use dynamic shadows for things)
// and also more correct in that a convex 3D object has no internal
// shadowing while a convex outline may have no correspondance to internal
// shadows.
csFrustrumList* csPolygonSet::GetShadows (csVector3& origin)
  CHK (csFrustrumList* list = new csFrustrumList ());
  csShadowFrustrum* frust;
  int i, j;
  csPolygon3D* p;
  bool cw = true; //@@@ Use mirroring parameter here!
  for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
    p = (csPolygon3D*)polygons[i];
    if (p->GetPlane ()->VisibleFromPoint (origin) != cw) continue;
    CHK (frust = new csShadowFrustrum (origin));
    list->AddFirst (frust);
    csPlane pl = p->GetPlane ()->GetWorldPlane ();
    pl.DD += origin * pl.norm;
    pl.Invert ();
    frust->SetBackPlane (pl);
    frust->polygon = p;
    for (j = 0 ; j < p->GetVertices ().GetNumVertices () ; j++)
      frust->AddVertex (p->Vwor (j)-origin);
  return list;

void csPolygonSet::CreateBoundingBox ()
  float minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz;
  CHK (delete bbox); bbox = NULL;
  if (num_vertices <= 0) return;
  CHK (bbox = new csPolygonSetBBox ());
  minx = maxx = obj_verts[0].x;
  miny = maxy = obj_verts[0].y;
  minz = maxz = obj_verts[0].z;
  int i;
  for (i = 1 ; i < num_vertices ; i++)
    if (obj_verts[i].x < minx) minx = obj_verts[i].x;
    else if (obj_verts[i].x > maxx) maxx = obj_verts[i].x;
    if (obj_verts[i].y < miny) miny = obj_verts[i].y;
    else if (obj_verts[i].y > maxy) maxy = obj_verts[i].y;
    if (obj_verts[i].z < minz) minz = obj_verts[i].z;
    else if (obj_verts[i].z > maxz) maxz = obj_verts[i].z;
  for (i = 0 ; i < num_curve_vertices ; i++)
    csVector3& cv = curve_vertices[i];
    if (cv.x < minx) minx = cv.x;
    else if (cv.x > maxx) maxx = cv.x;
    if (cv.y < miny) miny = cv.y;
    else if (cv.y > maxy) maxy = cv.y;
    if (cv.z < minz) minz = cv.z;
    else if (cv.z > maxz) maxz = cv.z;

  bbox->i7 = AddVertexSmart (minx, miny, minz);
  bbox->i3 = AddVertexSmart (minx, miny, maxz);
  bbox->i5 = AddVertexSmart (minx, maxy, minz);
  bbox->i1 = AddVertexSmart (minx, maxy, maxz);
  bbox->i8 = AddVertexSmart (maxx, miny, minz);
  bbox->i4 = AddVertexSmart (maxx, miny, maxz);
  bbox->i6 = AddVertexSmart (maxx, maxy, minz);
  bbox->i2 = AddVertexSmart (maxx, maxy, maxz);

 * Ken Clarkson wrote this.  Copyright (c) 1996 by AT&T..
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
 * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
 * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
 * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
 * documentation for such software.

int ccw (csVector2 *P[], int i, int j, int k)
  double a = P[i]->x - P[j]->x,
	 b = P[i]->y - P[j]->y,
	 c = P[k]->x - P[j]->x,
	 d = P[k]->y - P[j]->y;
  return a*d - b*c <= 0;	   /* true if points i, j, k counterclockwise */

int cmpl (const void *a, const void *b)
  float v;
  csVector2 **av,**bv;
  av = (csVector2 **)a;
  bv = (csVector2 **)b;

  v = (*av)->x - (*bv)->x;

  if (v>0) return 1;
  if (v<0) return -1;

  v = (*bv)->y - (*av)->y;

  if (v>0) return 1;
  if (v<0) return -1;

  return 0;

int cmph (const void *a, const void *b) { return cmpl (b, a); }

int make_chain (csVector2 *V[], int n, int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*)) 
  int i, j, s = 1;
  csVector2 *t;

  qsort (V, n, sizeof (csVector2*), cmp);
  for (i=2 ; i<n ; i++) 
    for (j=s ; j>=1 && ccw(V, i, j, j-1) ; j--) ;
    s = j+1;
    t = V[s]; V[s] = V[i]; V[i] = t;
  return s;

int ch2d (csVector2 *P[], int n)
  int u = make_chain (P, n, cmpl);		/* make lower hull */
  if (!n) return 0;
  P[n] = P[0];
  return u+make_chain (P+u, n-u+1, cmph);	/* make upper hull */

 * Someone from Microsoft wrote this, but copyrights are absent. So I assume that it's also in public
 * domain ;). However, it's not a very critical function, I just was very lazy and didn't want to write
 * my own Convex-Hull finder ;). -DDK

void Find2DConvexHull (int nverts, csVector2 *pntptr, int *cNumOutIdxs, int **OutHullIdxs)
  csVector2 **PntPtrs;
  int i;

  *cNumOutIdxs=0;               //max space needed is n+1 indices
  *OutHullIdxs = (int *)malloc((nverts+1)*(sizeof(int)+sizeof(csVector2 *)));

  PntPtrs = (csVector2**) &(*OutHullIdxs)[nverts+1];

  // alg requires array of ptrs to verts (for qsort) instead of array of verts, so do the conversion
  for (i=0 ; i<nverts ; i++)
    PntPtrs[i] = &pntptr[i];

  *cNumOutIdxs=ch2d (PntPtrs, nverts);

  // convert back to array of idxs
  for (i=0 ; i<*cNumOutIdxs ; i++)
    (*OutHullIdxs)[i]= (int) (PntPtrs[i]-&pntptr[0]);

  // caller will free returned array


int find_chull (int nverts, csVector2 *vertices, csVector2 *&chull)
  int num;
  int *order;

  Find2DConvexHull (nverts, vertices, &num, &order);

  CHK(chull = new csVector2[num]);
  for (int i=0 ; i<num ; i++)

  free (order);

  return num;

#define EPS	0.00001

csVector2* csPolygonSet::IntersectCameraZPlane (float z,csVector2* /*clipper*/,
  int /*num_clip*/, int &num_vertices)
  int i, j, n, num_pts=0;

  struct point_list
    csVector2 data;
    point_list *next;
  } list,*head=&list,*prev;

  for (i=0 ; i<num_polygon ; i++)
    csPolygon3D *p=(csPolygon3D*)polygons[i];
    int nv = p->GetVertices ().GetNumVertices ();
    int *v_i = p->GetVertices ().GetVertexIndices ();

    for (j=0,n=1 ; j<nv ; j++,n=(n+1)%nv)
      csVector3 _1=Vcam(v_i[j]);
      csVector3 _2=Vcam(v_i[n]);

      if (_1.z > _2.z) { csVector3 _=_1; _1=_2; _2=_; }
      if (_2.z-_1.z < EPS) continue;

      float _1z=_1.z-z;
      float _2z=_2.z-z;

      if (_1z<=0.0 && _2z>=0.0)
	float t=_1z/(_1z-_2z);
	float x_=_1.x+t*(_2.x-_1.x);
	float y_=_1.y+t*(_2.y-_1.y);



	CHK (head->next=new point_list);

  csVector2 *final_data,*data;
  CHK (data=new csVector2[num_pts]);
  for (head=&list,i=0 ; i<num_pts ; i++)

    if (prev!=&list) { CHK (delete prev); }

  if (i) { CHK (delete[] head); }

  num_vertices = find_chull (num_pts, data, final_data);
  if (num_pts) { CHK (delete data); }

  return final_data;

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