Temporary created with default constructor in return bogus error

Drew Eckhardt drew@plutotech.com
Sat Mar 27 18:50:00 GMT 1999

Temporaries created using the default constructor within a return
statement in an inline member function cause the compiler to puke
although foo tmp = foo() works fine.

Script started on Sat Mar 27 19:43:19 1999
drew@pluto (drew_baseline)% g++  -c default_constructor_temporary.cc
default_constructor_temporary.cc: In method `class foo::iterator foo::end()':
default_constructor_temporary.cc:5: parse error before `;'
drew@pluto (drew_baseline)% g++ -v
Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-unknown-freebsd3.1/egcs-2.91.60/specs
gcc version egcs-2.91.60 19981201 (egcs-1.1.1 release)
drew@pluto (drew_baseline)% cat default_constructor_temporary.cc
class foo {
    class iterator {
    iterator end () { return (iterator()); }
drew@pluto (drew_baseline)% exit

Script done on Sat Mar 27 19:43:50 1999

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