yet another user bug...

William Morrow
Fri Jun 18 10:44:00 GMT 1999


My name is Bill Morrow.   Please test the example below and
see if it is a problem for you in your product.  I have encountered
this problem in the redhat delivery 6.0, egcs-1.1.2 release.
I may be reached by email as:
Additionally, my phone number is: 714-444-4182

Below is an example of the problem uncovered. It relatings to
the expansion of template functions which contain __asm__
__volatile__ blocks.  This occurs when standard macros are
applied in the user source.  The example can be modified
by commenting out the "template ..." line with // and adding
#define type int
This converts the code to an instance of the template.  The
code now compiles without errors.  It also can be squashed
by defining __volatile__ as an empty string, although I cannot
say if that is a good idea.

Please reply to acknowledge receiving is message, and if possible
add any known work-around.  Perhaps this is just a bug in the user.

-------------------- cut here --------------------
#include <iostream.h>

typedef void *Pointer;
typedef unsigned long xdr_t;
typedef unsigned short int xdr_t_short;

  The code that follow is the expansion of:

  template <class type>
  inline void GET_VAL(Pointer buffer, type& value)
      value = (type) ntohl( *(xdr_t*)buffer );

template <class type>
inline void GET_VAL(Pointer buffer, type& value)
   value = (type) (__extension__
     ({ register unsigned int __v;
        if (__builtin_constant_p ( *(xdr_t*)buffer ))
           __v = (((( *(xdr_t*)buffer ) & 0xff000000) >> 24) |
                  ((( *(xdr_t*)buffer ) & 0x00ff0000) >>  8) |
                  ((( *(xdr_t*)buffer ) & 0x0000ff00) <<  8) |
                  ((( *(xdr_t*)buffer ) & 0x000000ff) << 24)) ;
           __asm__ __volatile__ ( bswap %0"   : "=r" (__v)    :
            "0" ((unsigned int) ( *(xdr_t*)buffer )));
     __v; }))  ;

int main(int ac, char **av)
   char bfr[128];
   int val;
   cout << val << "\n";
   return 0;

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