ICE w/ current CVS, PIC and dwarf2, ix86

Zack Weinberg
Wed Jun 16 10:11:00 GMT 1999

The appended piece of code gets an ICE when compiled with -O -fPIC
-gdwarf-2.  -gstabs works fine, as does non-pic.

Reading specs from .../gcc-lib/i586-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-2.96/specs
gcc version gcc-2.96 19990614 (experimental)
 .../gcc-lib/i586-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-2.96/cc1 malloc.i -quiet -gdwarf-2 -O2 
 -version -fPIC -o malloc.s
GNU C version gcc-2.96 19990614 (experimental) (i586-pc-linux-gnu)
 compiled by GNU C version gcc-2.96 19990614 (experimental).
malloc.i: In function `main_trim':
malloc.i:66: Internal compiler error, output_operand_lossage
 `invalid expression as operand'

This is breaking libc compiles.


typedef long int ptrdiff_t;
typedef unsigned int size_t;
typedef int mutex_t;
struct malloc_chunk
    size_t prev_size;
    size_t size;
    struct malloc_chunk *fd;
    struct malloc_chunk *bk;

typedef struct malloc_chunk *mchunkptr;
typedef struct malloc_chunk *mbinptr;
typedef struct _arena
    mbinptr av[2 * 128 + 2];
    struct _arena *next;
    size_t size;
    mutex_t mutex;

static arena main_arena;
static size_t __libc_pagesize;
extern void *(*__morecore) (ptrdiff_t __size);
extern void (*__after_morecore_hook) (void);
static char *sbrk_base = (char *) (-1);

__attribute__ ((regparm (3), stdcall))
main_trim (size_t pad)
  mchunkptr top_chunk;
  long top_size;
  long extra;
  char *current_brk;
  char *new_brk;
  unsigned long pagesz = __libc_pagesize;
  top_chunk = (((mbinptr) ((char *) &(((&main_arena)->av)[2 * (0) + 2]) - 2
			   * (sizeof (size_t))))->fd);
  top_size = ((top_chunk)->size & ~((0x1 | 0x2)));
  extra = ((top_size - pad - (sizeof (struct malloc_chunk)) + (pagesz - 1))
	   / pagesz - 1) * pagesz;
  if (extra < (long) pagesz)
    return 0;
  current_brk = (char *) ((*__morecore) (0));
  if (current_brk != (char *) (top_chunk) + top_size)
    return 0;
  new_brk = (char *) ((*__morecore) (-extra));
  if (__after_morecore_hook)
    (*__after_morecore_hook) ();
  if (new_brk == (char *) (0))
      current_brk = (char *) ((*__morecore) (0));
      top_size = current_brk - (char *) top_chunk;
      if (top_size >= (long) (sizeof (struct malloc_chunk)))
	  (main_arena.size) = current_brk - sbrk_base;
	  ((top_chunk)->size = (top_size | 0x1));
      return 0;
  (main_arena.size) -= extra;
  ((top_chunk)->size = ((top_size - extra) | 0x1));
  return 1;

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