bug in gcse, gcc-2.95 generates wrong code

Bruno Haible haible@ilog.fr
Tue Jul 6 13:32:00 GMT 1999


This looks like a serious bug in GCSE: it moves around a memory access
to a different basic block, to a point where it causes a segmentation fault.

The gcc in use is gcc-2.95 19990623 (prerelease), configured for

Appended are the source file, bug.c, and the compilation result:

$ gcc -O2 -S bug.c -o bug.s.buggy
bug.c:112: warning: volatile register variables don't work as you might wish
bug.c:167: warning: call-clobbered register used for global register variable
$ gcc -O2 -fno-gcse -S bug.c -o bug.s.ok 
bug.c:112: warning: volatile register variables don't work as you might wish
bug.c:167: warning: call-clobbered register used for global register variable
$ gcc -v
Reading specs from /nfs/telecom/users/haible/gnu/arch/solaris/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/gcc-2.95/specs
gcc version gcc-2.95 19990623 (prerelease)

The problem occurs in a conditional expression, right after the call to

        if (!((((oint)value1 & 3) == 2)
              || ((((oint)value1 & 3) == 1)
                  && (((sintB)((((Record)((oint)value1 - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) == Rectype_Closure))
              || ((((oint)value1 & 3) == 1)
                  && (((sintB)((((Record)((oint)value1 - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) == Rectype_Ffunction))))

The code generated is as follows (value1 is %g7):

	and	%g7, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 2
	be	.LL23
	cmp	%o0, 1
	ldub	[%g7+6], %o1      ;; load the ->tfl byte from memory, too early
	bne	.LL24
	mov	%o0, %o2
	ldsb	[%g7+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, -3
	be,a	.LL83
	mov	1, %g6
	cmp	%o2, 1
	bne	.LL84
	add	%l2, 420, %o0
	cmp	%o1, 32           ;; use it here
	be,a	.LL83
	mov	1, %g6
	call	fehler_undef_function, 0
	mov	%l0, %o1
	mov	1, %g6

The problem with the generated code is that the load instruction occurs in
the branch where %o0 = ((oint)value1 & 3) is != 2. But the C code requests
the memory access only if %o0 = ((oint)value1 & 3) is 1. If it is 0 or 3,
the conditional expression ought to return FALSE without memory access.
The extra memory access inserted by gcc's gcse causes the function to dump


=============================== bug.c ======================================
typedef char SBYTE;
typedef unsigned char UBYTE;
typedef short SWORD;
typedef unsigned short UWORD;
typedef long SLONG;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef unsigned int boolean;
typedef UBYTE uint8;
typedef SBYTE sint8;
typedef UWORD uint16;
typedef SWORD sint16;
typedef ULONG uint32;
typedef SLONG sint32;
typedef sint8 sintB;
typedef uint8 uintB;
typedef sint16 sintW;
typedef uint16 uintW;
typedef sint32 sintL;
typedef uint32 uintL;
typedef sint32 sintP;
typedef uint32 uintP;
typedef sint32 sintWL;
typedef uint32 uintWL;
typedef void * object;
typedef uintL oint;
typedef sintL soint;
typedef uint8 tint;
typedef uint32 aint;
typedef struct { object GCself; uintL tfl;
                 object recdata[0 ];
typedef record_ * Record;
enum {
           enum_rectype_first = -4,
         Rectype_Hashtable = rectype_limit,
typedef struct { object cdr;
                 object car;
typedef cons_ * Cons;
typedef struct { object GCself; uintL tfl;
                 object symvalue;
                 object symfunction;
                 object proplist;
                 object pname;
                 object homepackage;
typedef struct { object GCself; uintL tfl;
                 object data;
                 uintL totalsize;
                 uintL dims[0 ];
typedef iarray_ * Iarray;
typedef void Values;
typedef Values (*lisp_function)();
  typedef struct { lisp_function function;
                   object name;
                   object keywords;
                   uintW argtype;
                   uintW req_anz;
                   uintW opt_anz;
                   uintB rest_flag;
                   uintB key_flag;
                   uintW key_anz;
typedef subr_ * Subr;
register __volatile__ aint __SP __asm__("%sp" );
register object* STACK __asm__("%g5" );
extern const char * clgettext (const char * msgid);
extern object allocate_cons (void);
typedef Values subr_norest_function (void);
extern subr_norest_function C_coerce;
extern struct subr_tab_ {
subr_ D_coerce;
subr_ D_copy_seq;
subr_ D_realpart;
subr_ D_imagpart;
subr_ D_complex;
extern struct symbol_tab_ {
symbol_ S_nil;
symbol_ S_t;
symbol_ S_deftype_expander;
symbol_ S_base_char;
symbol_ S_string_char;
symbol_ S_character;
symbol_ S_typep;
symbol_ S_float;
symbol_ S_short_float;
symbol_ S_single_float;
symbol_ S_double_float;
symbol_ S_long_float;
symbol_ S_complex;
symbol_ S_number;
symbol_ S_function;
symbol_ S_lambda;
symbol_ S_Klambda;
symbol_ S_coerce;
symbol_ S_array;
symbol_ S_simple_array;
symbol_ S_vector;
symbol_ S_simple_vector;
symbol_ S_bit_vector;
symbol_ S_simple_bit_vector;
symbol_ S_string;
symbol_ S_simple_string;
symbol_ S_base_string;
symbol_ S_simple_base_string;
symbol_ S_and;
symbol_ S_mal;
extern struct object_tab_ {
  object type_designator_character;
  object type_designator_function;
  object top_decl_env;
register uintWL mv_count __asm__("%g6" );
register object value1 __asm__("%g7" );
register object subr_self __asm__("%g4" );
typedef struct { object var_env;
                 object fun_env;
                 object block_env;
                 object go_env;
                 object decl_env;
extern Values funcall (object fun, uintWL argcount);
extern boolean funnamep (object obj);
extern object sym_function (object sym, object fenv);
extern object get_closure (object lambdabody, object name, boolean blockp, environment* env);
extern object coerce_function (object obj);
extern void fehler_undef_function (object caller, object symbol) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
extern object array_element_type (object array);
extern object coerce_ss (object obj);
extern object coerce_imm_ss (object obj);
extern object coerce_normal_ss (object obj);
extern object coerce_char (object obj);
typedef enum
extern void fehler (conditiontype errortype, const char * errorstring) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
extern Values coerce_sequence (object sequence, object result_type);
extern object get (object symbol, object key);
extern object coerce_float (object obj, object type);
  Values C_coerce (void)
    (STACK[0] = (STACK[-2]), STACK -= -1);
    (STACK[0] = STACK[-2], STACK -= -1);
    if (!((value1 == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))))))
        value1 = STACK[-2];
        (STACK -= 2);
    if ((!(((oint)STACK[-1] & 7) == 3)))
        if (!((((oint)STACK[-1] & 3) == 1) && (((sintB)((((Record)((oint)STACK[-1] - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) == Rectype_Symbol)))
          goto fehler_type;
          object result_type = STACK[-1];
            object expander = get(result_type,((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_deftype_expander)+1)));
            if (!((expander) == (((object)(((oint)(tint)(((7 << 3) + 7)) << 0) + ((oint)(aint)((1L<<(24 -1)) | (1L<<(0)) | (((2L<<((24)-1)) -1) & (0xFFFFFFUL))) << 7))))))
                (STACK[0] = (expander), STACK -= -1);
                  object new_cons = allocate_cons();
                  expander = (STACK -= 1, STACK[0]);
                  (((Cons)((oint)(new_cons) - 3)) ->car) = STACK[-1];
                  (STACK[0] = (new_cons), STACK -= -1);
                  STACK[-1] = value1;
                  goto anfang;
          if (((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_t)+1)))))
            goto return_object;
          if (((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_character)+1)))) || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_string_char)+1))))
              || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_base_char)+1))))
              object as_char = coerce_char(STACK[-2]);
              if ((((as_char) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))))))
                  (STACK[0] = (STACK[-2]), STACK -= -1);
                  (STACK[0] = ((object_tab. type_designator_character)), STACK -= -1);
                  goto fehler_object;
              value1 = as_char;
              (STACK -= 2);
          if (((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_float)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_short_float)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_single_float)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_double_float)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_long_float)+1))))
              subr_self = (object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_coerce)+2);
              value1 = coerce_float(STACK[-2],result_type);
              (STACK -= 2);
          if (((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_complex)+1)))))
              if (!((((oint)(STACK[-2])  & ((4 << 3) | 7)) == (((0 << 3) + 7) & ((2 << 3) + 7))) || ((((oint)(STACK[-2]) & 3) == 1) && ((uintB)(((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) -Rectype_Bignum) <= Rectype_Complex-Rectype_Bignum))))
                  (STACK[0] = (STACK[-2]), STACK -= -1);
                  (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_number)+1))), STACK -= -1);
                  goto fehler_object;
              goto return_object;
          if (((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_function)+1)))))
              object fun = STACK[-2];
              if (funnamep(fun))
                  value1 = sym_function(fun,((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1)));
                  if (!((((oint)value1 & 3) == 2)
                        || ((((oint)value1  & 3) == 1)  && (((sintB)((((Record)((oint)value1 - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) == Rectype_Closure))
                        || ((((oint)value1 & 3) == 1) && (((sintB)((((Record)((oint)value1 - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) == Rectype_Ffunction))))
                  (STACK -= 2);
              if (!((((oint)fun & 7) == 3) && (((((Cons)((oint)fun - 3)) ->car)) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_lambda)+1))))))
                  (STACK[0] = fun, STACK -= -1);
                  (STACK[0] = ((object_tab. type_designator_function)), STACK -= -1);
                  goto fehler_object;
                environment* env;
                  (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))), STACK -= -1);
                  (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))), STACK -= -1);
                  (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))), STACK -= -1);
                  (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))), STACK -= -1);
                  (STACK[0] = ((object_tab. top_decl_env)), STACK -= -1); env = & (((environment *)STACK)[-1]);
                value1 = get_closure((((Cons)((oint)fun - 3)) ->cdr),((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_Klambda)+1)),0,env); mv_count=1;
                (STACK -= 7);
          if (((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_array)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_array)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_vector)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_vector)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_string)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_string)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_base_string)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_base_string)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_bit_vector)+1))))
                 || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_bit_vector)+1))))
              if (((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_array)+1)))) || ((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_vector)+1)))))
                  if (((((oint)(STACK[-2]) & 3) == 1) && ((uintB)(((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) - 6) <= 9-6)))
                    goto return_object;
                    if  (((((oint)(STACK[-2])  & 3) == 1)  && ((((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1))  )->tfl & 0xFF))    == Rectype_Sbvector) || ((((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) == Rectype_bvector) && (((((((Iarray)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1)))->tfl >> 8) & 0xFF) & 0x07) == 0)))))
                      goto return_object;
                if (((result_type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_array)+1)))))
                    if (((((oint)(STACK[-2]) & 3) == 1) && ((uintB)(((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) - 6) <= 9-6)))
                        result_type = ((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_string)+1));
                      if  (((((oint)(STACK[-2])  & 3) == 1)  && ((((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1))  )->tfl & 0xFF))    == Rectype_Sbvector) || ((((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) == Rectype_bvector) && (((((((Iarray)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1)))->tfl >> 8) & 0xFF) & 0x07) == 0)))))
                          result_type = ((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_bit_vector)+1));
              (STACK[0] = (result_type), STACK -= -1);
                object new_seq = (coerce_sequence(STACK[-3],result_type),value1);
                (STACK[0] = (new_seq), STACK -= -1);
                (STACK[0] = STACK[-2], STACK -= -1);
                STACK[-3] = new_seq;
                if (!((value1 == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))))))
                    value1 = STACK[-1];
                    (STACK -= 3);
                    funcall((object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_copy_seq)+2),1);
                    (STACK -= 2);
          (STACK -= 2);
        object result_type = STACK[-1];
        object type = (((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->car);
        if (!((((oint)(type) & 3) == 1) && (((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(type) - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) == Rectype_Symbol)))
          goto fehler_type;
        if (((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_and)+1)))))
            if ((!(((oint)((((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->cdr)) & 7) == 3)))
              goto return_object;
            (STACK[0] = (STACK[-2]), STACK -= -1);
            (STACK[0] = ((((Cons)((oint)((((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->cdr)) - 3)) ->car)), STACK -= -1);
            funcall((object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_coerce)+2),2);
            (STACK[0] = value1, STACK -= -1);
            (STACK[0] = value1, STACK -= -1);
            (STACK[0] = STACK[-3], STACK -= -1);
            if (((value1 == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))))))
                (STACK[0] = STACK[-2], STACK -= -1);
                goto fehler_object;
                value1 = STACK[-1];
                (STACK -= 3);
          object expander = get(type,((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_deftype_expander)+1)));
          if (!((expander) == (((object)(((oint)(tint)(((7 << 3) + 7)) << 0) + ((oint)(aint)((1L<<(24 -1)) | (1L<<(0)) | (((2L<<((24)-1)) -1) & (0xFFFFFFUL))) << 7))))))
              (STACK[0] = (result_type), STACK -= -1);
              STACK[-1] = value1;
              goto anfang;
        if (((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_float)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_short_float)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_single_float)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_double_float)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_long_float)+1))))
            subr_self = (object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_coerce)+2);
            value1 = coerce_float(STACK[-2],result_type);
            goto check_return;
        if (((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_complex)+1)))))
            if (!((((oint)(STACK[-2])  & ((4 << 3) | 7)) == (((0 << 3) + 7) & ((2 << 3) + 7))) || ((((oint)(STACK[-2]) & 3) == 1) && ((uintB)(((sintB)((((Record)((oint)(STACK[-2]) - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) -Rectype_Bignum) <= Rectype_Complex-Rectype_Bignum))))
                (STACK[0] = (STACK[-2]), STACK -= -1);
                (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_number)+1))), STACK -= -1);
                goto fehler_object;
            if (!(((oint)((((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->cdr)) & 7) == 3))
              goto fehler_type;
            result_type = (((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->cdr);
              object rtype = (((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->car);
              object itype = ((((oint)((((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->cdr)) & 7) == 3) ? (((Cons)((oint)((((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->cdr)) - 3)) ->car) : rtype);
              (STACK[0] = (rtype), STACK -= -1);
              (STACK[0] = (itype), STACK -= -1);
              (STACK[0] = STACK[-4], STACK -= -1);
              funcall((object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_realpart)+2),1);
              (STACK[0] = value1, STACK -= -1);
              (STACK[0] = STACK[-3], STACK -= -1);
              funcall((object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_coerce)+2),2);
              STACK[-2] = value1;
              (STACK[0] = STACK[-4], STACK -= -1);
              funcall((object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_imagpart)+2),1);
              (STACK[0] = value1, STACK -= -1);
              (STACK[0] = STACK[-2], STACK -= -1);
              funcall((object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_coerce)+2),2);
              STACK[-1] = value1;
              funcall((object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_complex)+2),2);
              (STACK -= 2);
        if (((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_array)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_array)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_vector)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_vector)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_string)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_string)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_base_string)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_base_string)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_bit_vector)+1))))
               || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_bit_vector)+1))))
            if (((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_array   )+1))   )) || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_simple_array)+1)))) || ((type) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_vector)+1)))))
                object type2 = (((Cons)((oint)(result_type) - 3)) ->cdr);
                if ((((type2) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))))))
                  goto adjust_eltype;
                if (!(((oint)(type2) & 7) == 3))
                  goto fehler_type;
                if ((((((Cons)((oint)(type2) - 3)) ->car)) == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_mal)+1)))))
                    type2 = (((Cons)((oint)(type2) - 3)) ->cdr);
                    (STACK[0] = (type), STACK -= -1);
                    (STACK[0] = (type2), STACK -= -1);
                    if (((((oint)STACK[-4] & 3) == 1) && ((uintB)(((sintB)((((Record)((oint)STACK[-4] - 1)))->tfl & 0xFF)) -1) <= 10-1)))
                        (STACK[0] = array_element_type(STACK[-4]), STACK -= -1);
                        (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_t)+1))), STACK -= -1);
                      object new_cons = allocate_cons();
                      (((Cons)((oint)(new_cons) - 3)) ->car) = (STACK -= 1, STACK[0]);
                      (((Cons)((oint)(new_cons) - 3)) ->cdr) = (STACK -= 1, STACK[0]);
                      (STACK[0] = (new_cons), STACK -= -1);
                      object new_cons = allocate_cons();
                      (((Cons)((oint)(new_cons) - 3)) ->cdr) = (STACK -= 1, STACK[0]);
                      (((Cons)((oint)(new_cons) - 3)) ->car) = type = (STACK -= 1, STACK[0]);
                      result_type = new_cons;
            (STACK[0] = (type), STACK -= -1);
              object new_seq = (coerce_sequence(STACK[-3],result_type),value1);
              (STACK[0] = (new_seq), STACK -= -1);
              (STACK[0] = STACK[-2], STACK -= -1);
              STACK[-3] = new_seq;
              if (!((value1 == (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_nil)+1))))))
                  value1 = (STACK -= 1, STACK[0]);
                  funcall((object)((oint)(& subr_tab_data .D_copy_seq)+2),1);
              goto check_return;
    (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_coerce)+1))), STACK -= -1);
    fehler(error,clgettext ("~: bad type specification ~"));
    (STACK[0] = STACK[-3], STACK -= -1);
    (STACK[0] = STACK[-5], STACK -= -1);
    (STACK[0] = (((object)((UBYTE*)(&symbol_tab_data.S_coerce)+1))), STACK -= -1);
    fehler(type_error,clgettext ("~: ~ cannot be coerced to type ~"));
=============================== bug.s.buggy ================================
	.file	"bug.c"
.section	".rodata"
	.align 8
	.asciz	"~: bad type specification ~"
	.align 8
	.asciz	"~: ~ cannot be coerced to type ~"
.section	".text"
	.align 4
	.global C_coerce
	.type	 C_coerce,#function
	.proc	020
	save	%sp, -112, %sp
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	mov	%l0, %l4
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	or	%l0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	mov	%l0, %o0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	add	%l0, -168, %l0
	cmp	%g7, %l0
	be,a	.LL80
	ld	[%g5-4], %o0
	b	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	ld	[%g5-4], %o0
	and	%o0, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	be	.LL6
	ld	[%g5-4], %l1
	and	%l1, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	ldsb	[%l1+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, 17
	bne,a	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+57), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+57), %l2
	mov	%l2, %o1
	call	get, 0
	mov	%l1, %o0
	sethi	%hi(2147482624), %o1
	mov	%o0, %o3
	or	%o1, 959, %o1
	cmp	%o3, %o1
	be	.LL10
	mov	%l1, %l0
	st	%o3, [%g5]
	call	allocate_cons, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	ld	[%g5], %o3
	mov	%o0, %o2
	ld	[%g5-4], %o1
	mov	%o3, %o0
	st	%o1, [%o2+1]
	b	.LL73
	st	%o2, [%g5]
	add	%l2, -28, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL4
	add	%l2, 84, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL13
	add	%l2, 56, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL13
	add	%l2, 28, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	bne	.LL12
	add	%l2, 140, %o0
	call	coerce_char, 0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	mov	%o0, %o1
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+1), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+1), %o0
	cmp	%o1, %o0
	bne,a	.LL23
	mov	%o1, %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	sethi	%hi(object_tab), %o1
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	ld	[%o1+%lo(object_tab)], %o2
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o2, [%g5]
	b	.LL15
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL17
	add	%l2, 168, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL17
	add	%l2, 196, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL17
	add	%l2, 224, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL17
	add	%l2, 252, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	bne	.LL16
	add	%l2, 280, %o0
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+2), %o1
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	or	%o1, %lo(subr_tab_data+2), %g4
	call	coerce_float, 0
	mov	%l1, %o1
	b	.LL23
	mov	%o0, %g7
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	bne	.LL18
	add	%l2, 336, %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 39, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 7
	be	.LL4
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	and	%o1, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL82
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -11, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 5
	bleu,a	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	b	.LL74
	add	%l2, 308, %o1
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	bne	.LL21
	add	%l2, 448, %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %l0
	call	funnamep, 0
	mov	%l0, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 0
	be	.LL22
	mov	%l0, %o0
	call	sym_function, 0
	add	%l2, -56, %o1
	mov	%o0, %g7
	and	%g7, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 2
	be	.LL23
	cmp	%o0, 1
	ldub	[%g7+6], %o1
	bne	.LL24
	mov	%o0, %o2
	ldsb	[%g7+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, -3
	be,a	.LL83
	mov	1, %g6
	cmp	%o2, 1
	bne	.LL84
	add	%l2, 420, %o0
	cmp	%o1, 32
	be,a	.LL83
	mov	1, %g6
	call	fehler_undef_function, 0
	mov	%l0, %o1
	mov	1, %g6
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -8, %g5
	and	%l0, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne,a	.LL85
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%l0+1], %o1
	add	%l2, 364, %o0
	cmp	%o1, %o0
	be,a	.LL26
	add	%l2, -56, %o0
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(object_tab+4), %o0
	b	.LL75
	ld	[%o0+%lo(object_tab+4)], %o1
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(object_tab+8), %o1
	ld	[%o1+%lo(object_tab+8)], %o0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%l0-3], %o0
	add	%g5, -20, %o3
	add	%l2, 392, %o1
	call	get_closure, 0
	mov	0, %o2
	mov	%o0, %g7
	mov	1, %g6
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -28, %g5
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 476, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 504, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 532, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 616, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 644, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 672, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 700, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 560, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l2, 588, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	bne,a	.LL28
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+505), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+505), %o2
	cmp	%l1, %o2
	be	.LL31
	add	%o2, 56, %o0
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	bne	.LL30
	add	%o2, 28, %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL32
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -6, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bleu,a	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	and	%o1, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL86
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ldsb	[%o1+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	be	.LL4
	cmp	%o0, 2
	bne,a	.LL86
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%o1+3], %o0
	andcc	%o0, 1792, %g0
	bne,a	.LL86
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	b	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	cmp	%l1, %o0
	bne,a	.LL86
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL38
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -6, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bgu	.LL87
	and	%o1, 3, %o0
	b	.LL36
	add	%o2, 196, %l0
	and	%o1, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL86
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ldsb	[%o1+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	be	.LL41
	cmp	%o0, 2
	bne,a	.LL86
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%o1+3], %o0
	andcc	%o0, 1792, %g0
	bne,a	.LL86
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+645), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+645), %l0
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-12], %o0
	call	coerce_sequence, 0
	mov	%l0, %o1
	mov	%g7, %o1
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	or	%l4, %lo(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o1, [%g5-12]
	mov	%l0, %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	add	%l0, -168, %l0
	cmp	%g7, %l0
	bne,a	.LL88
	ld	[%g5-4], %g7
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+26), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(subr_tab_data+26), %o0
	b	.LL76
	mov	1, %o1
	call	coerce_sequence, 0
	mov	%l1, %o1
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -8, %g5
	mov	%l1, %l3
	ld	[%l3+1], %l0
	and	%l0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	ldsb	[%l0+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, 17
	bne	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+785), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+785), %l2
	cmp	%l0, %l2
	bne	.LL47
	add	%l2, -728, %o1
	ld	[%l3-3], %o0
	and	%o0, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne,a	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+2), %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	ld	[%l3-3], %o2
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%o2+1], %o1
	or	%o0, %lo(subr_tab_data+2), %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-12], %o0
	or	%l4, %lo(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	mov	%l0, %o0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	add	%l0, -168, %l0
	cmp	%g7, %l0
	bne,a	.LL50
	ld	[%g5-4], %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	b	.LL15
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	1, %g6
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -12, %g5
	call	get, 0
	mov	%l0, %o0
	mov	%o0, %o1
	sethi	%hi(2147482624), %o0
	or	%o0, 959, %o0
	cmp	%o1, %o0
	be	.LL52
	mov	%o1, %o0
	st	%l3, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	1, %o1
	b	.LL5
	st	%g7, [%g5-4]
	add	%l2, -588, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL54
	add	%l2, -560, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL54
	add	%l2, -532, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL54
	add	%l2, -504, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL54
	add	%l2, -476, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL53
	add	%l2, -448, %o0
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+2), %o1
	or	%o1, %lo(subr_tab_data+2), %g4
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	call	coerce_float, 0
	mov	%l1, %o1
	b	.LL49
	mov	%o0, %g7
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL55
	add	%l2, -280, %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 39, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 7
	be	.LL56
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	and	%o1, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL89
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -11, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 5
	bleu,a	.LL90
	ld	[%l1-3], %o1
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	add	%l2, -420, %o1
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	b	.LL15
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%l1-3], %o1
	and	%o1, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne,a	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	mov	%o1, %l3
	ld	[%l3-3], %o2
	ld	[%l3+1], %o1
	and	%o2, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne	.LL59
	mov	%o1, %o0
	ld	[%o2+1], %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-16], %o0
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+50), %l0
	or	%l0, %lo(subr_tab_data+50), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	%l0, %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	1, %o1
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-12], %o0
	add	%l0, -48, %l1
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	%l1, %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	ld	[%g5-16], %o0
	st	%g7, [%g5-8]
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	1, %o1
	call	funcall, 0
	add	%l0, 24, %o0
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	mov	%l1, %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	st	%g7, [%g5-4]
	add	%l0, 48, %o0
	mov	2, %o1
	call	funcall, 0
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -8, %g5
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -252, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -224, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -196, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -112, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -84, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -56, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -28, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -168, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l2, -140, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+505), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+505), %o1
	cmp	%l0, %o1
	be	.LL64
	add	%o1, 28, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL64
	add	%o1, 56, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne,a	.LL91
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%l1-3], %o2
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+1), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+1), %o3
	cmp	%o2, %o3
	be	.LL66
	and	%o2, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne	.LL9
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	ld	[%o2+1], %o1
	add	%o3, 812, %o0
	cmp	%o1, %o0
	bne,a	.LL91
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%o2-3], %o2
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o2, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-16], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL92
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+29), %o0
	ld	[%g5-16], %o1
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -1, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 9
	bgu	.LL69
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+29), %o0
	call	array_element_type, 0
	mov	%o1, %o0
	b	.LL78
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+29), %o0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	call	allocate_cons, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	ld	[%g5], %o1
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	st	%o1, [%o0+1]
	ld	[%g5], %o1
	st	%o1, [%o0-3]
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	call	allocate_cons, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	ld	[%g5], %o1
	mov	%o0, %l3
	st	%o1, [%o0-3]
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	ld	[%g5], %l0
	st	%l0, [%o0+1]
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-12], %o0
	call	coerce_sequence, 0
	mov	%l3, %o1
	mov	%g7, %o1
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	or	%l4, %lo(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o1, [%g5-12]
	mov	%l0, %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	add	%l0, -168, %l0
	cmp	%g7, %l0
	be	.LL71
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+26), %o0
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	b	.LL49
	ld	[%g5], %g7
	or	%o0, %lo(subr_tab_data+26), %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	1, %o1
	b	.LL79
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(.LLC0), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(.LLC0), %o0
	call	clgettext, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	%o0, %o1
	call	fehler, 0
	mov	2, %o0
	ld	[%g5-12], %o1
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-20], %o1
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(.LLC1), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(.LLC1), %o0
	call	clgettext, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	%o0, %o1
	call	fehler, 0
	mov	14, %o0
	.size	 C_coerce,.LLfe1-C_coerce
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) gcc-2.95 19990623 (prerelease)"
=============================== bug.s.ok ===================================
	.file	"bug.c"
.section	".rodata"
	.align 8
	.asciz	"~: bad type specification ~"
	.align 8
	.asciz	"~: ~ cannot be coerced to type ~"
.section	".text"
	.align 4
	.global C_coerce
	.type	 C_coerce,#function
	.proc	020
	save	%sp, -112, %sp
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	or	%l0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	mov	%l0, %o0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	add	%l0, -168, %l0
	cmp	%g7, %l0
	be,a	.LL80
	ld	[%g5-4], %o0
	b	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	ld	[%g5-4], %o0
	and	%o0, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	be,a	.LL6
	ld	[%g5-4], %l2
	ld	[%g5-4], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	ld	[%g5-4], %o0
	ldsb	[%o0+6], %o1
	cmp	%o1, 17
	bne,a	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	mov	%o0, %l0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+57), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+57), %l1
	mov	%l1, %o1
	call	get, 0
	mov	%l0, %o0
	sethi	%hi(2147482624), %o1
	mov	%o0, %o3
	or	%o1, 959, %o1
	cmp	%o3, %o1
	be	.LL10
	add	%l1, -28, %o0
	st	%o3, [%g5]
	call	allocate_cons, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	ld	[%g5], %o3
	mov	%o0, %o2
	ld	[%g5-4], %o1
	mov	%o3, %o0
	st	%o1, [%o2+1]
	b	.LL73
	st	%o2, [%g5]
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL4
	add	%l1, 84, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL13
	add	%l1, 56, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL13
	add	%l1, 28, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL12
	add	%l1, 140, %o0
	call	coerce_char, 0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	mov	%o0, %o1
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+1), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+1), %o0
	cmp	%o1, %o0
	bne,a	.LL23
	mov	%o1, %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	sethi	%hi(object_tab), %o1
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	ld	[%o1+%lo(object_tab)], %o2
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o2, [%g5]
	b	.LL15
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL17
	add	%l1, 168, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL17
	add	%l1, 196, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL17
	add	%l1, 224, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL17
	add	%l1, 252, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL16
	add	%l1, 280, %o0
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+2), %o1
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	or	%o1, %lo(subr_tab_data+2), %g4
	call	coerce_float, 0
	mov	%l0, %o1
	b	.LL23
	mov	%o0, %g7
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL18
	add	%l1, 336, %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 39, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 7
	be,a	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL82
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -11, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 5
	bleu,a	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	b	.LL74
	add	%l1, 308, %o1
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL21
	add	%l1, 448, %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %l0
	call	funnamep, 0
	mov	%l0, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 0
	be	.LL22
	mov	%l0, %o0
	call	sym_function, 0
	add	%l1, -56, %o1
	mov	%o0, %g7
	and	%g7, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 2
	be	.LL23
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL84
	add	%l1, 420, %o0
	ldsb	[%g7+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, -3
	be	.LL23
	and	%g7, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL84
	add	%l1, 420, %o0
	ldsb	[%g7+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, 32
	be	.LL23
	add	%l1, 420, %o0
	call	fehler_undef_function, 0
	mov	%l0, %o1
	mov	1, %g6
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -8, %g5
	and	%l0, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne,a	.LL85
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%l0+1], %o1
	add	%l1, 364, %o0
	cmp	%o1, %o0
	be,a	.LL26
	add	%l1, -56, %o0
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(object_tab+4), %o0
	b	.LL75
	ld	[%o0+%lo(object_tab+4)], %o1
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(object_tab+8), %o1
	ld	[%o1+%lo(object_tab+8)], %o0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%l0-3], %o0
	add	%g5, -20, %o3
	add	%l1, 392, %o1
	call	get_closure, 0
	mov	0, %o2
	mov	%o0, %g7
	mov	1, %g6
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -28, %g5
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 476, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 504, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 532, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 616, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 644, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 672, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 700, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 560, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL29
	add	%l1, 588, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne,a	.LL28
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+505), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+505), %o2
	cmp	%l0, %o2
	be	.LL31
	add	%o2, 56, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL30
	add	%o2, 28, %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL86
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -6, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bleu,a	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL87
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	ldsb	[%o0+6], %o1
	cmp	%o1, 3
	be	.LL4
	cmp	%o1, 2
	bne,a	.LL87
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%o0+3], %o1
	andcc	%o1, 1792, %g0
	bne,a	.LL87
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	b	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne,a	.LL87
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL88
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -6, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bgu,a	.LL38
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	b	.LL36
	add	%o2, 196, %l0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL87
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	ldsb	[%o0+6], %o1
	cmp	%o1, 3
	be	.LL41
	cmp	%o1, 2
	bne,a	.LL87
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%o0+3], %o1
	andcc	%o1, 1792, %g0
	bne,a	.LL87
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+645), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+645), %l0
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-12], %o0
	call	coerce_sequence, 0
	mov	%l0, %o1
	mov	%g7, %o1
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	or	%l0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o1, [%g5-12]
	mov	%l0, %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	add	%l0, -168, %l0
	cmp	%g7, %l0
	bne,a	.LL89
	ld	[%g5-4], %g7
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+26), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(subr_tab_data+26), %o0
	b	.LL76
	mov	1, %o1
	call	coerce_sequence, 0
	mov	%l0, %o1
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -8, %g5
	ld	[%l2+1], %l0
	and	%l0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	ldsb	[%l0+6], %o0
	cmp	%o0, 17
	bne	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+785), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+785), %l1
	cmp	%l0, %l1
	bne	.LL47
	add	%l1, -728, %o1
	ld	[%l2-3], %o0
	and	%o0, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne,a	.LL23
	ld	[%g5-8], %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+2), %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	ld	[%l2-3], %o2
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%o2+1], %o1
	or	%o0, %lo(subr_tab_data+2), %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-12], %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	or	%l0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	mov	%l0, %o0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	add	%l0, -168, %l0
	cmp	%g7, %l0
	bne,a	.LL50
	ld	[%g5-4], %g7
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	b	.LL15
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	1, %g6
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -12, %g5
	call	get, 0
	mov	%l0, %o0
	mov	%o0, %o1
	sethi	%hi(2147482624), %o0
	or	%o0, 959, %o0
	cmp	%o1, %o0
	be	.LL52
	mov	%o1, %o0
	st	%l2, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	1, %o1
	b	.LL5
	st	%g7, [%g5-4]
	add	%l1, -588, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL54
	add	%l1, -560, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL54
	add	%l1, -532, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL54
	add	%l1, -504, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL54
	add	%l1, -476, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL53
	add	%l1, -448, %o0
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+2), %o1
	or	%o1, %lo(subr_tab_data+2), %g4
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	call	coerce_float, 0
	mov	%l2, %o1
	b	.LL49
	mov	%o0, %g7
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL55
	add	%l1, -280, %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 39, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 7
	be,a	.LL90
	ld	[%l2-3], %o1
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne,a	.LL91
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -11, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 5
	bleu,a	.LL56
	ld	[%l2-3], %o1
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	add	%l1, -420, %o1
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	b	.LL15
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	and	%o1, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne,a	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	mov	%o1, %l2
	ld	[%l2-3], %o2
	ld	[%l2+1], %o1
	and	%o2, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne	.LL59
	mov	%o1, %o0
	ld	[%o2+1], %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-16], %o0
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+50), %l0
	or	%l0, %lo(subr_tab_data+50), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	%l0, %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	1, %o1
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-12], %o0
	add	%l0, -48, %l1
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	%l1, %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	ld	[%g5-16], %o0
	st	%g7, [%g5-8]
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	1, %o1
	call	funcall, 0
	add	%l0, 24, %o0
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-8], %o1
	mov	%l1, %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	st	%g7, [%g5-4]
	add	%l0, 48, %o0
	mov	2, %o1
	call	funcall, 0
	b	.LL2
	add	%g5, -8, %g5
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -252, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -224, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -196, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -112, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -84, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -56, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -28, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -168, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL62
	add	%l1, -140, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne	.LL81
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+505), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+505), %o1
	cmp	%l0, %o1
	be	.LL64
	add	%o1, 28, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	be	.LL64
	add	%o1, 56, %o0
	cmp	%l0, %o0
	bne,a	.LL92
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%l2-3], %o2
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+1), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+1), %o3
	cmp	%o2, %o3
	be	.LL66
	and	%o2, 7, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 3
	bne	.LL9
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	ld	[%o2+1], %o1
	add	%o3, 812, %o0
	cmp	%o1, %o0
	bne,a	.LL92
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	ld	[%o2-3], %o2
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o2, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-16], %o0
	and	%o0, 3, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 1
	bne	.LL93
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+29), %o0
	ld	[%g5-16], %o1
	ldub	[%o1+6], %o0
	add	%o0, -1, %o0
	and	%o0, 0xff, %o0
	cmp	%o0, 9
	bgu	.LL69
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+29), %o0
	call	array_element_type, 0
	mov	%o1, %o0
	b	.LL78
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+29), %o0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	call	allocate_cons, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	ld	[%g5], %o1
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	st	%o1, [%o0+1]
	ld	[%g5], %o1
	st	%o1, [%o0-3]
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	call	allocate_cons, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	ld	[%g5], %o1
	mov	%o0, %l2
	st	%o1, [%o0-3]
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	ld	[%g5], %l0
	st	%l0, [%o0+1]
	st	%l0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-12], %o0
	call	coerce_sequence, 0
	mov	%l2, %o1
	mov	%g7, %o1
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-8], %o0
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	or	%l0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+169), %l0
	st	%o1, [%g5-12]
	mov	%l0, %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	2, %o1
	add	%l0, -168, %l0
	cmp	%g7, %l0
	be	.LL71
	sethi	%hi(subr_tab_data+26), %o0
	add	%g5, -4, %g5
	b	.LL49
	ld	[%g5], %g7
	or	%o0, %lo(subr_tab_data+26), %o0
	call	funcall, 0
	mov	1, %o1
	b	.LL79
	st	%g7, [%g5]
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(.LLC0), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(.LLC0), %o0
	call	clgettext, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	%o0, %o1
	call	fehler, 0
	mov	2, %o0
	ld	[%g5-12], %o1
	sethi	%hi(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	ld	[%g5-20], %o1
	or	%o0, %lo(symbol_tab_data+477), %o0
	st	%o1, [%g5]
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	st	%o0, [%g5]
	sethi	%hi(.LLC1), %o0
	or	%o0, %lo(.LLC1), %o0
	call	clgettext, 0
	add	%g5, 4, %g5
	mov	%o0, %o1
	call	fehler, 0
	mov	14, %o0
	.size	 C_coerce,.LLfe1-C_coerce
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) gcc-2.95 19990623 (prerelease)"

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