Internal compiler error 2000 - is this the Millenium bug?!?

Dave Maley
Fri Jan 8 02:22:00 GMT 1999

I'm getting some intriguing behaviour from this toy program:

class Dummy1 {};
class Dummy2 {};

template <class T1> class X {
  void m() {;}

class Z : public X<Dummy1> {

class W : public X<Dummy2>, public Z {
  void f() {X<Dummy2>::m();}

int main()
  W z;
  z.Z::template X<Dummy2>::m();

I'm using gcc version egcs-2.92.27 19981206 (gcc2 ss-980609 experimental)
on a P200, Solaris 2.5.

As it stands, I get

test.cpp: In function `int main()':
test.cpp:21: Internal compiler error 2000.

If I change 'Z' to 'W' in line 21, I get

test.cpp:21: no class template named `X' in `class W'

However, neither of these are what I'm concerned with. The commented-out
line is my concern. Uncommented, I get

test.cpp:20: request for member `X' is ambiguous
test.cpp:20: parse error before `>'

I don't understand why I can disambiguate X<Dummy2>::m() within W (i.e. in
the definition of function f()) but not outside. Is it my problem?

                  |================================================| ---
            I---, |-=|        Dave Maley, M.A., M.Phil.         |=-|  ----
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       | :) U ==| |  Computer Manager, St. Mary's College, Belfast | ---
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