EGCS as m68k-coff cross compiler does not honour -mrtd for builtin functions

Scott Howard
Tue Feb 9 22:05:00 GMT 1999


I have a test case attached where EGCS-1.1.1, configured as a
68k-unknown-coff cross compiler, replaces a user-specified call to
strcpy() with a call to bcopy() but then adjusts the stack pointer after
the bcopy() call, even though the -mrtd option was specified.

The test program is as follows:

*********************** start of rtdtest.c
/* test how gcc calls libgcc.a routines when -mrtd and -mshort used */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MESSAGE "bcopy() is called with the wrong calling convention\n"

int main ()
    char buffer [128];

    strcpy (buffer, MESSAGE);
    bcopy (MESSAGE, buffer, sizeof (MESSAGE));
    fputs (buffer, stdout);
    return 0;
*********************** end of rtdtest.c

The call to strcpy() is silently translated into a call to bcopy () by
the compiler, presumably because bcopy () is supposed to be more

Below is the listing of the command line activity as well as the
assembly language output.  Check line 82 of the output, you will see the
instruction "addq.w #8, %sp" after the compiler-generated call to bcopy
().  In the explicit call to bcopy (), as well as the call to fputs(),
the stack pointer is not adjusted when the call returns; this is the
correct behaviour when compiling with -mrtd.

By the way, the compiler does honour the -mshort flag when generating
these library calls (I didn't bother to put this in the test compilation
below, but I have tested it separately and it works properly).

Would appreciate it if someone could look at this and make the
appropriate fixes to the compiler.  The same thing happens on gcc-2.8.1
(and presumably earlier versions of EGCS as well, although I didn't test
any), so it's not something introduced by the EGCS team.

Thanks for your attention to this!


Scott Howard

********************************** start of listing
Reading specs from c:\xgcc32\68k\egcs-2.91.60\specs
gcc version egcs-2.91.60 19981201 (egcs-1.1.1 release)
 c:\xgcc32\68k\egcs-2.91.60\cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix
c:\xgcc32\\68k\egcs-2.91.60\ -undef -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=91
-Dmc68000 -D__embedded__ -D__mc68000__ -D__embedded__ -D__mc68000
-Asystem(embedded) -Amachine(mc68000) -D__OPTIMIZE__ -g -D__HAVE_68881__
-Dmc68020 -D__mc68020 -D__mc68020__ rtdtest.c rtdtest.i
GNU CPP version egcs-2.91.60 19981201 (egcs-1.1.1 release) (68k,
Motorola syntax)
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
 c:\xgcc32\68k\egcs-2.91.60\cc1.exe rtdtest.i -quiet -dumpbase rtdtest.c
-mrtd -g -O2 -version -o rtdtest.s
GNU C version egcs-2.91.60 19981201 (egcs-1.1.1 release) (68k) compiled
by GNU C version egcs-2.91.57 19980901 (egcs-1.1 release).
 c:\xgcc32\68k\egcs-2.91.60\as.exe -mc68020 -a -o rtdtest.o rtdtest.s
68K GAS  rtdtest.s 			page 1

   1               		.file	"rtdtest.c"
   2               	gcc2_compiled.:
   3               	__gnu_compiled_c:
   4               	.stabs "C:\\PROJECTS\\rtdtest/",100,0,0,.Ltext0
   5               	.stabs "rtdtest.c",100,0,0,.Ltext0
   6               	.text
   7               	.Ltext0:
   8               	.stabs
   9               	.stabs "char:t(0,2)=r(0,2);0;127;",128,0,0,0
  10               	.stabs "long
  11               	.stabs "unsigned
  12               	.stabs "long unsigned
  13               	.stabs "long long
  14               	.stabs "long long unsigned
  15               	.stabs "short
  16               	.stabs "short unsigned
  17               	.stabs "signed
  18               	.stabs "unsigned
  19               	.stabs "float:t(0,12)=r(0,1);4;0;",128,0,0,0
  20               	.stabs "double:t(0,13)=r(0,1);8;0;",128,0,0,0
  21               	.stabs "long double:t(0,14)=r(0,1);12;0;",128,0,0,0
  22               	.stabs "complex
  23               	.stabs "complex
  24               	.stabs "complex
  25               	.stabs "complex long
  26               	.stabs "void:t(0,19)=(0,19)",128,0,0,0
  27               	.stabs
  28               	.stabs
  29               	.stabs
  30               	.stabs "__int32_t:t(3,1)=(0,1)",128,0,92,0
  31               	.stabs "__uint32_t:t(3,2)=(0,4)",128,0,93,0
  32               	.stabn 162,0,0,0
  33               	.stabn 162,0,0,0
  34               	.stabs
  35               	.stabs "size_t:t(4,1)=(0,5)",128,0,170,0
  36               	.stabn 162,0,0,0
  37               	.stabs
  38               	.stabs
  39               	.stabn 162,0,0,0
  40               	.stabs
  41               	.stabs
  42               	.stabs
  43               	.stabs
  44               	.stabs
  45               	.stabs "_fpos_t:t(6,15)=(0,3)",128,0,58,0
  46               	.stabs
  47               	.stabs
  48               	.stabn 162,0,0,0
  49               	.stabs "fpos_t:t(1,1)=(6,15)",128,0,51,0
  50               	.stabs "FILE:t(1,2)=(6,4)",128,0,53,0
  51               	.stabn 162,0,0,0
  52               	.stabs
  53               	.stabs
  54               	.stabn 162,0,0,0
  55               	.stabn 162,0,0,0
  56               	.LC0:
  57 0000 6263 6F70 		.ascii "bcopy() is called with the wrong calling
68K GAS  rtdtest.s 			page 2

  57      7928 2920 
  57      6973 2063 
  57      616C 6C65 
  57      6420 7769 
  58 0035 00        		.even
  59               	.stabs "main:F(0,1)",36,0,9,main
  60               	.globl main
  61               	main:
   1:rtdtest.c     **** /* test how gcc calls libgcc.a routines when
-mrtd and -mshort used */
   2:rtdtest.c     **** 
   3:rtdtest.c     **** #include <stdio.h>
   4:rtdtest.c     **** #include <string.h>
   5:rtdtest.c     **** 
   6:rtdtest.c     **** #define MESSAGE "bcopy() is called with the
wrong calling convention\n"
   7:rtdtest.c     **** 
   8:rtdtest.c     **** int main ()
   9:rtdtest.c     **** {
  62               	.stabn 68,0,9,.LM1-main
  63               	.LM1:
  64 0036 4E56 FF80 		link.w %a6,#-128
  65 003a 2F03      		move.l %d3,-(%sp)
  66 003c 2F02      		move.l %d2,-(%sp)
  67 003e 4EB9 0000 		jsr __main
  67      0000 
  10:rtdtest.c     ****     char buffer [128];
  68               	.stabn 68,0,10,.LM2-main
  69               	.LM2:
  70               	.LBB2:
  11:rtdtest.c     **** 
  12:rtdtest.c     ****     strcpy (buffer, MESSAGE);
  71               	.stabn 68,0,12,.LM3-main
  72               	.LM3:
  73 0044 263C 0000 		move.l #.LC0,%d3
  73      0000 
  74 004a 7480      		moveq.l #-128,%d2
  75 004c D48E      		add.l %a6,%d2
  76 004e 4878 0035 		pea 53.w
  77 0052 2F02      		move.l %d2,-(%sp)
  78 0054 2F03      		move.l %d3,-(%sp)
  79 0056 4EB9 0000 		jsr bcopy
  79      0000 
  13:rtdtest.c     ****     bcopy (MESSAGE, buffer, sizeof (MESSAGE));
  80               	.stabn 68,0,13,.LM4-main
  81               	.LM4:
  82 005c 504F      		addq.w #8,%sp
  83 005e 2EBC 0000 		move.l #53,(%sp)
  83      0035 
  84 0064 2F02      		move.l %d2,-(%sp)
  85 0066 2F03      		move.l %d3,-(%sp)
  86 0068 4EB9 0000 		jsr bcopy
  86      0000 
  14:rtdtest.c     ****     fputs (buffer, stdout);
  87               	.stabn 68,0,14,.LM5-main
  88               	.LM5:
  89 006e 2079 0000 		move.l _impure_ptr,%a0
  89      0000 
  90 0074 2F28 0008 		move.l 8(%a0),-(%sp)
68K GAS  rtdtest.s 			page 3

  91 0078 2F02      		move.l %d2,-(%sp)
  92 007a 4EB9 0000 		jsr fputs
  92      0000 
  15:rtdtest.c     ****     return 0;
  93               	.stabn 68,0,15,.LM6-main
  94               	.LM6:
  95 0080 4280      		clr.l %d0
  16:rtdtest.c     **** }
  96               	.stabn 68,0,16,.LM7-main
  97               	.LM7:
  98               	.LBE2:
  99 0082 242E FF78 		move.l -136(%a6),%d2
 100 0086 262E FF7C 		move.l -132(%a6),%d3
 101 008a 4E5E      		unlk %a6
 102 008c 4E75      		rts
 103               	.stabs
 104               	.stabn 192,0,0,.LBB2-main
 105               	.stabn 224,0,0,.LBE2-main
 106               	.Lscope0:
 107               	.stabs "",36,0,0,.Lscope0-main
 108               		.text
 109               		.stabs "",100,0,0,Letext
 110               	Letext:
68K GAS  rtdtest.s 			page 4

           rtdtest.s:2      e0:00000000 gcc2_compiled.
           rtdtest.s:3      e0:00000000 __gnu_compiled_c
           rtdtest.s:110    e0:0000008e Letext
                               e0:00000000 .text
                               e1:0000008e .data
                               e2:0000008e .bss
                               e3:0000008e .stab
                               e4:0000038e .stabstr
           rtdtest.s:61     e0:00000036 main

********************************** end of listing
# 1 "rtdtest.c"

# 1 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdio.h" 1 3


# 1 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\_ansi.h" 1 3


# 1 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\sys/config.h" 1 3

# 14 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\sys/config.h" 3

# 25 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\sys/config.h" 3


# 44 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\sys/config.h" 3




typedef int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;

# 15 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\_ansi.h" 2 3


# 61 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\_ansi.h" 3


# 33 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdio.h" 2 3

# 1 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 1 3


# 19 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3




# 61 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3






# 131 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3



typedef long unsigned int size_t;



# 271 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3

# 283 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3



# 317 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3


# 38 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdio.h" 2 3

# 1 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdarg.h" 1 3


typedef void *__gnuc_va_list;


# 116 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdarg.h" 3

# 202 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdarg.h" 3

# 41 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdio.h" 2 3


# 1 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\sys/reent.h" 1 3


struct _glue 
  struct _glue *_next;
  int _niobs;
  struct __sFILE *_iobs;

struct _Bigint 
  struct _Bigint *_next;
  int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds;
  unsigned long _x[1];


struct _atexit {
	struct	_atexit *_next;			 
	int	_ind;				 
	void	(*_fns[32 ])();	 


struct __sbuf {
	unsigned char *_base;
	int	_size;


typedef long _fpos_t;		 


struct __sFILE {
  unsigned char *_p;	 
  int	_r;		 
  int	_w;		 
  short	_flags;		 
  short	_file;		 
  struct __sbuf _bf;	 
  int	_lbfsize;	 

  void * 	_cookie;	 

  int	 (*_read)   (void *  _cookie, char *_buf, int _n)  ;
  int	 (*_write)   (void *  _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n)  ;
  _fpos_t  (*_seek)   (void *  _cookie, _fpos_t _offset, int _whence)  ;
  int	 (*_close)   (void *  _cookie)  ;

  struct __sbuf _ub;	 
  unsigned char *_up;	 
  int	_ur;		 

  unsigned char _ubuf[3];	 
  unsigned char _nbuf[1];	 

  struct __sbuf _lb;	 

  int	_blksize;	 
  int	_offset;	 

  struct _reent *_data;


struct _reent
  int _errno;


  struct __sFILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr;

  int  _inc;			 
  char _emergency[25];
  int _current_category;	 
  const  char *_current_locale;

  int __sdidinit;		 

  void  (*__cleanup)   (struct _reent *)  ;

  struct _Bigint *_result;
  int _result_k;
  struct _Bigint *_p5s;
  struct _Bigint **_freelist;

  int _cvtlen;			 
  char *_cvtbuf;


  unsigned char * _nextf[30 ];
  unsigned int _nmalloc[30 ];

  struct _atexit *_atexit;	 
  struct _atexit _atexit0;	 

  void (**(_sig_func))();


  struct _glue __sglue;			 
  struct __sFILE __sf[3];		 


extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr  ;

void _reclaim_reent  (struct _reent *)  ;


# 49 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdio.h" 2 3

typedef _fpos_t fpos_t;

typedef struct __sFILE FILE;




int	 remove    (const char *)  ;
int	 rename    (const char *, const char *)  ;

FILE *	 tmpfile    (void)  ;
char *	 tmpnam    (char *)  ;
int	 fclose    (FILE *)  ;
int	 fflush    (FILE *)  ;
FILE *	 freopen    (const char *, const char *, FILE *)  ;
void	 setbuf    (FILE *, char *)  ;
int	 setvbuf    (FILE *, char *, int, size_t)  ;
int	 fprintf    (FILE *, const char *, ...)  ;
int	 fscanf    (FILE *, const char *, ...)  ;
int	 printf    (const char *, ...)  ;
int	 scanf    (const char *, ...)  ;
int	 sscanf    (const char *, const char *, ...)  ;
int	 vfprintf    (FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list )  ;
int	 vprintf    (const char *, __gnuc_va_list )  ;
int	 vsprintf    (char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list )  ;
int	 fgetc    (FILE *)  ;
char *   fgets    (char *, int, FILE *)  ;
int	 fputc    (int, FILE *)  ;
int	 fputs    (const char *, FILE *)  ;
int	 getc    (FILE *)  ;
int	 getchar    (void)  ;
char *   gets    (char *)  ;
int	 putc    (int, FILE *)  ;
int	 putchar    (int)  ;
int	 puts    (const char *)  ;
int	 ungetc    (int, FILE *)  ;
size_t	 fread    (void * , size_t _size, size_t _n, FILE *)  ;
size_t	 fwrite    (const void *  , size_t _size, size_t _n, FILE *)  ;
int	 fgetpos    (FILE *, fpos_t *)  ;
int	 fseek    (FILE *, long, int)  ;
int	 fsetpos    (FILE *, const fpos_t *)  ;
long	 ftell    ( FILE *)  ;
void	 rewind    (FILE *)  ;
void	 clearerr    (FILE *)  ;
int	 feof    (FILE *)  ;
int	 ferror    (FILE *)  ;
void     perror    (const char *)  ;

FILE *	 fopen    (const char *_name, const char *_type)  ;
int	 sprintf    (char *, const char *, ...)  ;

int	 vfiprintf    (FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list )  ;
int	 iprintf    (const char *, ...)  ;
int	 fiprintf    (FILE *, const char *, ...)  ;


FILE *	 fdopen    (int, const char *)  ;

int	 fileno    (FILE *)  ;
int	 getw    (FILE *)  ;
int	 pclose    (FILE *)  ;
FILE *   popen    (const char *, const char *)  ;
int	 putw    (int, FILE *)  ;
void     setbuffer    (FILE *, char *, int)  ;
int	 setlinebuf    (FILE *)  ;


FILE *	 _fdopen_r    (struct _reent *, int, const char *)  ;
FILE *	 _fopen_r    (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *)  ;
int	 _getchar_r    (struct _reent *)  ;
char *	 _gets_r    (struct _reent *, char *)  ;
int	 _iprintf_r    (struct _reent *, const char *, ...)  ;
int	 _mkstemp_r    (struct _reent *, char *)  ;
char *	 _mktemp_r    (struct _reent *, char *)  ;
void	 _perror_r    (struct _reent *, const char *)  ;
int	 _printf_r    (struct _reent *, const char *, ...)  ;
int	 _putchar_r    (struct _reent *, int)  ;
int	 _puts_r    (struct _reent *, const char *)  ;
int	 _remove_r    (struct _reent *, const char *)  ;
int	 _rename_r    (struct _reent *,
			   const char *_old, const char *_new)  ;
int	 _scanf_r    (struct _reent *, const char *, ...)  ;
int	 _sprintf_r    (struct _reent *, char *, const char *, ...)  ;
char *	 _tempnam_r    (struct _reent *, char *, char *)  ;
FILE *	 _tmpfile_r    (struct _reent *)  ;
char *	 _tmpnam_r    (struct _reent *, char *)  ;
int	 _vfprintf_r    (struct _reent *, FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list )  ;
int	 _vprintf_r    (struct _reent *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list )  ;
int	 _vsprintf_r    (struct _reent *, char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list )  ;


int	 __srget    (FILE *)  ;
int	 __swbuf    (int, FILE *)  ;


FILE	*  funopen   (const void *  _cookie,
		int (*readfn)(void *  _cookie, char *_buf, int _n),
		int (*writefn)(void *  _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n),
		fpos_t (*seekfn)(void *  _cookie, fpos_t _off, int _whence),
		int (*closefn)(void *  _cookie))  ;


# 259 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stdio.h" 3



# 3 "rtdtest.c" 2

# 1 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\string.h" 1 3

# 1 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 1 3


# 19 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3




# 61 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3






# 131 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3



# 188 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3



# 271 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3

# 283 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3



# 317 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\stddef.h" 3


# 17 "c:\\xgcc32\\\\68k\\egcs-2.91.60\\include\\string.h" 2 3

void *  	  memchr   (const void * , int, size_t)  ;
int 	  memcmp   (const void * , const void * , size_t)  ;
void *  	  memcpy   (void * , const void * , size_t)  ;
void * 	  memmove   (void * , const void * , size_t)  ;
void * 	  memset   (void * , int, size_t)  ;
char 	*  strcat   (char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strchr   (const char *, int)  ;
int	  strcmp   (const char *, const char *)  ;
int	  strcoll   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strcpy   (char *, const char *)  ;
size_t	  strcspn   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strerror   (int)  ;
size_t	  strlen   (const char *)  ;
char 	*  strncat   (char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
int	  strncmp   (const char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
char 	*  strncpy   (char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
char 	*  strpbrk   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strrchr   (const char *, int)  ;
size_t	  strspn   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strstr   (const char *, const char *)  ;
int      ffs   (int)  ;

char 	*  strtok   (char *, const char *)  ;

size_t	  strxfrm   (char *, const char *, size_t)  ;

char 	*  strtok_r   (char *, const char *, char **)  ;

int	  bcmp   (const char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
void	  bcopy   (const char *, char *, size_t)  ;
void	  bzero   (char *, size_t)  ;
int	  ffs   (int)  ;
char 	*  index   (const char *, int)  ;
void * 	  memccpy   (void * , const void * , int, size_t)  ;
char 	*  rindex   (const char *, int)  ;
int	  strcasecmp   (const char *, const char *)  ;
char 	*  strdup   (const char *)  ;
int	  strncasecmp   (const char *, const char *, size_t)  ;
char 	*  strsep   (char **, const char *)  ;
char	*  strlwr   (char *)  ;
char	*  strupr   (char *)  ;


# 4 "rtdtest.c" 2

int main ()
    char buffer [128];

    strcpy (buffer, "bcopy() is called with the wrong calling convention\n" );
    bcopy ("bcopy() is called with the wrong calling convention\n" , buffer, sizeof ("bcopy() is called with the wrong calling convention\n" ));
    fputs (buffer, (_impure_ptr->_stdout) );
    return 0;

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