Missed error message.

Mark Mitchell mark@codesourcery.com
Fri Dec 31 20:54:00 GMT 1999

Martin --
  Thanks for your patch.  It's basically fine.

-    cp_error ("abstract virtual `%#D' called from constructor", cand->fn);
+    cp_error ("abstract virtual `%#D' called from %sstructor", cand->fn,
+	      DECL_CONSTRUCTOR_P (current_function_decl) ? "con" : "de");

The internationalization folks don't like this kind of thing.  It's
actually better to conditionalize the entire format string, rather
than just the `con' vs. `de' part.  Please check in the patch with
that change.  Thanks!

Mark Mitchell                   mark@codesourcery.com
CodeSourcery, LLC               http://www.codesourcery.com

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