Possible bug in gcc 2.8.1

Daniel Bengtsson daniel@navigamus.se
Tue Apr 6 02:17:00 GMT 1999

I've written a CGI-application in ANSI-C which is started by a webserver
(in my case: Microsoft Personal Webserver). When I compile and link with
Microsoft Visual C++ it works fine. When I do the same with gcc version 2.8.1
(gcc281b.zip) running on Windows 95:

"gcc -ansi -Wall -o objectfile sourcefiles" for compiling and 
"gcc -Wall -o executable objectfiles" for linking

the output etc is correct but the webserver waits for the application to be finished
(the process to die?) until a timeout is reached.
A small test program gives the same result:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
	printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n<HTML><BODY>hello</BODY></HTML>");

Is this a bug?

Best regards,
Daniel Bengtsson

Computer Consultant at Navigamus Datakonsult AB
Vallebergsv. 11, 459 31  LJUNGSKILE,  SWEDEN
Phone. +46 (0)522-229 91  Mobil. +46 (0)705-29 98 08
Fax. +46 (0)522-298 90  Mail: daniel@navigamus.se

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