g77 of egcs-1.0.2/1.0.3a returns exit code 1 for argument type mismatch

Mako Sasaki sasaki@tyo.sci.jri.co.jp
Wed Sep 23 19:08:00 GMT 1998

From: Dave Love <d.love@dl.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: g77 of egcs-1.0.2/1.0.3a returns exit code 1 for argument type 	 mismatch
Date: 18 Sep 1998 14:52:45 +0100

>  Mako> But the problem is that the compiler did not say any "fatal
>  Mako> error" message, and, in more realistic case, such a coding
>  Mako> style has been used intentinally;
> The compiler doesn't say `fatal error' at all as far as I know.  If
> the error message in this situation isn't clear, or the part of the
> g77 manual to which it refers isn't clear, could you suggest how we
> could improve it?  Thanks.

I confused with other Fortran compilers about "fatal error". G77 does not output such a message for apprently invalid sources.

Now, what I want to know is that such a treatment for argument type mismatch is intended by g77 developers or not.

> [At least one (rather reliable) proprietary compiler I know of behaves
> essentially the same as g77 in this context.]

I remember that VAX or CRAY fortran (?) can do run-time argument type check by putting information of argument data type on stack.      

Anyway, compiling in fsplit'ted form is safer (to deceive the compiler :-))...

# ===================================================================
 Makoto Sasaki  : The Japan Research Institute Ltd.

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