Internal compiler error

Lee A Shombert
Thu Sep 17 21:56:00 GMT 1998

I am reporting this 'bug' to you, as requested by the compiler.  Note that I
have found perfectly adequate work-arounds.  The source system is Redhat
5.1.  The compiler version is:

$ g++ -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.90.27/specs
gcc version egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release)

The compile command was:

g++   -o line Internal compiler error. Please submit a full bug report to `'.

The offending source is attached.  Feel free to contact me if I can help.
                                                  Lee Shombert
 * File:
 * Author: 
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

 * A point has just an x and y
class Point {

   * Construct a point from two coordinates
  Point(double xCoord = 0, double yCoord = 0) {
    x = xCoord;
    y = yCoord;

   * Return the midpoint
  Point midpoint(Point p) {
    return Point((x - p.x) / 2 + p.x,
                 (y - p.y) / 2 + p.y);

   * Return the sum of two points
  Point operator+(const Point& a) {
    return Point(x + a.x, y + a.y);

   * Return the point as a gnuplot string
  string toString() {
    char temp[32];
    sprintf(temp, "%lf %lf", x, y);
    return string(temp);

   * Return the distance between two points
  double distance(const Point& p) {
    return sqrt((x-p.x)*(x-p.x) + (y-p.y)*(y-p.y));

   * Return the angle formed by the point with respect to the x-axis, after
   * translation to the the origin.
   * @return the angle in radians
  double theta(const Point&origin = Point()) {
    Point temp = Point(x - origin.x, y - origin.y);
    return atan(temp.y / temp.x);

   * The coordinates
  double x;
  double y;

   * Return a polar coordinate point.  This cannot be a constructor becuase
   * there is no way to distinguish it from the (x,y) constructor.  The
   * angle is in radians.
  static Point polar(double radius, double theta) {
    return Point(radius * cos(theta), radius * sin(theta));

class Line {

   * Construct a line from a slope and intercept.  If the vertical flag is
   * true, then the slope is interpreted as dx/dy, and not dy/dx.
  Line(double slope, double intercept, bool vertical = false) {
    m = slope;
    b = intercept;
    byX = !vertical;

   * Construct a line from two points
  Line(Point p1, Point p2) {
    double dx = p2.x - p1.x;
    double dy = p2.y - p1.y;

    if (dx != 0) {
      m = dy / dx;
      b = -m * p1.x + p1.y;
      byX = true;
    } else {
      m = dx / dy;
      b = -m * p1.y + p1.x;
      byX = false;

   * Return the perpendicular through a point
  Line perpendicular(Point p) {
    return Line(-1/m, 1/m * p.x + p.y);

   * Return the point for the given x coordinate
  Point forX(double x) {
    return Point(x, m * x + b);

   * Return the point for the given y coordinate
  Point forY(double y) {
    return Point((y-b)/m, y);

   * Return the intersecting point
  Point intersect(Line l) {
    double nx = (l.b - b)/(m - l.m);
    return Point( nx, m * nx + b);

   * The slope
  double m;

   * The intercept
  double b;

   * This flag indicates whether the line is by X or by Y.  If true, then
   * the line is by X, otherwise the line is by Y.  We need the "by Y" case
   * for vertical lines
  bool byX;

 * Plot a line for a range of x values
static void plotLine(Line l) {

  for (double x = -10;  x <= 10;  x += 0.2) {
    cout << l.forX(x).toString() << endl;
  cout << endl;

 * Show an arc that passes through three points
static Point showArc(Point start, Point through, Point end) {

  Line l1 = Line(start, end).perpendicular(start.midpoint(end));
  Line l2 = Line(start, through).perpendicular(start.midpoint(through));

  Point center = l1.intersect(l2);

  return center;

extern int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  double radius = 2.0;
  Point offset = Point(4, 4);

  Point a = Point::polar(radius, 0) + offset;
  Point b = Point::polar(radius, .5) + offset;
  Point c = Point::polar(radius, 1.2) + offset;

  Point center = showArc(a, b, c);

  cout << "# a: " << a.toString() << endl;
  cout << "# b: " << b.toString() << endl;
  cout << "# c: " << c.toString() << endl;
  cout << "#  : " << offset.toString() << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "# " << center.toString() << endl;
  cout << "# " << center.distance(a) << endl;
  cout << "# " << center.distance(b) << endl;
  cout << "# " << center.distance(c) << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "# a@ " << a.theta(center) << endl;
  cout << "# b@ " << b.theta(center) << endl;
  cout << "# c@ " << c.theta(center) << endl;
  return 0;

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