Possible template bug?

Mark Dixon mark@reachin.se
Mon Nov 16 10:00:00 GMT 1998


  A possible template problem within egs 1.1.  The following
code cannot compile because the argument to the constructor
is treated as a +ACI-float +ACoAIg-, which does not match the template

template+ADw- class T +AD4-
struct Foo +AHs-
  inline Foo( T v )+ADs-
  T value+ADs-

template+ADw- class T +AD4-
inline Foo+ADw- T +AD4-::Foo+ADw- T +AD4-( T v ) +AHs- value +AD0- v+ADs- +AH0-

inline Foo+ADw- float+AFs-2+AF0- +AD4-::Foo( float v+AFs-2+AF0- )
+AHs- value+AFs-0+AF0- +AD0- v+AFs-0+AF0AOw- value+AFs-1+AF0- +AD0- v+AFs-1+AF0AOw- +AH0-

main() +AHs- +AH0-

Many Thanks,
Mark Dixon.

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