i686 bootstrap ICE on div_di3, 11981101 versions

tprince@cat.e-mail.com tprince@cat.e-mail.com
Wed Nov 4 15:23:00 GMT 1998

Compiling on NT4/SP3, cygwin-b20 (problem seen also on b19
with NT and W95):

egcs-19981101 snapshot produces ICE when stage1/xgcc
attempts to compile div_di3 with BOOT_CFLAGS= -Os or -O2.

Egcs-1.1.1-prerelease does not show this problem at -Os but
aborts likewise when built at -O2.  Apparently, a totally
satisfactory build and install is possible at -Os.

Problem is associated with compiler build optimization level, not
with level of optimization used when compiling div_di3.
Dr. Timothy C. Prince
Consulting Engineer
Solar Turbines, a Caterpillar Company
alternate e-mail: tprince@computer.org

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