[PATCH] Re: reg_dead_notes!=0: New abort in haifa scheduler in latest CVS

Jeffrey A Law law@cygnus.com
Wed May 6 00:21:00 GMT 1998

  In message < v03130301b17562c2690e@[] >you write:
  > >As to reload -- apparently nobody's had the time to do anything
  > >about your problem.  We're all quite busy.
  > Is it a general problem? Should I submit it as a testcase?
Not sure what you're asking.

Is the lack of time a general problem.  Yes :-)  There's always more
work than we can do in the available time.  It's been particularly
bad since I've been mostly unavailable for the last few weeks, so
more stuff gets piled on everyone else :-)

If you're referring to the bug -- I don't know since I haven't
looked at it yet.

I'm slowing going through the 1000+ general messages that piled up
while I was unavailable and the 250 or so patch related messages
that piled up during the same time.

Odds are when I start wandering through my bug mailbox I'll pick
up the testcase and put it in the testsuite (unless someone beats
me to it :-)


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