g77 i.ne.'ff'x bombs...

Toon Moene toon@moene.indiv.nluug.nl
Mon Jan 19 13:34:00 GMT 1998

> The following code does not compile. It complains that 'ff'x is
> not an arithmetic entity which I believe it should be... Steve.

>       program g77test1

>       implicit none

>       integer i,j

>       i = 1
>       j = 'ff'x
>       print *,j,' = ','ff'x
>       if (i .ne. j) then
>          print *,'ok got here'
>       endif
>       if (i .ne. 'ff'x) then
>          print *,'ok got further'
>       endif

>       end

Wellllll, you can believe anything you want, of course, but you  
won't be backed up by the Standard (none of them - 66, 77, 90 or  
95).  This is just plain an extension, and an ugly one at that.

So compile with -fugly:

% grep ugly .../egcs-980115/gcc/f/lang-options.h
% /usr/test/bin/g77 -fugly adler.f
f771: warning: -fugly is overloaded with meanings and likely to be  
f771: warning: use only the specific -fugly-* options you need
% ./a.out
 255 =  255
 ok got here
 ok got further

To find out which -fugly suboption is necessary and sufficient  
(wlog) is left as an exercise to the reader :-)


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