Rectification: No -fno-implicit-templates bug

Carlo Wood
Fri Aug 21 18:27:00 GMT 1998

| 1) The second part of the -fno-implicit-templates bug reported in
|    is still valid.

Hmm, this is not true.  My mistake.
When, with -fno-implicit-templates, you get the error:

virtual2.o(.A<D, C>::gnu.linkonce.t.(int)+0x23): undefined reference to `A<D, C>::V virtual table'

then you need to instantiate "A<D, C>", and when you get

virtual2.o(.B<A<C, D> >::gnu.linkonce.t.(void)+0x8): undefined reference to `B<A<C, D> > virtual table'

then you need to instantiate "B<A<C, D> >".


Sorry for reporting a non-existant bug.

is now dealt with.

 Carlo Wood  <>

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