g77 bug? "I/O recursion" -- very annoying

Mumit Khan khan@xraylith.wisc.edu
Fri Oct 24 00:05:00 GMT 1997

I just noticed someting that was definitely not present in earlier
versions of libf2c (eg., in that supplied with If you 
interrupt a program while it's doing I/O, it acts quite unreasonably. 
Here's an example:

% ./g77-io-bug
 At the following prompt either enter an integer
  or hit control-c to see what happens
Enter an integer or Hit Ctrl-C now: Interrupt
I/O recursion: I/O started while already doing I/O
apparent state: unit 5 (unnamed)
last format: list io
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
Abort (core dumped)

Here's the code:

	program annoyance
	integer i
	write (*,*) 'At the following prompt either enter an integer'
	write (*,*) ' or hit control-c to see what happens'
	write (*,'(A$)') 'Enter an integer or Hit Ctrl-C now: '
	read (*,*) i
	write (*,*) 'Number is ', i

I can reproduce this behaviour under i386-linux-gnulibc1 and

Anybody know what caused this?

Mumit -- khan@xraylith.wisc.edu

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