bug 90

Breymann Breymann@t-online.de
Thu Dec 18 07:44:00 GMT 1997

A few days ago I fetched egcs-1.0 and tried a graph class whose
edges can have weights or not (=empty)

The compiler said: Internal error 90
I removed all stuff that has nothing to do with the
error, you find the result below (see !!!!! -line)
Best wishes!


****** TEST CASE **********


// empty parameter class with a minimal set of operations
// if there are no weights for edges necessary
struct Empty
    Empty(int=0) {}
    bool operator<(const Empty&) const { return true;}
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Empty&) { return os;}
inline istream& operator>>(istream& is, Empty& ) { return is;}

template<class VertexType, class EdgeType>
class Graph
    // public type interface
    typedef map<int, EdgeType > Successor;
    typedef pair<VertexType, Successor> vertex;
    typedef vector<vertex> GraphType;
    typedef typename GraphType::iterator iterator;
    typedef typename GraphType::const_iterator const_iterator;
  // a lot of stuff deleted ....

    bool directed;
    GraphType C;          // container
    ostream* pOut;
};      // class Graph

// all graph-methods deleted 

template<class VertexType, class EdgeType>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Graph<VertexType,EdgeType>& G)
    // display of vertices with successors
    for(int i = 0; i < G.size(); ++i)
        os << G[i].first << " <";

	// The compiler does not like this line!!!!!!
        typename Graph<VertexType, EdgeType>::Successor::iterator
                   startN = G[i].second.begin(),
                   endN   = G[i].second.end();

        while(startN != endN)
            os << G[(*startN).first].first << ' ' // vertex
               << (*startN).second << ' ';        // edge value
        os << ">\n";
    return os;

int main()
    // no edge weighting, therefore type Empty:
    Graph<string, Empty> V(true);        // directed
    // ReadGraph(V, "gra1.dat");

    // display of vertices with successors
    cout << V;


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