All is Right in My World. (string class works)

Jim Peterson
Tue Dec 9 13:04:00 GMT 1997


  Well, I finally saw the part in the configure doc.s that said to use
  --enable-shared.  I did and it happily installed  Now,
  the "hello, world" application with a string variable works fine, and
  compiles down to a 4220-byte executable.  Life is good.  As Mr. Merrill
  suggested, removing the /usr/lib/ link worked as well.  Of
  course, the executable was substantially larger.

  Despite my attempts at gathering five patches from the egcs-bugs archive,
  posted by Mr. Mitchell, I still get a compiler error on the following:

    template<int N> f<0>(){}

  Fortunately, this doesn't even _approach_ becoming a priority for me.  I
  probably just missed a patch somewhere, anyway.  The useful template code
  I had in the same posting works fine, now.  (By the way, I can't take credit
  for that code.  I copied it from the template metaprogramming site I
  mentioned in an earlier posting).

  Even before the above patches, I successfully compiled a 6k-line project with
  heavy STL usage.  It runs fine.  Excellent work on the compiler, guys.  I
  also appreciate the timely help I received.

Thank you very much,

tar xvzf egcs-1.0.tar.gz
cd egcs-1.0
tar xvzf ../libg++-2.8.0b6.3.tar.gz
patch -p0 < README.libg++
patch -p0 < ../mmitchell.patch
mkdir objdir
cd objdir
../configure --prefix=/usr --enable-haifa --enable-shared
make bootstrap-lean
touch ~/timestamp-egcsinstall.start
sleep 2
make install
sleep 2
touch ~/timestamp-egcsinstall.end

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