Memory allocation failed because of parenthesis

Janus Weil
Tue Dec 23 20:53:00 GMT 2014

Hi Pat,

> I want your thought concerning a parenthesis bug for the following code. The expression (a+b) works well, while ((a)+(b)) triggers a memory allocation issue.
> And its works fine, if there is no allocatable components in the type. I guess it is a pointer pass to the subroutine that is wrong or a parser issue ? but I wasn't sure what title
> to give to the bug report in that case. I got this behavior with gfortran 4.9.2, and the code runs fine with intel compiler.

thanks for reporting this. I can reproduce the segfault with various
versions of gfortran (4.7, 4.8, 4.9 and trunk) and I think it's a
compiler bug. Also I could reduce your test case a bit, getting rid of
some code that is not required to reproduce the problem (see below).
-fdump-tree-original should show where things go wrong in the
generated code, but I could not see the problem at first sight. Could
you please file a PR in bugzilla?


module num

  type :: my_integer
    real, allocatable :: x(:)
    procedure :: ass
    generic :: assignment(=) => ass
  end type


  subroutine ass(a,b)
    class(my_integer), intent(out) :: a
    class(my_integer), intent(in) :: b
    select type (b)
    type is (my_integer)
      a%x = b%x
    end select
    print *,'called ass'
  end subroutine

end module

program main
  use num
  type(my_integer) :: a, c
  write (*,*) "C: ",c%x
  c = a
  write (*,*) "C: ",c%x
  c = (a)
  write (*,*) "C: ",c%x

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