Status of GDB support for debugging of Fortran programs?

Harald Anlauf
Tue Sep 4 19:16:00 GMT 2012


does anybody know whether there has been any progress in GDB
that supports debugging of Fortran programs on Linux/x86?
Are there some secret patches that are needed to get it working?

Trying to debug this simple program under gdb I cannot get any
useful information on the array components of the derived type:

   implicit none
   type t_a
      integer       :: n    =  0
      real, pointer :: p(:) => NULL()
   end type t_a
   type(t_a) :: x
   x% n = 3
   allocate (x% p(x% n))
   x% p = 1
   print *, x% n
   print *, x% p

It appears that the Intel debugger (idb v12) is able to handle the
debugging information generated by gfortran 4.7.

I tried gdb-7.3 that comes with OpenSuse 12.1, as well as a
self-compiled gdb-7.5.


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