Sequence Numbers

Tim Prince
Wed Sep 14 21:30:00 GMT 2011

On 9/14/2011 2:24 PM, wrote:
> Just ran across a mountain of shall we say, mature code.  Almost all of it has sequence numbers in col 72-80
> The sequence numbers are not always numeric, and sometimes they have blanks.
> gfortran -Wall  spits out a warning on every line "Warning Line truncated".
> Makes perfect sense.  Anything after col 72 is not considered by the compiler.  There is stuff there, it might be
> a common error like just writing over the limit (and without implicit none, the code might even compile).
> But, in this case, it really doesn't warrant a warrant, as sequence numbers are 'normal'.
If you aren't mixing fixed and free form source, a gawk script or the 
like will fix this.

Tim Prince

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