Long long compile time
Jerry DeLisle
Fri Nov 5 17:13:00 GMT 2010
Hi all,
This case came across the help@gfcortran.org mailing list. It caught my attention.
What do you think. Putting the initialization inside a normal do loop makes
this compile quickly. The -fdump-tree-original tells all. Hmm, there has to be
a better way. (yes, one can put the initialization inside a do loop and not use
the constructor, but this case borders on rediculous for gfortran)
program foo
implicit none
Integer :: i
Integer, Parameter :: N = 10**4
Real, Dimension(N) :: xs, ys
! Random points
xs(1) = rand(i)
xs = (/ (rand(0), i=1,N) /)
ys = (/ (rand(0), i=1,N) /)
do i = 1,N
print *,xs(i),ys(i)
end do
end program
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