Parentheses expressions as actual arguments of elemental procedures

Mikael Morin
Thu Nov 13 13:37:00 GMT 2008

Paul Richard Thomas wrote:
> Daniel,
>>  Paul, what's about your plans for an IRC meeting to discuss gfortran 4.5
>> plans?
> That's a good question.  I too have been up to my eyeballs and have
> not given this any thought.  When would suit everybody?
What about when you are not busy?

> PS Mikael - I'm not ignoring the patch; I just do not have any time
> until the weekend.
That's fine. Anyway it was not finished yet.
I will update it.

> PPS  Bug Bashing (status 13th November 2008; incl. some double counting)
I can steal PR35681 from Daniel, he won't be out of PRs. ;)


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