PR33749 - Wrong evaluation of expressions in lhs of assignment statements

Paul Richard Thomas
Sun Oct 14 18:39:00 GMT 2007

Dear All,

> The problem is that the expression for the index in p(p) gets
> correctly identified as a variable in -m32 but becomes a function in
> -m64.  The latter causes  need_tmp to be set, which than "corrects"
> this problem.

This is the offender:
      ASSIGN MAIN__:p(__convert_i4_i8[[((MAIN__:p(FULL)))]]) (/ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 /)

The conversion comes through and triggers an unconditional production of a temp.

> I have a patch for PR33749 but will have to fix the above first,
> otherwise it will lurk undetected and get us in other ways.  I wonder
> how often unnecessary temporaries are created in -m64?

I now feel confident about submitting the patch - it's on its way in a few days.



The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
       --Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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