[Patch, fortran] PR33664 - crash on invalid program

Tobias Schlüter tobias.schlueter@physik.uni-muenchen.de
Sun Oct 7 20:50:00 GMT 2007

Hi Paul,

Paul Richard Thomas wrote:
> This is a little embarrassing.  The testcase tells all - the symbol n
> is interpreted to be an error.  Hozever, being referenced in a
> specification expression, it should be pure, which it is not.  The fix
> is self-explanatory - note the test for purity is redundant but
> provides a belt and braces approach.  char_result_7.f90 was exposed by
> this patch to have an illegal part, where the character langth was
> determined by an impure function.  This has been eliminated.
> Bootstrapped and regtested on x86_ia64/fc5 and certified tonto-2.3
> proof.  OK for trunk?

I'm embarassed to say that I don't understand the fix.  What is the 
purpose of checking .isym and .esym?  What is their purpose, anyway?  I 
understand that they're the actual functions being called, but under 
which circumstances.  I think this is a great time for you to bring some 
enlightenment to the obscure parts of gfortran :-)

- Tobi

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