[gfortran] patch for mixed C-Fortran I/O

FX Coudert fxcoudert@gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 13:34:00 GMT 2005

:ADDPATCH libgfortran:

Attached patch makes mixed C-Fortran I/O easier. Every time we make a 
transfer, it does check if the corresponding is preconnected (stdin, 
stdout or stderr). In that case, we flush the corresponding C stream 
before doing the I/O itself.

This is bugware. In an ideal world, every part of a mixed code would 
leave all resources (including I/O streams) flushed and clean. But most 
C codes don't bother, and all compilers (even g77) take appropriate 
measures to workaround this.

Built and regtested on i686-linux. Comes with a testcase. OK for 
mainline and 4.0 (after due testing)?

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