[Patch, fortran] PR24092 - recursive derived types - part 2
Paul Thomas
Mon Oct 10 04:50:00 GMT 2005
:ADDPATCH fortran:
Herewith is the promised, improved patch for PR24092.
Not only does this patch not produce unrequited field lists but it is
somewhat easier to understand. I have split out a loop through the
components, which obtains the backend_decls for the derived type
components, building them if necessary. After this loop is a test to
see if the fields exist. This happens in the circumstance that we are
seeking to fix and is best discussed with repect to the test case:
type :: it
character*10 :: k
integer :: c(2)
end type it
type :: bt !! 2nd - gets to check derived
type components
type (nt), pointer :: p
end type bt
type :: nt !! 3rd - builds type(nt)
type (it) :: i
type (bt) :: b !! 4th - builds type(bt) &
original call returns.
end type nt
type (bt), pointer :: ptr !! Starting point => make a
Thus, the original call to gfc_get_derived_type is interrupted by the
test for the field list, which by now has been done in the course of
constructing type(nt).
The original mainloop over the components is slightly simplified by use
of the backend_decls, built in the first loop, for the fields. Also, the
gcc_assert has been moved to apply to the field, rather than the
backend_decl. Except, in the recursive case, this part of the code is
reached on the first time call.
For intrinsic types, the code is unchanged.
Bootstrapped and regtested on FC3/Athlon. OK for mainline and 4.0?
Paul T
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