Parenthesis and goup write.

Benjamin Réveillé
Tue Dec 6 09:40:00 GMT 2005

Hello again

Here is another sample program:

program group
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: nb=2
   integer :: n
   real(kind(0.d0)), dimension(nb) :: angi, angf

   do n=1,nb
   end do

   write(*,'(e12.5,1x,e12.5)') ((angi(n),angf(n)),n=1,nb)
end program group

This compiles fine with intel 8.1, pgi 5.1, ibm xlf, sgi mipspro 7

but gfortran issues:
In file group.f90:12

   write(*,'(e12.5,1x,e12.5)') ((angi(n),angf(n)),n=1,nb)
Error: Expected a right parenthesis in expression at (1)

If I change the write statement to
          write(*,'(e12.5,1x,e12.5)') (angi(n),angf(n),n=1,nb)

Then it compiles and runs fine. I usualy add the extra parenthesis so
as to make very clear that the 2 arrays are iterated on. I agree it
may not be useful, but I did not expect it to be incorrect. Does
someone have an explanation.

If the standard forbids it I'll get rid of a "bad" habit, if not I
guess it's a gfortran bug.



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