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___lock file (for shared passive packages)GNAT Implementation of Shared Passive Packages

-gnat12 option (gcc)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
-gnatR (gcc)Determining the Representations chosen by GNAT

Abort_SignalAttribute Abort_Signal
Abstract_StateAspect Abstract_State
AccessAttribute Unrestricted_Access
Access valuesAttribute Has_Access_Values
AccuracyRM G 2 4 19 Accuracy Requirements
Accuracy requirementsRM G 1 2 49 Complex Elementary Functions
Ada 2005 Language Reference ManualWhat This Reference Manual Contains
Ada 2012 implementation statusImplementation of Ada 2012 Features
Ada 83 attributesAttribute Emax
Ada 83 attributesAttribute Epsilon
Ada 83 attributesAttribute Large
Ada 83 attributesAttribute Mantissa
Ada 83 attributesAttribute Safe_Emax
Ada 83 attributesAttribute Safe_Large
Ada 83 attributesAttribute Safe_Small
Ada 83 attributesAttribute Small
Ada 95 Language Reference ManualWhat This Reference Manual Contains
Ada ExtensionsPragma Extensions_Allowed
Ada_2012 configuration pragmaImplementation of Ada 2012 Features
Ada.Characters.HandlingRM A 1 52 Names of Predefined Numeric Types
Ada.Characters.Latin_9 ( Characters Latin_9 a-chlat9 ads
Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1 ( Characters Wide_Latin_1 a-cwila1 ads
Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_9 ( Characters Wide_Latin_9 a-cwila9 ads
Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_1 ( Characters Wide_Wide_Latin_1 a-chzla1 ads
Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_9 ( Characters Wide_Wide_Latin_9 a-chzla9 ads
Ada.Command_Line.Environment ( Command_Line Environment a-colien ads
Ada.Command_Line.Remove ( Command_Line Remove a-colire ads
Ada.Command_Line.Response_File ( Command_Line Response_File a-clrefi ads
Ada.Containers.Bounded_Holders ( Containers Bounded_Holders a-coboho ads
Ada.Direct_IO.C_Streams ( Direct_IO C_Streams a-diocst ads
Ada.Exceptions.Is_Null_Occurrence ( Exceptions Is_Null_Occurrence a-einuoc ads
Ada.Exceptions.Last_Chance_Handler ( Exceptions Last_Chance_Handler a-elchha ads
Ada.Exceptions.Traceback ( Exceptions Traceback a-exctra ads
Ada.Sequential_IO.C_Streams ( Sequential_IO C_Streams a-siocst ads
Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.C_Streams ( Streams Stream_IO C_Streams a-ssicst ads
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO ( Strings Unbounded Text_IO a-suteio ads
Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Text_IO ( Strings Wide_Unbounded Wide_Text_IO a-swuwti ads
Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Wide_Text_IO ( Strings Wide_Wide_Unbounded Wide_Wide_Text_IO a-szuzti ads
Ada.Task_Initialization ( Task_Initialization a-tasini ads
Ada.Text_IO.C_Streams ( Text_IO C_Streams a-tiocst ads
Ada.Text_IO.Reset_Standard_Files ( Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-tirsfi ads
Ada.Wide_Characters.Unicode ( Wide_Characters Unicode a-wichun ads
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams ( Wide_Text_IO C_Streams a-wtcstr ads
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Reset_Standard_Files ( Wide_Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-wrstfi ads
Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Unicode ( Wide_Wide_Characters Unicode a-zchuni ads
Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams ( Wide_Wide_Text_IO C_Streams a-ztcstr ads
Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Reset_Standard_Files ( Wide_Wide_Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-zrstfi ads
AddressRM 13 5 3 7-8 Bit Ordering
AddressRM 13 7 37 Address as Private
Address ClauseAddress Clauses
Address clausesRM 13 2 6-8 Packed Types
Address imageSystem Address_Image s-addima ads
Address of subprogram codeAttribute Code_Address
Address_SizeAttribute Address_Size
AI-0002 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0003 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0007 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0008 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0009 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0012 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0015 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0017 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0019 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0026 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0030 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0031 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0032 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0033 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0034 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0035 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0037 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0038 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0039 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0040 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0042 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0043 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0044 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0046 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0050 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0056 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0058 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0060 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0062 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0064 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0065 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0070 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0072 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0073 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0076 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0077 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0078 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0079 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0080 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0087 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0088 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0091 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0093 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0095 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0096 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0097 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0098 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0099 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0100 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0102 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0103 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0104 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0106 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0108 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0109 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0112 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0114 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0116 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0118 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0120 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0122 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0123 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0125 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0126 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0127 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0128 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0129 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0132 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0134 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0137 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0139-2 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0146 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0147 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0152 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0157 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0158 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0161 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0162 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0163 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0171 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0173 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0176 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0177 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0178 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0179 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0181 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0182 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0183 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0185 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0188 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0189 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0190 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0193 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0194 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0195 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0196 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0198 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0199 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0200 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0201 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0203 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0205 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0206 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0207 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0208 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0210 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0211 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0214 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0216 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0219 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AI-0220 (Ada 2012 feature)Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
AlignmentPragma Optimize_Alignment
AlignmentAttribute Maximum_Alignment
AlignmentAttribute System_Allocator_Alignment
AlignmentAlignment Clauses
AlignmentAlignment Clauses
Alignment ClauseAlignment Clauses
Alignment clausesRM 13 3 14-19 Address Clauses
Alignments of componentsPragma Component_Alignment
allocatorAttribute System_Allocator_Alignment
Alternative Character SetsRM 2 8 17-19 Pragmas
AltiVecGNAT Altivec g-altive ads
AltiVecGNAT Altivec Conversions g-altcon ads
AltiVecGNAT Altivec Vector_Operations g-alveop ads
AltiVecGNAT Altivec Vector_Types g-alvety ads
AltiVecGNAT Altivec Vector_Views g-alvevi ads
Always_TerminatesAspect Always_Terminates
Annex EGNAT Implementation of Shared Passive Packages
AnnotateAspect Annotate
Anonymous access typesConventions and Anonymous Access Types
Argument passing mechanismsPragma Export_Function
argument removalAda Command_Line Remove a-colire ads
Array packingPragma Implicit_Packing
Array splitterGNAT Array_Split g-arrspl ads
ArraysRM 3 5 7 17 Float Types
ArraysGNAT Dynamic_Tables g-dyntab ads
ArraysGNAT Table g-table ads
as private typeRM 13 5 3 7-8 Bit Ordering
Asm_InputAttribute Asm_Input
Asm_OutputAttribute Asm_Output
Assert_FailureSystem Assertions s-assert ads
AssertionsPragma Check
AssertionsPragma Check_Policy
AssertionsSystem Assertions s-assert ads
Async_ReadersAspect Async_Readers
Async_WritersAspect Async_Writers
Atomic SynchronizationPragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization
Atomic SynchronizationPragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization
Atomic_Always_Lock_FreeAttribute Atomic_Always_Lock_Free
AttributeAddress Clauses
Attribute Loop_EntryPragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old
Attribute OldPragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old
AWKGNAT AWK g-awk ads

Biased representationBiased Representation
Big endianAttribute Default_Bit_Order
Big endianAttribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
Binary searchGNAT Binary_Search g-binsea ads
Bind environmentGNAT Bind_Environment g-binenv ads
BitAttribute Bit
Bit orderingRM 13 5 2 5 Storage Place Attributes
bit orderingBit_Order Clauses
Bit_Order ClauseBit_Order Clauses
Bit_PositionAttribute Bit_Position
Bounded BuffersGNAT Bounded_Buffers g-boubuf ads
Bounded errorsRM 1 1 3 31 Child Units
Bounded-length stringsRM A 3 2 49 Ada Characters Handling
Branch PredictionGNAT Branch_Prediction g-brapre ads
Bubble sortGNAT Bubble_Sort g-bubsor ads
Bubble sortGNAT Bubble_Sort_A g-busora ads
Bubble sortGNAT Bubble_Sort_G g-busorg ads
byte orderingEffect of Bit_Order on Byte Ordering
Byte swappingGNAT Byte_Swapping g-bytswa ads

CRM B 2 12-13 Package Interfaces
C StreamsAda Direct_IO C_Streams a-diocst ads
C StreamsAda Sequential_IO C_Streams a-siocst ads
C StreamsAda Streams Stream_IO C_Streams a-ssicst ads
C StreamsAda Text_IO C_Streams a-tiocst ads
C StreamsAda Wide_Text_IO C_Streams a-wtcstr ads
C StreamsAda Wide_Wide_Text_IO C_Streams a-ztcstr ads
C streamsInterfaces C Streams i-cstrea ads
CalendarGNAT Calendar g-calend ads
CalendarGNAT Calendar Time_IO g-catiio ads
casingPragma External_Name_Casing
Casing of External namesPragma External_Name_Casing
Casing utilitiesGNAT Case_Util g-casuti ads
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)GNAT CGI g-cgi ads
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) cookie supportGNAT CGI Cookie g-cgicoo ads
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) debuggingGNAT CGI Debug g-cgideb ads
Character handling (‘‘GNAT.Case_Util‘‘)GNAT Case_Util g-casuti ads
Character SetsRM 2 8 17-19 Pragmas
Check namesPragma Check_Name
Check pragma controlPragma Check_Policy
ChecksPragma Post
ChecksPragma Postcondition
ChecksPragma Post_Class
ChecksPragma Pre
ChecksPragma Precondition
ChecksPragma Pre_Class
ChecksRM 11 4 1 19 Exception Information
Child UnitsRM 1 1 3 20 Error Detection
COBOLRM B 3 63-71 Interfacing with C
COBOL supportRM E 5 28-29 Partition Communication Subsystem
Code_AddressAttribute Code_Address
Command lineAda Command_Line Remove a-colire ads
Command lineAda Command_Line Response_File a-clrefi ads
Command lineAda Command_Line Response_File a-clrefi ads
Command lineGNAT Command_Line g-comlin ads
Compatibility (between Ada 83 and Ada 95 / Ada 2005 / Ada 2012)Compatibility with Ada 83
Compatibility between Ada 95 and Ada 2005Compatibility between Ada 95 and Ada 2005
Compiler VersionGNAT Compiler_Version g-comver ads
Compiler_VersionAttribute Compiler_Version
complex arithmeticRM G 2 4 19 Accuracy Requirements
Complex arithmetic accuracyRM G 2 4 19 Accuracy Requirements
Complex elementary functionsRM G 1 1 56-58 Complex Types
Complex typesRM G Numerics
Component ClauseRecord Representation Clauses
Component_Size (in pragma Component_Alignment)Pragma Component_Alignment
Component_Size ClauseComponent_Size Clauses
Component_Size clausesRM 13 3 50-56 Size Clauses
Component_Size_4 (in pragma Component_Alignment)Pragma Component_Alignment
configuration pragma Ada_2012Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
Constant_After_ElaborationAspect Constant_After_Elaboration
ConstrainedAttribute Constrained
ContainersRM A 10 7 23 Get_Immediate
Contract casesPragma Contract_Cases
Contract_CasesAspect Contract_Cases
controlPragma Check_Policy
Controlling assertionsPragma Check_Policy
ConventionEffect of Convention on Representation
Convention for anonymous access typesConventions and Anonymous Access Types
ConventionsPragma Convention_Identifier
ConversionSystem Wch_Cnv s-wchcnv ads
Cookie support in CGIGNAT CGI Cookie g-cgicoo ads
CRC32GNAT CRC32 g-crc32 ads
Current exceptionGNAT Current_Exception g-curexc ads
Current timeGNAT Time_Stamp g-timsta ads
Cyclic Redundancy CheckGNAT CRC32 g-crc32 ads

Debug poolsGNAT Debug_Pools g-debpoo ads
DebuggingGNAT Debug_Pools g-debpoo ads
DebuggingGNAT Debug_Utilities g-debuti ads
DebuggingGNAT Exception_Traces g-exctra ads
debugging with Initialize_ScalarsPragma Initialize_Scalars
DEC Ada 83Pragma Extend_System
Dec Ada 83 casing compatibilityPragma External_Name_Casing
Decimal radix supportRM F 7 COBOL Support
Decoding stringsGNAT Decode_String g-decstr ads
Decoding stringsGNAT Decode_UTF8_String g-deutst ads
Decoding UTF-8 stringsGNAT Decode_UTF8_String g-deutst ads
defaultAlignment Clauses
Default (in pragma Component_Alignment)Pragma Component_Alignment
default settingsPragma Optimize_Alignment
Default_Bit_OrderAttribute Default_Bit_Order
Default_Initial_ConditionAspect Default_Initial_Condition
Default_Scalar_Storage_OrderPragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
Default_Scalar_Storage_OrderAttribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
Default_Storage_PoolPragma Default_Storage_Pool
Deferring abortsPragma Abort_Defer
definingPragma Check_Name
Defining check namesPragma Check_Name
DependsAspect Depends
DerefAttribute Deref
DescriptorAttribute Descriptor_Size
Descriptor_SizeAttribute Descriptor_Size
determination ofDetermining the Representations chosen by GNAT
DimensionAspect Dimension
Dimension_SystemAspect Dimension_System
Directory operationsGNAT Directory_Operations g-dirope ads
Directory operations iterationGNAT Directory_Operations Iteration g-diopit ads
Disable_ControlledAspect Disable_Controlled
DiscriminantsAttribute Has_Discriminants
Distribution Systems AnnexGNAT Implementation of Shared Passive Packages
Dope vectorAttribute Descriptor_Size
Dump MemoryGNAT Memory_Dump g-memdum ads
Duration’SmallRM 3 6 2 11 Multidimensional Arrays

effect on representationEffect of Convention on Representation
Effective_ReadsAspect Effective_Reads
Effective_WritesAspect Effective_Writes
Elab_BodyAttribute Elab_Body
Elab_SpecAttribute Elab_Spec
Elab_Subp_BodyAttribute Elab_Subp_Body
ElaboratedAttribute Elaborated
Elaboration controlPragma Elaboration_Checks
Elimination of unused subprogramsPragma Eliminate
EmaxAttribute Emax
EnabledAttribute Enabled
Encoding stringsGNAT Encode_String g-encstr ads
Encoding stringsGNAT Encode_UTF8_String g-enutst ads
Encoding UTF-8 stringsGNAT Encode_UTF8_String g-enutst ads
EndiannessAttribute Scalar_Storage_Order
EndiannessGNAT Byte_Swapping g-bytswa ads
Entry queuing policiesRM D 3 17 Locking Policies
Enum_RepAttribute Enum_Rep
Enum_ValAttribute Enum_Val
enumerationRM 13 3 71-73 Component Size Clauses
Enumeration representation clausesRM 13 3 71-73 Component Size Clauses
Enumeration valuesRM 3 5 4 29 Integer Types
Environment entriesAda Command_Line Environment a-colien ads
EpsilonAttribute Epsilon
Error detectionImplementation Advice
exceptionPragma Prefix_Exception_Messages
ExceptionGNAT Most_Recent_Exception g-moreex ads
exceptionSystem Assertions s-assert ads
Exception actionsGNAT Exception_Actions g-excact ads
Exception informationRM 10 2 1 12 Consistent Representation
Exception retrievalGNAT Current_Exception g-curexc ads
Exception tracesGNAT Exception_Traces g-exctra ads
Exception_MessagePragma Prefix_Exception_Messages
Exceptional_CasesPragma Exceptional_Cases
Exceptional_CasesAspect Exceptional_Cases
ExceptionsGNAT Exceptions g-except ads
exceptionsGNAT Exceptions g-except ads
Exit_CasesPragma Exit_Cases
Exit_CasesAspect Exit_Cases
ExportRM A 18 Containers
ExportAddress Clauses
extendableGNAT Dynamic_Tables g-dyntab ads
extendableGNAT Table g-table ads
extendingPragma Extend_System
extensions for unbounded stringsAda Strings Unbounded Text_IO a-suteio ads
extensions for unbounded wide stringsAda Strings Wide_Unbounded Wide_Text_IO a-swuwti ads
extensions for unbounded wide wide stringsAda Strings Wide_Wide_Unbounded Wide_Wide_Text_IO a-szuzti ads
Extensions_VisibleAspect Extensions_Visible
External NamesPragma External_Name_Casing

Fast_MathAttribute Fast_Math
Favor_Top_LevelAspect Favor_Top_Level
File lockingGNAT Lock_Files g-locfil ads
Finalization_SizeAttribute Finalization_Size
Fixed_ValueAttribute Fixed_Value
Float typesRM 3 5 5 8 Enumeration Values
Floating-point overflowPragma Check_Float_Overflow
Floating-Point ProcessorGNAT Float_Control g-flocon ads
foreignGNAT Threads g-thread ads
Foreign threadsGNAT Threads g-thread ads
Forking a new processMapping Ada Tasks onto the Underlying Kernel Threads
Formal container for vectorsAda Containers Bounded_Holders a-coboho ads
Formatted StringGNAT Formatted_String g-forstr ads
FortranRM B 4 95-98 Interfacing with COBOL
From_AnyAttribute From_Any

Get_ImmediateRM A 5 2 46-47 Random Number Generation
Get_ImmediateInterfaces VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads
Get_ImmediateInterfaces VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads
GhostAspect Ghost
Ghost_PredicateAspect Ghost_Predicate
GlobalAspect Global
globalSystem Pool_Global s-pooglo ads
Global storage poolSystem Pool_Global s-pooglo ads
GNAT ExtensionsPragma Extensions_Allowed
GNAT.Altivec ( Altivec g-altive ads
GNAT.Altivec.Conversions ( Altivec Conversions g-altcon ads
GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Operations ( Altivec Vector_Operations g-alveop ads
GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types ( Altivec Vector_Types g-alvety ads
GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views ( Altivec Vector_Views g-alvevi ads
GNAT.Array_Split ( Array_Split g-arrspl ads
GNAT.AWK ( AWK g-awk ads
GNAT.Binary_Search ( Binary_Search g-binsea ads
GNAT.Bind_Environment ( Bind_Environment g-binenv ads
GNAT.Bounded_Buffers ( Bounded_Buffers g-boubuf ads
GNAT.Bounded_Mailboxes ( Bounded_Mailboxes g-boumai ads
GNAT.Branch_Prediction ( Branch_Prediction g-brapre ads
GNAT.Bubble_Sort ( Bubble_Sort g-bubsor ads
GNAT.Bubble_Sort_A ( Bubble_Sort_A g-busora ads
GNAT.Bubble_Sort_G ( Bubble_Sort_G g-busorg ads
GNAT.Byte_Order_Mark ( Byte_Order_Mark g-byorma ads
GNAT.Byte_Swapping ( Byte_Swapping g-bytswa ads
GNAT.Calendar ( Calendar g-calend ads
GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO ( Calendar Time_IO g-catiio ads
GNAT.Case_Util ( Case_Util g-casuti ads
GNAT.CGI ( CGI g-cgi ads
GNAT.CGI.Cookie ( CGI Cookie g-cgicoo ads
GNAT.CGI.Debug ( CGI Debug g-cgideb ads
GNAT.Command_Line ( Command_Line g-comlin ads
GNAT.Compiler_Version ( Compiler_Version g-comver ads
GNAT.CRC32 ( CRC32 g-crc32 ads
GNAT.Ctrl_C ( Ctrl_C g-ctrl_c ads
GNAT.Current_Exception ( Current_Exception g-curexc ads
GNAT.Debug_Pools ( Debug_Pools g-debpoo ads
GNAT.Debug_Utilities ( Debug_Utilities g-debuti ads
GNAT.Decode_String ( Decode_String g-decstr ads
GNAT.Decode_UTF8_String ( Decode_UTF8_String g-deutst ads
GNAT.Directory_Operations ( Directory_Operations g-dirope ads
GNAT.Directory_Operations.Iteration ( Directory_Operations Iteration g-diopit ads
GNAT.Dynamic_HTables ( Dynamic_HTables g-dynhta ads
GNAT.Dynamic_Tables ( Dynamic_Tables g-dyntab ads
GNAT.Encode_String ( Encode_String g-encstr ads
GNAT.Encode_UTF8_String ( Encode_UTF8_String g-enutst ads
GNAT.Exception_Actions ( Exception_Actions g-excact ads
GNAT.Exception_Traces ( Exception_Traces g-exctra ads
GNAT.Exceptions ( Exceptions g-except ads
GNAT.Expect ( Expect g-expect ads
GNAT.Expect.TTY ( Expect TTY g-exptty ads
GNAT.Float_Control ( Float_Control g-flocon ads
GNAT.Formatted_String ( Formatted_String g-forstr ads
GNAT.Generic_Fast_Math_Functions ( Generic_Fast_Math_Functions g-gfmafu ads
GNAT.Heap_Sort ( Heap_Sort g-heasor ads
GNAT.Heap_Sort_A ( Heap_Sort_A g-hesora ads
GNAT.Heap_Sort_G ( Heap_Sort_G g-hesorg ads
GNAT.HTable ( HTable g-htable ads
GNAT.IO ( IO g-io ads
GNAT.IO_Aux ( IO_Aux g-io_aux ads
GNAT.Lock_Files ( Lock_Files g-locfil ads
GNAT.MBBS_Discrete_Random ( MBBS_Discrete_Random g-mbdira ads
GNAT.MBBS_Float_Random ( MBBS_Float_Random g-mbflra ads
GNAT.MD5 ( MD5 g-md5 ads
GNAT.Memory_Dump ( Memory_Dump g-memdum ads
GNAT.Most_Recent_Exception ( Most_Recent_Exception g-moreex ads
GNAT.OS_Lib ( OS_Lib g-os_lib ads
GNAT.Perfect_Hash_Generators ( Perfect_Hash_Generators g-pehage ads
GNAT.Random_Numbers ( Random_Numbers g-rannum ads
GNAT.Regexp ( Regexp g-regexp ads
GNAT.Registry ( Registry g-regist ads
GNAT.Regpat ( Regpat g-regpat ads
GNAT.Rewrite_Data ( Rewrite_Data g-rewdat ads
GNAT.Secondary_Stack_Info ( Secondary_Stack_Info g-sestin ads
GNAT.Semaphores ( Semaphores g-semaph ads
GNAT.Serial_Communications ( Serial_Communications g-sercom ads
GNAT.SHA1 ( SHA1 g-sha1 ads
GNAT.SHA224 ( SHA224 g-sha224 ads
GNAT.SHA256 ( SHA256 g-sha256 ads
GNAT.SHA384 ( SHA384 g-sha384 ads
GNAT.SHA512 ( SHA512 g-sha512 ads
GNAT.Signals ( Signals g-signal ads
GNAT.Sockets ( Sockets g-socket ads
GNAT.Source_Info ( Source_Info g-souinf ads
GNAT.Spelling_Checker ( Spelling_Checker g-speche ads
GNAT.Spelling_Checker_Generic ( Spelling_Checker_Generic g-spchge ads
GNAT.Spitbol ( Spitbol g-spitbo ads
GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns ( Spitbol Patterns g-spipat ads
GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean ( Spitbol Table_Boolean g-sptabo ads
GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer ( Spitbol Table_Integer g-sptain ads
GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString ( Spitbol Table_VString g-sptavs ads
GNAT.SSE ( SSE g-sse ads
GNAT.SSE.Vector_Types ( SSE Vector_Types g-ssvety ads
GNAT.String_Hash ( String_Hash g-strhas ads
GNAT.String_Split ( String_Split g-strspl ads
GNAT.Strings ( Strings g-string ads
GNAT.Table ( Table g-table ads
GNAT.Task_Lock ( Task_Lock g-tasloc ads
GNAT.Threads ( Threads g-thread ads
GNAT.Time_Stamp ( Time_Stamp g-timsta ads
GNAT.Traceback ( Traceback g-traceb ads
GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic ( Traceback Symbolic g-trasym ads
GNAT.UTF_32 ( UTF_32 g-utf_32 ads
GNAT.UTF_32_Spelling_Checker ( UTF_32_Spelling_Checker g-u3spch ads
GNAT.Wide_Spelling_Checker ( Wide_Spelling_Checker g-wispch ads
GNAT.Wide_String_Split ( Wide_String_Split g-wistsp ads
GNAT.Wide_Wide_Spelling_Checker ( Wide_Wide_Spelling_Checker g-zspche ads
GNAT.Wide_Wide_String_Split ( Wide_Wide_String_Split g-zistsp ads

handling long command linesAda Command_Line Response_File a-clrefi ads
Handling of Records with HolesHandling of Records with Holes
Has_Access_ValuesAttribute Has_Access_Values
Has_DiscriminantsAttribute Has_Discriminants
Has_Tagged_ValuesAttribute Has_Tagged_Values
Hash functionsGNAT Perfect_Hash_Generators g-pehage ads
Hash functionsGNAT String_Hash g-strhas ads
Hash tablesGNAT Dynamic_HTables g-dynhta ads
Hash tablesGNAT HTable g-htable ads
Heap usageRM 13 9 14-17 Unchecked Conversion

I/O interfacingInterfaces VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads
IBM Packed FormatInterfaces Packed_Decimal i-pacdec ads
ImageSystem Address_Image s-addima ads
ImgAttribute Img
Implementation-dependent featuresAbout This Guide
implicitRM 13 9 14-17 Unchecked Conversion
ImportAddress Clauses
Initial_ConditionAspect Initial_Condition
InitializationPragma Suppress_Initialization
InitializedAttribute Initialized
InitializesAspect Initializes
Inline_AlwaysAspect Inline_Always
Input/Output facilitiesGNAT IO g-io ads
Input/Output facilitiesGNAT IO_Aux g-io_aux ads
Integer mapsGNAT Spitbol Table_Integer g-sptain ads
Integer typesRM 3 5 2 5 Alternative Character Sets
Integer_ValueAttribute Integer_Value
InterfacesRM B 1 39-41 Pragma Export
Interfaces.C.Extensions ( C Extensions i-cexten ads
Interfaces.C.Streams ( C Streams i-cstrea ads
Interfaces.Packed_Decimal ( Packed_Decimal i-pacdec ads
Interfaces.VxWorks ( VxWorks i-vxwork ads
Interfaces.VxWorks.IO ( VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads
interfacingInterfaces C Streams i-cstrea ads
interfacingInterfaces VxWorks i-vxwork ads
Interfacing to C++Pragma CPP_Virtual
Interfacing to C++Pragma Propagate_Exceptions
Interfacing to VxWorksInterfaces VxWorks i-vxwork ads
Interfacing to VxWorks’ I/OInterfaces VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads
interfacing withRM B 2 12-13 Package Interfaces
interfacing withRM B 3 63-71 Interfacing with C
interfacing withRM B 4 95-98 Interfacing with COBOL
Interfacing with ‘‘Text_IO‘‘Ada Text_IO C_Streams a-tiocst ads
Interfacing with ‘‘Wide_Text_IO‘‘Ada Wide_Text_IO C_Streams a-wtcstr ads
Interfacing with ‘‘Wide_Wide_Text_IO‘‘Ada Wide_Wide_Text_IO C_Streams a-ztcstr ads
Interfacing with C++Pragma CPP_Class
Interfacing with C++Pragma CPP_Constructor
Interfacing with C++Pragma CPP_Vtable
Interfacing with Direct_IOAda Direct_IO C_Streams a-diocst ads
Interfacing with Sequential_IOAda Sequential_IO C_Streams a-siocst ads
Interfacing with Stream_IOAda Streams Stream_IO C_Streams a-ssicst ads
InterruptGNAT Ctrl_C g-ctrl_c ads
Interrupt supportRM C 1 10-16 Access to Machine Operations
InterruptsRM C 3 1 20-21 Protected Procedure Handlers
Intrinsic operatorIntrinsic Operators
Intrinsic SubprogramsIntrinsic Subprograms
Invalid representationsPragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values
Invalid valuesPragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values
Invalid_ValueAttribute Invalid_Value
InvariantAspect Invariant
Invariant’ClassAspect Invariant’Class
IO supportAda Strings Unbounded Text_IO a-suteio ads
IO supportAda Strings Wide_Unbounded Wide_Text_IO a-swuwti ads
IO supportAda Strings Wide_Wide_Unbounded Wide_Wide_Text_IO a-szuzti ads
IterableAspect Iterable

LargeAttribute Large
Latin_1 constants for Wide_CharacterAda Characters Wide_Latin_1 a-cwila1 ads
Latin_1 constants for Wide_Wide_CharacterAda Characters Wide_Wide_Latin_1 a-chzla1 ads
Latin_9 constants for CharacterAda Characters Latin_9 a-chlat9 ads
Latin_9 constants for Wide_CharacterAda Characters Wide_Latin_9 a-cwila9 ads
Latin_9 constants for Wide_Wide_CharacterAda Characters Wide_Wide_Latin_9 a-chzla9 ads
Latin-1Changed semantics
Library_LevelAttribute Library_Level
License checkingPragma License
Linker_SectionAspect Linker_Section
Little endianAttribute Default_Bit_Order
Little endianAttribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
localSystem Pool_Local s-pooloc ads
Local storage poolSystem Pool_Local s-pooloc ads
Local_RestrictionsAspect Local_Restrictions
Lock_FreeAspect Lock_Free
LockingGNAT Task_Lock g-tasloc ads
Locking PoliciesRM C 7 2 30 The Package Task_Attributes
Locking using filesGNAT Lock_Files g-locfil ads
Loop_EntryAttribute Loop_Entry

Machine Code insertionsMachine Code Insertions
Machine operationsRM B 5 22-26 Interfacing with Fortran
Machine_SizeAttribute Machine_Size
MailboxesGNAT Bounded_Mailboxes g-boumai ads
MantissaAttribute Mantissa
MapsGNAT Spitbol Table_Integer g-sptain ads
MapsGNAT Spitbol Table_VString g-sptavs ads
Mathematical functionsGNAT Generic_Fast_Math_Functions g-gfmafu ads
Max_Integer_SizeAttribute Max_Integer_Size
Max_Queue_LengthAspect Max_Queue_Length
maximumAttribute Maximum_Alignment
Maximum_AlignmentAttribute Maximum_Alignment
Maximum_Alignment attributeAlignment Clauses
Mechanism_CodeAttribute Mechanism_Code
Memory allocationSystem Memory s-memory ads
Memory corruption debuggingGNAT Debug_Pools g-debpoo ads
Memory-mapped I/OUse of Address Clauses for Memory-Mapped I/O
Message Digest MD5GNAT MD5 g-md5 ads
monotonicRM D 7 21 Tasking Restrictions
multidimensionalRM 3 5 7 17 Float Types
Multidimensional arraysRM 3 5 7 17 Float Types
Multiprocessor interfaceSystem Multiprocessors s-multip ads
Multiprocessor interfaceSystem Multiprocessors Dispatching_Domains s-mudido ads

Named assertionsPragma Check
Named assertionsPragma Check_Policy
Named numbersAttribute Universal_Literal_String
No_CachingAspect No_Caching
No_Elaboration_Code_AllAspect No_Elaboration_Code_All
No_InlineAspect No_Inline
No_RaiseAspect No_Raise
No_Tagged_StreamsAspect No_Tagged_Streams
No_Task_PartsAspect No_Task_Parts
Null_OccurrenceAda Exceptions Is_Null_Occurrence a-einuoc ads
Null_OccurrenceAda Exceptions Last_Chance_Handler a-elchha ads
Null_ParameterAttribute Null_Parameter
NumericsRM F 1 2 Decimal Radix Support

Object_SizeAspect Object_Size
Object_SizeAttribute Object_Size
Object_SizeValue_Size and Object_Size Clauses
ObsolescentAspect Obsolescent
obtaining most recentGNAT Most_Recent_Exception g-moreex ads
of an addressSystem Address_Image s-addima ads
of bitsBit_Order Clauses
of bytesEffect of Bit_Order on Byte Ordering
of compilerGNAT Compiler_Version g-comver ads
of objectsValue_Size and Object_Size Clauses
OldAttribute Old
on ‘‘Address‘‘RM 13 7 37 Address as Private
Operating System interfaceGNAT OS_Lib g-os_lib ads
OperationsRM 13 7 37 Address as Private
operations ofRM 13 7 37 Address as Private
orderingBit_Order Clauses
orderingEffect of Bit_Order on Byte Ordering
Overlaying of objectsAddress Clauses

Package ‘‘Interrupts‘‘RM C 3 1 20-21 Protected Procedure Handlers
Package InterfacesRM B 1 39-41 Pragma Export
Package Task_AttributesRM C 5 8 Pragma Discard_Names
Packed DecimalInterfaces Packed_Decimal i-pacdec ads
Packed typesRM 13 1 21-24 Representation Clauses
ParametersAttribute Mechanism_Code
ParametersAttribute Passed_By_Reference
ParsingGNAT AWK g-awk ads
ParsingGNAT Bounded_Buffers g-boubuf ads
ParsingGNAT Bounded_Mailboxes g-boumai ads
Part_OfAspect Part_Of
Partition communication subsystemRM D 8 47-49 Monotonic Time
Partition interfacing functionsSystem Partition_Interface s-parint ads
Passed_By_ReferenceAttribute Passed_By_Reference
passingAttribute Null_Parameter
Passing by copyPragma C_Pass_By_Copy
passing mechanismAttribute Mechanism_Code
passing mechanismAttribute Mechanism_Code
Pattern matchingGNAT Regexp g-regexp ads
Pattern matchingGNAT Regpat g-regpat ads
Pattern matchingGNAT Spitbol Patterns g-spipat ads
PCSRM D 8 47-49 Monotonic Time
Persistent_BSSAspect Persistent_BSS
Pool_AddressAttribute Pool_Address
PortabilityAbout This Guide
PostPragma Post
PostPragma Post_Class
PostconditionPragma Postcondition
postconditionsPragma Post
postconditionsPragma Postcondition
postconditionsPragma Post_Class
PragmaRepresentation Clauses and Pragmas
pragma Ada_2012Implementation of Ada 2012 Features
Pragma Component_AlignmentPragma Component_Alignment
Pragma Pack (for arrays)Pragma Pack for Arrays
Pragma Pack (for records)Pragma Pack for Records
Pragma Pack (for type Natural)Pragma Pack for Arrays
Pragma Pack warningPragma Pack for Arrays
pragma Shared_PassiveGNAT Implementation of Shared Passive Packages
PragmasPragma Rename_Pragma
PragmasRM 1 1 5 12 Bounded Errors
PrePragma Pre
Pre_ClassPragma Pre_Class
Pre-elaboration requirementsRM C 3 2 25 Package Interrupts
preconditionsPragma Pre
PreconditionsPragma Precondition
preconditionsPragma Precondition
preconditionsPragma Pre_Class
PredicateAspect Predicate
Preemptive abortRM D 4 16 Entry Queuing Policies
Prefix_Exception_MessagesPragma Prefix_Exception_Messages
Protected procedure handlersRM C 3 28 Interrupt Support
PureGNAT Exceptions g-except ads
Pure packagesGNAT Exceptions g-except ads
Pure_FunctionAspect Pure_Function

Random number generationRM A 4 4 106 Bounded-Length String Handling
Random number generationGNAT MBBS_Discrete_Random g-mbdira ads
Random number generationGNAT MBBS_Float_Random g-mbflra ads
Random number generationGNAT Random_Numbers g-rannum ads
Range_LengthAttribute Range_Length
Rational compatibilityPragma Overriding_Renamings
Rational ProfilePragma Implicit_Packing
Rational profilePragma Overriding_Renamings
Rational profilePragma Use_VADS_Size
Read attributeRM 13 13 2 1 6 Stream Oriented Attributes
Real-Time Systems Annex complianceEnsuring Compliance with the Real-Time Annex
Record Representation ClauseRecord Representation Clauses
Record representation clausesRM 13 4 9-10 Enumeration Representation Clauses
recordsRM 13 4 9-10 Enumeration Representation Clauses
Refined_DependsAspect Refined_Depends
Refined_GlobalAspect Refined_Global
Refined_InitializationAspect Relaxed_Initialization
Refined_PostAspect Refined_Post
Refined_StateAspect Refined_State
Regular expressionsGNAT Regexp g-regexp ads
Regular expressionsGNAT Regpat g-regpat ads
Remote_Access_TypeAspect Remote_Access_Type
Removing command line argumentsAda Command_Line Remove a-colire ads
representationRepresentation Clauses and Pragmas
RepresentationDetermining the Representations chosen by GNAT
RepresentationSystem Wch_Cnv s-wchcnv ads
Representation ClauseRepresentation Clauses and Pragmas
Representation clausesRM 11 5 28 Suppression of Checks
Representation clausesRM 13 3 71-73 Component Size Clauses
Representation clausesRM 13 4 9-10 Enumeration Representation Clauses
Representation ClausesRepresentation Clauses and Pragmas
representation ofAttribute Universal_Literal_String
Representation of enumsAttribute Enum_Rep
Representation of enumsAttribute Enum_Val
Representation of wide charactersSystem Wch_Cnv s-wchcnv ads
Representation PragmaRepresentation Clauses and Pragmas
response fileAda Command_Line Response_File a-clrefi ads
Response file for command lineAda Command_Line Response_File a-clrefi ads
Restriction_SetAttribute Restriction_Set
RestrictionsAttribute Restriction_Set
Restrictions definitionsSystem Rident s-rident ads
ResultAttribute Result
Return valuesAttribute Mechanism_Code
Rewrite dataGNAT Rewrite_Data g-rewdat ads
Rotate_LeftShifts and Rotates
Rotate_RightShifts and Rotates
RoundAttribute Round
Run-time restrictions accessSystem Restrictions s-restri ads

Safe_EmaxAttribute Safe_Emax
Safe_LargeAttribute Safe_Large
Safe_SmallAttribute Safe_Small
Scalar storage orderAttribute Scalar_Storage_Order
Scalar_Storage_OrderPragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
Scalar_Storage_OrderAspect Scalar_Storage_Order
Scalar_Storage_OrderAttribute Scalar_Storage_Order
Secondary Stack InfoGNAT Secondary_Stack_Info g-sestin ads
Secondary_Stack_SizeAspect Secondary_Stack_Size
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1GNAT SHA1 g-sha1 ads
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-224GNAT SHA224 g-sha224 ads
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-256GNAT SHA256 g-sha256 ads
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-384GNAT SHA384 g-sha384 ads
Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-512GNAT SHA512 g-sha512 ads
SemaphoresGNAT Semaphores g-semaph ads
Sequential elaboration policyRM G 2 6 15 Complex Arithmetic Accuracy
Serial_CommunicationsGNAT Serial_Communications g-sercom ads
Sets of stringsGNAT Spitbol Table_Boolean g-sptabo ads
setting for not-first subtypeAttribute Value_Size
SharedAspect Shared
Shared passive packagesGNAT Implementation of Shared Passive Packages
SHARED_MEMORY_DIRECTORY environment variableGNAT Implementation of Shared Passive Packages
Shift operatorsPragma Provide_Shift_Operators
Shift_LeftShifts and Rotates
Shift_RightShifts and Rotates
Shift_Right_ArithmeticShifts and Rotates
Side_EffectsAspect Side_Effects
SignalsGNAT Signals g-signal ads
simplePragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type
simpleAttribute Simple_Storage_Pool
Simple I/OGNAT IO g-io ads
Simple storage poolPragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type
Simple storage poolAttribute Simple_Storage_Pool
Simple_Storage_PoolAspect Simple_Storage_Pool
Simple_Storage_PoolAttribute Simple_Storage_Pool
Simple_Storage_Pool_TypeAspect Simple_Storage_Pool_Type
SizePragma Use_VADS_Size
SizeAttribute Object_Size
SizeAttribute VADS_Size
SizeAttribute Value_Size
SizeSize of Variant Record Objects
sizeSize of Variant Record Objects
SizeValue_Size and Object_Size Clauses
Size ClauseSize Clauses
Size clausesRM 13 3 29-35 Alignment Clauses
Size for biased representationBiased Representation
Size of ‘‘Address‘‘Attribute Address_Size
SmallAttribute Small
SmallAttribute Small_Denominator
SmallAttribute Small_Numerator
Small_DenominatorAttribute Small_Denominator
Small_NumeratorAttribute Small_Numerator
SocketsGNAT Sockets g-socket ads
SortingGNAT Bubble_Sort g-bubsor ads
SortingGNAT Bubble_Sort_A g-busora ads
SortingGNAT Bubble_Sort_G g-busorg ads
SortingGNAT Heap_Sort g-heasor ads
SortingGNAT Heap_Sort_A g-hesora ads
SortingGNAT Heap_Sort_G g-hesorg ads
Source InformationGNAT Source_Info g-souinf ads
SPARK_ModeAspect SPARK_Mode
Spawn capabilityGNAT OS_Lib g-os_lib ads
Spell checkingGNAT Spelling_Checker g-speche ads
Spell checkingGNAT Spelling_Checker_Generic g-spchge ads
Spell checkingGNAT UTF_32_Spelling_Checker g-u3spch ads
Spell checkingGNAT Wide_Spelling_Checker g-wispch ads
Spell checkingGNAT Wide_Wide_Spelling_Checker g-zspche ads
SPITBOL interfaceGNAT Spitbol g-spitbo ads
SPITBOL pattern matchingGNAT Spitbol Patterns g-spipat ads
SPITBOL TablesGNAT Spitbol Table_Boolean g-sptabo ads
SPITBOL TablesGNAT Spitbol Table_Integer g-sptain ads
SPITBOL TablesGNAT Spitbol Table_VString g-sptavs ads
Storage place attributesRM 13 5 1 17-22 Record Representation Clauses
Storage poolPragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type
Storage poolAttribute Simple_Storage_Pool
Storage poolSystem Pool_Global s-pooglo ads
Storage poolSystem Pool_Local s-pooloc ads
Storage_Size ClauseStorage_Size Clauses
Storage_UnitAttribute Storage_Unit
Storage_Unit (in pragma Component_Alignment)Pragma Component_Alignment
Stream filesTreating Text_IO Files as Streams
Stream operationsSystem Strings Stream_Ops s-ststop ads
Stream oriented attributesRM 13 11 2 17 Unchecked Deallocation
Stream oriented attributesRM 13 13 2 1 6 Stream Oriented Attributes
String decodingGNAT Decode_String g-decstr ads
String encodingGNAT Encode_String g-encstr ads
String mapsGNAT Spitbol Table_VString g-sptavs ads
String splitterGNAT String_Split g-strspl ads
String stream operationsSystem Strings Stream_Ops s-ststop ads
Stub_TypeAttribute Stub_Type
Subprogram addressAttribute Code_Address
Subprogram_VariantPragma Subprogram_Variant
Subprogram_VariantAspect Subprogram_Variant
subtypesAlignment Clauses
SuperAttribute Super
Suppress_Debug_InfoAspect Suppress_Debug_Info
Suppress_InitializationAspect Suppress_Initialization
Suppressing external namePragma Export_Function
Suppressing external namePragma Export_Procedure
Suppressing external namePragma Export_Valued_Procedure
Suppressing initializationPragma Suppress_Initialization
suppression ofPragma Suppress_Initialization
suppression ofRM 11 4 1 19 Exception Information
Suppression of checksRM 11 4 1 19 Exception Information
synonymsPragma Convention_Identifier
synonymsPragma Rename_Pragma
SystemPragma Extend_System
System_Allocator_AlignmentAttribute System_Allocator_Alignment
System.Address_Image ( Address_Image s-addima ads
System.Assertions ( Assertions s-assert ads
System.Atomic_Counters ( Atomic_Counters s-atocou ads
System.Memory ( Memory s-memory ads
System.Multiprocessors ( Multiprocessors s-multip ads
System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains ( Multiprocessors Dispatching_Domains s-mudido ads
System.Partition_Interface ( Partition_Interface s-parint ads
System.Pool_Global ( Pool_Global s-pooglo ads
System.Pool_Local ( Pool_Local s-pooloc ads
System.Restrictions ( Restrictions s-restri ads
System.Rident ( Rident s-rident ads
System.Strings.Stream_Ops ( Strings Stream_Ops s-ststop ads
System.Unsigned_Types ( Unsigned_Types s-unstyp ads
System.Wch_Cnv ( Wch_Cnv s-wchcnv ads
System.Wch_Con ( Wch_Con s-wchcon ads

Table implementationGNAT Dynamic_Tables g-dyntab ads
Table implementationGNAT Table g-table ads
Tagged valuesAttribute Has_Tagged_Values
Target_NameAttribute Target_Name
Task lockingGNAT Task_Lock g-tasloc ads
Task specific storagePragma Thread_Local_Storage
Task synchronizationGNAT Task_Lock g-tasloc ads
Task_AttributesPragma Thread_Local_Storage
Task_AttributesRM C 5 8 Pragma Discard_Names
Tasking restrictionsRM D 6 9-10 Preemptive Abort
Test casesPragma Test_Case
Test_CaseAspect Test_Case
testing forAttribute Has_Access_Values
testing forAttribute Has_Discriminants
testing forAttribute Has_Tagged_Values
testing forAda Exceptions Is_Null_Occurrence a-einuoc ads
testing forAda Exceptions Last_Chance_Handler a-elchha ads
Text_IOAda Strings Unbounded Text_IO a-suteio ads
Text_IOAda Strings Wide_Unbounded Wide_Text_IO a-swuwti ads
Text_IOAda Strings Wide_Wide_Unbounded Wide_Wide_Text_IO a-szuzti ads
Text_IOGNAT IO_Aux g-io_aux ads
Text_IO extensionsText_IO Extensions
Text_IO for unbounded stringsText_IO Facilities for Unbounded Strings
Text_IO operationsText_IO Facilities for Unbounded Strings
Text_IO resetting standard filesAda Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-tirsfi ads
Thread_Local_StorageAspect Thread_Local_Storage
ThreadsGNAT Threads g-thread ads
TimeRM D 7 21 Tasking Restrictions
TimeGNAT Calendar Time_IO g-catiio ads
Time stampGNAT Time_Stamp g-timsta ads
TLS (Thread Local Storage)Pragma Thread_Local_Storage
To_AddressAttribute To_Address
To_AddressAddress Clauses
To_AnyAttribute To_Any
Trace back facilitiesGNAT Traceback g-traceb ads
Trace back facilitiesGNAT Traceback Symbolic g-trasym ads
Traceback for Exception OccurrenceAda Exceptions Traceback a-exctra ads
Type_ClassAttribute Type_Class
Type_KeyAttribute Type_Key
TypeCodeAttribute TypeCode
Typographical conventionsConventions

Unbounded_StringText_IO Facilities for Unbounded Strings
Unbounded_StringAda Strings Unbounded Text_IO a-suteio ads
Unbounded_Wide_StringAda Strings Wide_Unbounded Wide_Text_IO a-swuwti ads
Unbounded_Wide_Wide_StringAda Strings Wide_Wide_Unbounded Wide_Wide_Text_IO a-szuzti ads
Unchecked conversionRM 13 7 1 16 Address Operations
Unchecked deallocationRM 13 11 23-25 Implicit Heap Usage
Unconstrained_ArrayAttribute Unconstrained_Array
Unevaluated_Use_Of_OldPragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old
UnicodeGNAT Decode_String g-decstr ads
UnicodeGNAT Decode_UTF8_String g-deutst ads
UnicodeGNAT Encode_String g-encstr ads
UnicodeGNAT Encode_UTF8_String g-enutst ads
Unicode categorizationAda Wide_Characters Unicode a-wichun ads
Unicode categorizationAda Wide_Wide_Characters Unicode a-zchuni ads
Unions in CPragma Unchecked_Union
Universal_AliasingAspect Universal_Aliasing
Universal_Literal_StringAttribute Universal_Literal_String
unmodifiedPragma Unmodified
UnmodifiedAspect Unmodified
unreferencedPragma Unreferenced
unreferencedPragma Unreferenced_Objects
UnreferencedAspect Unreferenced
Unreferenced_ObjectsAspect Unreferenced_Objects
unrestrictedAttribute Unrestricted_Access
Unrestricted_AccessAttribute Unrestricted_Access
unusedPragma Unused
UpdateAttribute Update
used for objectsAttribute Object_Size
User_AspectAspect User_Aspect
UTF-8GNAT Decode_String g-decstr ads
UTF-8GNAT Decode_UTF8_String g-deutst ads
UTF-8GNAT Encode_String g-encstr ads
UTF-8GNAT Encode_UTF8_String g-enutst ads
UTF-8 representationGNAT Byte_Order_Mark g-byorma ads
UTF-8 string decodingGNAT Decode_UTF8_String g-deutst ads
UTF-8 string encodingGNAT Encode_UTF8_String g-enutst ads

VADS compatibilityPragma Use_VADS_Size
VADS compatibilityAttribute VADS_Size
VADS_SizeAttribute VADS_Size
Valid_ScalarsAttribute Valid_Scalars
Valid_ValueAttribute Valid_Value
Value_SizeAspect Value_Size
Value_SizeAttribute Value_Size
Value_SizeValue_Size and Object_Size Clauses
variant record objectsSize of Variant Record Objects
Variant record objectsSize of Variant Record Objects
VersionGNAT Compiler_Version g-comver ads
Volatile_Full_AccessAspect Volatile_Full_Access
Volatile_FunctionAspect Volatile_Function
VxWorksInterfaces VxWorks i-vxwork ads
VxWorksInterfaces VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads
VxWorksInterfaces VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads
VxWorksInterfaces VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads

WarningsPragma Unmodified
WarningsPragma Unreferenced
WarningsPragma Unreferenced_Objects
WarningsPragma Unused
WarningsAspect Warnings
Wchar_T_SizeAttribute Wchar_T_Size
when passed by referenceAttribute Passed_By_Reference
Wide characte representationsGNAT Byte_Order_Mark g-byorma ads
Wide CharacterSystem Wch_Cnv s-wchcnv ads
Wide character codesGNAT UTF_32 g-utf_32 ads
Wide character decodingGNAT Decode_UTF8_String g-deutst ads
Wide character encodingGNAT Decode_String g-decstr ads
Wide character encodingGNAT Encode_String g-encstr ads
Wide character encodingGNAT Encode_UTF8_String g-enutst ads
Wide StringSystem Wch_Cnv s-wchcnv ads
Wide_CharacterAda Wide_Characters Unicode a-wichun ads
Wide_String splitterGNAT Wide_String_Split g-wistsp ads
Wide_Text_IO resetting standard filesAda Wide_Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-wrstfi ads
Wide_Wide_CharacterAda Wide_Wide_Characters Unicode a-zchuni ads
Wide_Wide_String splitterGNAT Wide_Wide_String_Split g-zistsp ads
Wide_Wide_Text_IO resetting standard filesAda Wide_Wide_Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-zrstfi ads
Windows RegistryGNAT Registry g-regist ads
Word_SizeAttribute Word_Size
Write attributeRM 13 13 2 1 6 Stream Oriented Attributes

XDR representationRM 13 13 2 1 6 Stream Oriented Attributes

Zero addressAttribute Null_Parameter