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6.2 The GNAT Driver and Project Files

A number of GNAT tools beyond `gnatmake' can benefit from project files:

However, none of these tools can be invoked directly with a project file switch (`-P'). They must be invoked through the `gnat' driver.

The `gnat' driver is a wrapper that accepts a number of commands and calls the corresponding tool. It was designed initially for VMS platforms (to convert VMS qualifiers to Unix-style switches), but it is now available on all GNAT platforms.

On non-VMS platforms, the `gnat' driver accepts the following commands (case insensitive):

Note that the command `gnatmake -c -f -u' is used to invoke the compiler.

On non-VMS platforms, between `gnat' and the command, two special switches may be used:

The command may be followed by switches and arguments for the invoked tool.

$ gnat bind -C main.ali
$ gnat ls -a main
$ gnat chop foo.txt

Switches may also be put in text files, one switch per line, and the text files may be specified with their path name preceded by ’@’.

$ gnat bind @args.txt main.ali

In addition, for the following commands the project file related switches (`-P', `-X' and `-vPx') may be used in addition to the switches of the invoking tool:

For each of the following commands, there is optionally a corresponding package in the main project.

Package Gnatls has a unique attribute Switches, a simple variable with a string list value. It contains switches for the invocation of gnatls.

project Proj1 is
   package gnatls is
      for Switches
          use ("-a",
   end gnatls;
end Proj1;

All other packages have two attribute Switches and Default_Switches.

Switches is an indexed attribute, indexed by the source file name, that has a string list value: the switches to be used when the tool corresponding to the package is invoked for the specific source file.

Default_Switches is an attribute, indexed by the programming language that has a string list value. Default_Switches ("Ada") contains the switches for the invocation of the tool corresponding to the package, except if a specific Switches attribute is specified for the source file.

project Proj is

   for Source_Dirs use ("");

   package gnatls is
      for Switches use
   end gnatls;

   package Compiler is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada")
          use ("-gnatv",
   end Binder;

   package Binder is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada")
          use ("-C",
   end Binder;

   package Linker is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada")
          use ("-C");
      for Switches ("main.adb")
          use ("-C",
   end Linker;

   package Finder is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada")
           use ("-a",
   end Finder;

   package Cross_Reference is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada")
          use ("-a",
   end Cross_Reference;
end Proj;

With the above project file, commands such as

$ gnat comp -Pproj main
$ gnat ls -Pproj main
$ gnat xref -Pproj main
$ gnat bind -Pproj main.ali
$ gnat link -Pproj main.ali

will set up the environment properly and invoke the tool with the switches found in the package corresponding to the tool: Default_Switches ("Ada") for all tools, except Switches ("main.adb") for gnatlink.

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