8.188 MAX — Maximum value of an argument list


Returns the argument with the largest (most positive) value.


Fortran 77 and later


Elemental function


RESULT = MAX(A1, A2 [, A3 [, ...]])

A1The type shall be INTEGER or REAL.
A2, A3, ...An expression of the same type and kind as A1. (As a GNU extension, arguments of different kinds are permitted.)
Return value:

The return value corresponds to the maximum value among the arguments, and has the same type and kind as the first argument.

Specific names:
NameArgumentReturn typeStandard
MAX0(A1)INTEGER(4) A1INTEGER(4)Fortran 77 and later
AMAX0(A1)INTEGER(4) A1REAL(MAX(X))Fortran 77 and later
MAX1(A1)REAL A1INT(MAX(X))Fortran 77 and later
AMAX1(A1)REAL(4) A1REAL(4)Fortran 77 and later
DMAX1(A1)REAL(8) A1REAL(8)Fortran 77 and later
See also:

MAXLOC — Location of the maximum value within an array
MAXVAL — Maximum value of an array,
MIN — Minimum value of an argument list