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Re: [PATCH] Make std::enable_shared_from_this cope with ambiguity

On 19/10/16 21:13 +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
This patch does three things:

1. Refactor std::enable_shared_from_this support code.

Instead of several overloads of __enable_shared_from_this_helper
that contain the same code but operating on slightly different types
I've split it into two parts. Upcasting to an accessible+unambiguous
enable_shared_from_this base class is done by new functions found by
ADL, __enable_shared_from_this_base. That is called by a new
template function __shared_ptr::_M_enable_shared_from_this_with()
which actually does the enabling by calling _M_weak_assign.

Calls to _M_enable_shared_from_this_with(p) closely match the
wording from my paper ("enables
shared_from_this with p") and are constrained so they don't give an
error if the __enable_shared_from_this_base() call is ambiguous. We
already gracefully handled ambiguous std::enable_shared_from_this
bases (PR56383) but failed noisily if a type had a combination of
std::enable_shared_from_this, std::__enable_shared_from_this and
std::experimental::enable_shared_from_this bases. Now we treat those
combinations gracefully.

2. Change std::experimental::enable_shared_from_this bases to be
initialized independently of std::enable_shared_from_this bases.
It's now possible to have both, and for both to be enabled. See which tests this.

The standard says we have to enable shared_from_this for types with
an accessible and unambiguous std::enable_shared_from_this base
class, and we should be able to do that even if the class also has
an experimental::enable_shared_from_this base class. Now we can.

Potentially we could do the same for std::__enable_shared_from_this,
but I'm happy for those bases to be considered ambiguous with

3. Don't enable shared_from_this for arrays stored in
experimental::shared_ptr.  This matches the boost::shared_ptr
semantics, and I intend to propose this as a fix for C++17 too. It
doesn't make sense to treat the first element of an array specially
and enable shared_from_this for the first element only.

I forgot to say that 2. and 3. are appropriate for gcc-6-branch too,
as they only touch the experimental TS code.

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