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Re: [GSoC] Extend shared_ptr to support array, update 2

On 04/04/15 20:26 -0400, Fan You wrote:

Things I've tried recently, by adding specialization for
- [] shared_ptr constructors.
- [] shared_ptr observers.
- Change element_type in __weak_ptr to remove_extent<_Tp>::type;
- According to
I overload make_shared and allocate_shared with an extra parameter
(size_t __size) to support allocate memory for array type. However,
it's not in the standard, am I allow to do this?

Since you're only adding them to namespace std::experimental we can be
a bit more flexible on what is added. I suggest following the proposal
(which has not been accepted into the Library Fundamentals TS).

- And I am also worried about the support for N-dimension array. The
deleter seems to be fine, but something like shared_ptr<T[N][]...>,
shared_ptr<T[][N]...> or shared_ptr<T[][]...> may or may not cause
extra works. Or should I just not consider these for now?

It might be worth considering them, just to make sure you aren't going
to create problems for yourself later, but I think they should Just


+      template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc, typename... _Args>
+	__shared_count(_Sp_make_shared_tag, _Tp*, const _Alloc& __a,
+		       size_t __size, _Args&&... __args)
+	: _M_pi(0)
+	{
+	  typedef _Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<_Tp, _Alloc, _Lp> _Sp_cp_type;
+	  typedef typename allocator_traits<_Alloc>::template
+	    rebind_traits<_Sp_cp_type> _Alloc_traits;
+	  typename _Alloc_traits::allocator_type __a2(__a);
+	  _Sp_cp_type* __mem = _Alloc_traits::allocate(__a2, __size);

This allocates space for an array of _Sp_counted_ptr_inplace objects,
which is not the same as a single _Sp_counted_ptr_inplace and an array
of _Tp[__size].

+	  __try
+	    {
+	      _Alloc_traits::construct(__a2, __mem, std::move(__a),
+		    std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+	      _M_pi = __mem;
+	    }
+	  __catch(...)
+	    {
+	      _Alloc_traits::deallocate(__a2, __mem, __size);
+	      __throw_exception_again;
+	    }
+	}
      // Special case for auto_ptr<_Tp> to provide the strong guarantee.
      template<typename _Tp>
@@ -1175,6 +1200,123 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION
      __shared_count<_Lp>  _M_refcount;    // Reference counter.

+  //new array  approach
+  template <typename _Tp>
+    struct __libfund_v1 {using type = _Tp;};
+  //array support revised
+  template<typename _Tp, _Lock_policy _Lp, unsigned N>
+    class __shared_ptr<__libfund_v1<_Tp[N]>, _Lp>

My suggestion was to use the __libfund_v1 tag type for all types, not
only array types:

 template<typename _Tp, _Lock_policy _Lp>
   class __shared_ptr<__libfund_v1<_Tp>, _Lp>

Then you make that specialization meet the requirements of the TS,
including using remove_extent, and performing the right SFINAE
constraints on conversions.

That means the existing __shared_ptr<_Tp> is unchanged, and
__shared_ptr<__libfund_v1<_Tp>> meets all the requirements of
std::experimental::shared_ptr for array types and non-array types.

+    {
+    public:
+      using element_type = typename __libfund_v1<_Tp[N]>::type;

This should be using remove_extent here.

+      template<typename _Tp1>
+        explicit __shared_ptr(_Tp1* __p)
+        : _M_ptr(__p), _M_refcount(__p, _M_del) // default deleter

I still don't understand why you have the _M_del member here.

It just wastes space in every object. If the user provides a custom
deleter, it isn't used, and if they don't provide a custom deleter
then _M_refcount will store a copy, so _M_del is never needed!

Just pass a default-constructed object to _M_refcount's constructor:

+        : _M_ptr(__p), _M_refcount(__p, _D_Deleter{})

Now you don't need the _M_del member.


I'd prefer this to have a better name, maybe _Array_deleter:

+      struct _D_Deleter
+      {
+        void
+        operator()(_Tp const *__p)

This member function should be const.

@@ -1334,12 +1476,12 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION
      return __shared_ptr<_Tp, _Lp>();

  template<typename _Tp, _Lock_policy _Lp>
    class __weak_ptr
-      typedef _Tp element_type;
+      using element_type = typename remove_extent<_Tp>::type;

This changes the behaviour of std::weak_ptr<T[N]> so I think you also
need a partial specialization of __weak_ptr<__libfund_v1<_Tp>>.

diff --git a/experimental/memory b/experimental/memory
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c2328f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experimental/memory
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#include <memory>
+namespace std {
+namespace experimental {
+inline namespace fundamentals_v1 {
+  template<typename _Tp>
+    class shared_ptr;

It should be possible to use std::experimental::shared_ptr<int> as
well as std::experimental::shared_ptr<int[]>, so you need to define
the primary template, not only the partial specializations for arrays.

+  //for non default lock policy
+  template<typename _Tp, _Lock_policy _Lp = __default_lock_policy>
+    using __shared_ptr = std::__shared_ptr<_Tp, _Lp>;


+  template<typename _Tp, unsigned N>
+    class shared_ptr<_Tp[N]> : public __shared_ptr<__libfund_v1<_Tp[N]>>

As stated above, std::experimental::shared_ptr<int> should work too,
so I was thinking that you would always use the __libfund_v1 tag type

 template<typename _Tp, unsigned N>
   class shared_ptr : public __shared_ptr<__libfund_v1<_Tp>>

This will be used for all types, even when _Tp is not an array type.

+    {
+    public:
+      typedef typename remove_extent_t<_Tp> element_type;

For std::experimental::__shared_ptr<_Tp[]> to work correctly the
remove_extent_t must be used in the base class, or done by the
__libfund_v1 tag type as shown above.

+      constexpr shared_ptr() noexcept = default;
+      template<typename _Tp1>
+        explicit shared_ptr(_Tp1* __p) : __shared_ptr<__libfund_v1<_Tp[N]>>(__p) { }

It probably makes sense to define a typedef to refer to the base type:

     using __base_type = __shared_ptr<__libfund_v1<_Tp>>;

That will simplify all the constructors.

Overall this is looking good, thanks for working on it.

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