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Re: why are calls to libstdc++ being handled by python?

Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 10 July 2014 13:32, Linda A. Walsh wrote:
Linda A. Walsh wrote:
This looks very odd.
It occurred to me that gdb might be written in python
and it is having problems with ... ???  well not sure
why it should have problems deciphering a traceback
through libstdc++?  So still a bit lost...

GDB has an (optional) Python API which is used by libstdc++ to provide
pretty printing of std::lib types and values, as well as filtering
names in stack frames (e.g. to replace std::basic_string<char,
std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>> with std::string which
is much easier to read).
Unfortunately, sometimes when debugging you sometimes have garbage
data in your stack, and so when Python tries to improve the output it
gets confused by the garbage.
Maybe it should be quiet by default?  (I.e. unless someone wants
to see python error output?  It adds a bit of confusion...

It is repeatable garbage in this case.  Though it likely won't be
"soon"... (rewriting the algorithm involved).

Thanks for the explanation.

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