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Re: [patch 1/N] std::regex refactoring - _BracketMatcher

I'm committing the attached patch, combining the various patches we
discussed in April.

Tested x86_64-linux, committed to trunk.

commit f8e0936df9cdc31460bb79ac82f43486967983b1
Author: Jonathan Wakely <>
Date:   Tue Apr 8 16:24:56 2014 +0100

    	* include/bits/regex_compiler.h (__detail::_BracketMatcher): Reorder
    	members to avoid wasted space when not using a cache.
    	(__detail::_BracketMatcher::_M_ready()): Sort and deduplicate set.
    	* include/bits/regex_compiler.tcc
    	(__detail::_BracketMatcher::_M_apply(_CharT, false_type)): Use binary
    	search on set.
    	* include/bits/regex_executor.h (__detail::_Executor::_Match_mode):
    	New enumeration type to indicate match mode.
    	(__detail::_Executor::_State_info): New type holding members only
    	needed in BFS-mode. Replace unique_ptr<vector<bool>> with
    	(__detail::_Executor::_M_rep_once_more, __detail::_Executor::_M_dfs):
    	Replace template parameter with run-time function parameter.
    	(__detail::_Executor::_M_main): Likewise. Dispatch to ...
    	(__detail::_Executor::_M_main_dispatch): New overloaded functions to
    	implement DFS and BFS mode.
    	* include/bits/regex_executor.tcc (__detail::_Executor::_M_main):
    	Split implementation into ...
    	(__detail::_Executor::_M_main_dispatch): New overloaded functions.
    	(__detail::_Executor::_M_lookahead): Create nested executor on stack.
    	(__detail::_Executor::_M_rep_once_more): Pass match mode as function
    	argument instead of template argument.
    	(__detail::_Executor::_M_dfs): Likewise.
    	* include/bits/regex_scanner.tcc: Fix typos in comments.
    	* testsuite/performance/28_regex/ New.

diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex.tcc b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex.tcc
index 0d737a0..a81f517 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex.tcc
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex.tcc
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 // If _GLIBCXX_REGEX_USE_THOMPSON_NFA is defined, the thompson NFA
 // algorithm will be used. This algorithm is not enabled by default,
 // and cannot be used if the regex contains back-references, but has better
-// (polynomial instead of exponential) worst case performace.
+// (polynomial instead of exponential) worst case performance.
 // See __regex_algo_impl below.
 namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.h
index 52f7235..ca116de 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.h
     struct _BracketMatcher;
-   * @brief Builds an NFA from an input iterator interval.
+   * @brief Builds an NFA from an input iterator range.
    * The %_TraitsT type should fulfill requirements [28.3].
       operator()(_CharT __ch) const
-	return _M_apply(__ch, _IsChar());
+	return _M_apply(__ch, _UseCache());
-	_M_make_cache(_IsChar());
+	std::sort(_M_char_set.begin(), _M_char_set.end());
+	auto __end = std::unique(_M_char_set.begin(), _M_char_set.end());
+	_M_char_set.erase(__end, _M_char_set.end());
+	_M_make_cache(_UseCache());
 	_M_is_ready = true;
-      typedef typename is_same<_CharT, char>::type _IsChar;
+      // Currently we only use the cache for char
+      typedef typename std::is_same<_CharT, char>::type _UseCache;
+      static constexpr size_t
+      _S_cache_size() { return 1ul << (sizeof(_CharT) * __CHAR_BIT__); }
       struct _Dummy { };
-      typedef typename conditional<_IsChar::value,
-				   std::bitset<1 << (8 * sizeof(_CharT))>,
-				   _Dummy>::type _CacheT;
-      typedef typename make_unsigned<_CharT>::type _UnsignedCharT;
+      typedef typename std::conditional<_UseCache::value,
+					std::bitset<_S_cache_size()>,
+					_Dummy>::type _CacheT;
+      typedef typename std::make_unsigned<_CharT>::type _UnsignedCharT;
-    private:
       _M_apply(_CharT __ch, false_type) const;
-	for (size_t __i = 0; __i < _M_cache.size(); __i++)
-	  _M_cache[static_cast<_UnsignedCharT>(__i)] =
-	    _M_apply(__i, false_type());
+	for (unsigned __i = 0; __i < _M_cache.size(); __i++)
+	  _M_cache[__i] = _M_apply(static_cast<_CharT>(__i), false_type());
       { }
-      _CacheT                                   _M_cache;
       std::vector<_CharT>                       _M_char_set;
       std::vector<_StringT>                     _M_equiv_set;
       std::vector<pair<_StrTransT, _StrTransT>> _M_range_set;
       _TransT                                   _M_translator;
       const _TraitsT&                           _M_traits;
       bool                                      _M_is_non_matching;
+      _CacheT					_M_cache;
       bool                                      _M_is_ready;
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.tcc b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.tcc
index 472cf1f..0df10cc 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.tcc
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.tcc
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
 // When compiling, states are *chained* instead of tree- or graph-constructed.
 // It's more like structured programs: there's if statement and loop statement.
-// For alternative structure(say "a|b"), aka "if statement", two branchs should
-// be constructed. However, these two shall merge to an "end_tag" at the end of
-// this operator:
+// For alternative structure (say "a|b"), aka "if statement", two branches
+// should be constructed. However, these two shall merge to an "end_tag" at
+// the end of this operator:
 //                branch1
 //              /        \
       else if (_M_match_token(_ScannerT::_S_token_line_end))
 	_M_stack.push(_StateSeqT(_M_nfa, _M_nfa._M_insert_line_end()));
       else if (_M_match_token(_ScannerT::_S_token_word_bound))
-	// _M_value[0] == 'n' means it's negtive, say "not word boundary".
+	// _M_value[0] == 'n' means it's negative, say "not word boundary".
 	_M_stack.push(_StateSeqT(_M_nfa, _M_nfa.
 	      _M_insert_word_bound(_M_value[0] == 'n')));
       else if (_M_match_token(_ScannerT::_S_token_subexpr_lookahead_begin))
 	      auto __end = _M_nfa._M_insert_dummy();
 	      // _M_alt is the "match more" branch, and _M_next is the
 	      // "match less" one. Switch _M_alt and _M_next of all created
-	      // nodes. This is a hacking but IMO works well.
+	      // nodes. This is a hack but IMO works well.
 	      std::stack<_StateIdT> __stack;
 	      for (long __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i)
     _BracketMatcher<_TraitsT, __icase, __collate>::
     _M_apply(_CharT __ch, false_type) const
-      bool __ret = false;
-      if (std::find(_M_char_set.begin(), _M_char_set.end(),
-		    _M_translator._M_translate(__ch))
-	  != _M_char_set.end())
-	__ret = true;
-      else
+      bool __ret = std::binary_search(_M_char_set.begin(), _M_char_set.end(),
+				      _M_translator._M_translate(__ch));
+      if (!__ret)
 	  auto __s = _M_translator._M_transform(__ch);
 	  for (auto& __it : _M_range_set)
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_executor.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_executor.h
index c110b88..1991c00 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_executor.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_executor.h
-   * @brief Takes a regex and an input string in and
-   * do the matching.
+   * @brief Takes a regex and an input string and does the matching.
    * The %_Executor class has two modes: DFS mode and BFS mode, controlled
    * by the template parameter %__dfs_mode.
 	   bool __dfs_mode>
     class _Executor
+      using __search_mode = integral_constant<bool, __dfs_mode>;
+      using __dfs = true_type;
+      using __bfs = false_type;
+      enum class _Match_mode : unsigned char { _Exact, _Prefix };
       typedef typename iterator_traits<_BiIter>::value_type _CharT;
       typedef basic_regex<_CharT, _TraitsT>                 _RegexT;
-      _M_match_queue(__dfs_mode ? nullptr
-		     : new vector<pair<_StateIdT, _ResultsVec>>()),
-      _M_visited(__dfs_mode ? nullptr : new vector<bool>(_M_nfa.size())),
+      _M_states(_M_nfa._M_start(), _M_nfa.size()),
       _M_flags((__flags & regex_constants::match_prev_avail)
 	       ? (__flags
 		  & ~regex_constants::match_not_bol
 		  & ~regex_constants::match_not_bow)
-	       : __flags),
-      _M_start_state(_M_nfa._M_start())
+	       : __flags)
       { }
-      // Set matched when string exactly match the pattern.
+      // Set matched when string exactly matches the pattern.
 	_M_current = _M_begin;
-	return _M_main<true>();
+	return _M_main(_Match_mode::_Exact);
       // Set matched when some prefix of the string matches the pattern.
 	_M_current = _M_begin;
-	return _M_main<false>();
+	return _M_main(_Match_mode::_Prefix);
-      template<bool __match_mode>
-	void
-	_M_rep_once_more(_StateIdT);
+      void
+      _M_rep_once_more(_Match_mode __match_mode, _StateIdT);
-      template<bool __match_mode>
-	void
-	_M_dfs(_StateIdT __start);
+      void
+      _M_dfs(_Match_mode __match_mode, _StateIdT __start);
-      template<bool __match_mode>
-	bool
-	_M_main();
+      bool
+      _M_main(_Match_mode __match_mode)
+      { return _M_main_dispatch(__match_mode, __search_mode{}); }
+      bool
+      _M_main_dispatch(_Match_mode __match_mode, __dfs);
+      bool
+      _M_main_dispatch(_Match_mode __match_mode, __bfs);
       _M_is_word(_CharT __ch) const
       _M_lookahead(_State<_TraitsT> __state);
+       // Holds additional information used in BFS-mode.
+      template<typename _SearchMode, typename _ResultsVec>
+	struct _State_info;
+      template<typename _ResultsVec>
+	struct _State_info<__bfs, _ResultsVec>
+	{
+	  explicit
+	  _State_info(_StateIdT __start, size_t __n)
+	  : _M_start(__start), _M_visited_states(new bool[__n]())
+	  { }
+	  bool _M_visited(_StateIdT __i)
+	  {
+	    if (_M_visited_states[__i])
+	      return true;
+	    _M_visited_states[__i] = true;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  void _M_queue(_StateIdT __i, const _ResultsVec& __res)
+	  { _M_match_queue.emplace_back(__i, __res); }
+	  // Saves states that need to be considered for the next character.
+	  vector<pair<_StateIdT, _ResultsVec>>	_M_match_queue;
+	  // Indicates which states are already visited.
+	  unique_ptr<bool[]>			_M_visited_states;
+	  // To record current solution.
+	  _StateIdT _M_start;
+	};
+      template<typename _ResultsVec>
+	struct _State_info<__dfs, _ResultsVec>
+	{
+	  explicit
+	  _State_info(_StateIdT __start, size_t) : _M_start(__start)
+	  { }
+	  // Dummy implementations for DFS mode.
+	  bool _M_visited(_StateIdT) const { return false; }
+	  void _M_queue(_StateIdT, const _ResultsVec&) { }
+	  // To record current solution.
+	  _StateIdT _M_start;
+	};
       _ResultsVec                                           _M_cur_results;
       _BiIter                                               _M_current;
       const _RegexT&                                        _M_re;
       const _NFAT&                                          _M_nfa;
       _ResultsVec&                                          _M_results;
-      // Used in BFS, saving states that need to be considered for the next
-      // character.
-      unique_ptr<vector<pair<_StateIdT, _ResultsVec>>>      _M_match_queue;
-      // Used in BFS, indicating that which state is already visited.
       vector<pair<_BiIter, int>>                            _M_rep_count;
-      unique_ptr<vector<bool>>                              _M_visited;
+      _State_info<__search_mode, _ResultsVec>		    _M_states;
       _FlagT                                                _M_flags;
-      // To record current solution.
-      _StateIdT                                             _M_start_state;
       // Do we have a solution so far?
       bool                                                  _M_has_sol;
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_executor.tcc b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_executor.tcc
index 7f89933..aefa8f4 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_executor.tcc
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_executor.tcc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace __detail
   template<typename _BiIter, typename _Alloc, typename _TraitsT,
-    bool __dfs_mode>
+	   bool __dfs_mode>
     bool _Executor<_BiIter, _Alloc, _TraitsT, __dfs_mode>::
 	  _M_current = __cur;
-	  if (_M_main<false>())
+	  if (_M_main(_Match_mode::_Prefix))
 	    return true;
       // Continue when __cur == _M_end
       return false;
-  // This function operates in different modes, DFS mode or BFS mode, indicated
-  // by template parameter __dfs_mode. See _M_main for details.
+  // The _M_main function operates in different modes, DFS mode or BFS mode,
+  // indicated by template parameter __dfs_mode, and dispatches to one of the
+  // _M_main_dispatch overloads.
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
   // It applies a Depth-First-Search (aka backtracking) on given NFA and input
   // string.
-  // At the very beginning the executor stands in the start state, then it tries
-  // every possible state transition in current state recursively. Some state
-  // transitions consume input string, say, a single-char-matcher or a
+  // At the very beginning the executor stands in the start state, then it
+  // tries every possible state transition in current state recursively. Some
+  // state transitions consume input string, say, a single-char-matcher or a
   // back-reference matcher; some don't, like assertion or other anchor nodes.
-  // When the input is exhausted and/or the current state is an accepting state,
-  // the whole executor returns true.
+  // When the input is exhausted and/or the current state is an accepting
+  // state, the whole executor returns true.
   // TODO: This approach is exponentially slow for certain input.
   //       Try to compile the NFA to a DFA.
   // Time complexity: \Omega(match_length), O(2^(_M_nfa.size()))
   // Space complexity: \theta(match_results.size() + match_length)
+  template<typename _BiIter, typename _Alloc, typename _TraitsT,
+	   bool __dfs_mode>
+    bool _Executor<_BiIter, _Alloc, _TraitsT, __dfs_mode>::
+    _M_main_dispatch(_Match_mode __match_mode, __dfs)
+    {
+      _M_has_sol = false;
+      _M_cur_results = _M_results;
+      _M_dfs(__match_mode, _M_states._M_start);
+      return _M_has_sol;
+    }
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
   // BFS mode:
   // It first computes epsilon closure (states that can be achieved without
   // consuming characters) for every state that's still matching,
-  // using the same DFS algorithm, but doesn't re-enter states (find a true in
-  // _M_visited), nor follows _S_opcode_match.
+  // using the same DFS algorithm, but doesn't re-enter states (using
+  // _M_states._M_visited to check), nor follow _S_opcode_match.
-  // Then apply DFS using every _S_opcode_match (in _M_match_queue) as the start
-  // state.
+  // Then apply DFS using every _S_opcode_match (in _M_states._M_match_queue)
+  // as the start state.
   // It significantly reduces potential duplicate states, so has a better
   // upper bound; but it requires more overhead.
   // Space complexity: \Omega(_M_nfa.size() + match_results.size())
   //                   O(_M_nfa.size() * match_results.size())
   template<typename _BiIter, typename _Alloc, typename _TraitsT,
-    bool __dfs_mode>
-  template<bool __match_mode>
+	   bool __dfs_mode>
     bool _Executor<_BiIter, _Alloc, _TraitsT, __dfs_mode>::
-    _M_main()
+    _M_main_dispatch(_Match_mode __match_mode, __bfs)
-      if (__dfs_mode)
+      _M_states._M_queue(_M_states._M_start, _M_results);
+      bool __ret = false;
+      while (1)
 	  _M_has_sol = false;
-	  _M_cur_results = _M_results;
-	  _M_dfs<__match_mode>(_M_start_state);
-	  return _M_has_sol;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  _M_match_queue->push_back(make_pair(_M_start_state, _M_results));
-	  bool __ret = false;
-	  while (1)
+	  if (_M_states._M_match_queue.empty())
+	    break;
+	  std::fill_n(_M_states._M_visited_states.get(), _M_nfa.size(), false);
+	  auto __old_queue = std::move(_M_states._M_match_queue);
+	  for (auto& __task : __old_queue)
-	      _M_has_sol = false;
-	      if (_M_match_queue->empty())
-		break;
-	      _M_visited->assign(_M_visited->size(), false);
-	      auto _M_old_queue = std::move(*_M_match_queue);
-	      for (auto __task : _M_old_queue)
-		{
-		  _M_cur_results = __task.second;
-		  _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__task.first);
-		}
-	      if (!__match_mode)
-		__ret |= _M_has_sol;
-	      if (_M_current == _M_end)
-		break;
-	      ++_M_current;
+	      _M_cur_results = std::move(__task.second);
+	      _M_dfs(__match_mode, __task.first);
-	  if (__match_mode)
-	    __ret = _M_has_sol;
-	  return __ret;
+	  if (__match_mode == _Match_mode::_Prefix)
+	    __ret |= _M_has_sol;
+	  if (_M_current == _M_end)
+	    break;
+	  ++_M_current;
+      if (__match_mode == _Match_mode::_Exact)
+	__ret = _M_has_sol;
+      return __ret;
   // Return whether now match the given sub-NFA.
   template<typename _BiIter, typename _Alloc, typename _TraitsT,
-    bool __dfs_mode>
+	   bool __dfs_mode>
     bool _Executor<_BiIter, _Alloc, _TraitsT, __dfs_mode>::
     _M_lookahead(_State<_TraitsT> __state)
       _ResultsVec __what(_M_cur_results.size());
-      auto __sub = std::unique_ptr<_Executor>(new _Executor(_M_current,
-							    _M_end,
-							    __what,
-							    _M_re,
-							    _M_flags));
-      __sub->_M_start_state = __state._M_alt;
-      if (__sub->_M_search_from_first())
+      _Executor __sub(_M_current, _M_end, __what, _M_re, _M_flags);
+      __sub._M_states._M_start = __state._M_alt;
+      if (__sub._M_search_from_first())
 	  for (size_t __i = 0; __i < __what.size(); __i++)
 	    if (__what[__i].matched)
   // we need to spare one more time for potential group capture.
   template<typename _BiIter, typename _Alloc, typename _TraitsT,
     bool __dfs_mode>
-  template<bool __match_mode>
     void _Executor<_BiIter, _Alloc, _TraitsT, __dfs_mode>::
-    _M_rep_once_more(_StateIdT __i)
+    _M_rep_once_more(_Match_mode __match_mode, _StateIdT __i)
       const auto& __state = _M_nfa[__i];
       auto& __rep_count = _M_rep_count[__i];
 	  auto __back = __rep_count;
 	  __rep_count.first = _M_current;
 	  __rep_count.second = 1;
-	  _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_alt);
+	  _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_alt);
 	  __rep_count = __back;
 	  if (__rep_count.second < 2)
-	      _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_alt);
+	      _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_alt);
   template<typename _BiIter, typename _Alloc, typename _TraitsT,
-    bool __dfs_mode>
-  template<bool __match_mode>
+	   bool __dfs_mode>
     void _Executor<_BiIter, _Alloc, _TraitsT, __dfs_mode>::
-    _M_dfs(_StateIdT __i)
+    _M_dfs(_Match_mode __match_mode, _StateIdT __i)
-      if (!__dfs_mode)
-	{
-	  if ((*_M_visited)[__i])
-	    return;
-	  (*_M_visited)[__i] = true;
-	}
+      if (_M_states._M_visited(__i))
+	return;
       const auto& __state = _M_nfa[__i];
       // Every change on _M_cur_results and _M_current will be rolled back after
 	    // Greedy.
 	    if (!__state._M_neg)
-		_M_rep_once_more<__match_mode>(__i);
+		_M_rep_once_more(__match_mode, __i);
 		// If it's DFS executor and already accepted, we're done.
 		if (!__dfs_mode || !_M_has_sol)
-		  _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+		  _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	    else // Non-greedy mode
 		if (__dfs_mode)
 		    // vice-versa.
-		    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+		    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 		    if (!_M_has_sol)
-		      _M_rep_once_more<__match_mode>(__i);
+		      _M_rep_once_more(__match_mode, __i);
 		    // DON'T attempt anything, because there's already another
-		    // state with higher priority accepted. This state cannot be
-		    // better by attempting its next node.
+		    // state with higher priority accepted. This state cannot
+		    // be better by attempting its next node.
 		    if (!_M_has_sol)
-			_M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+			_M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 			// DON'T attempt anything if it's already accepted. An
 			// accepted state *must* be better than a solution that
 			// matches a non-greedy quantifier one more time.
 			if (!_M_has_sol)
-			  _M_rep_once_more<__match_mode>(__i);
+			  _M_rep_once_more(__match_mode, __i);
 	    auto& __res = _M_cur_results[__state._M_subexpr];
 	    auto __back = __res.first;
 	    __res.first = _M_current;
-	    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+	    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	    __res.first = __back;
 	    auto __back = __res;
 	    __res.second = _M_current;
 	    __res.matched = true;
-	    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+	    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	    __res = __back;
 	case _S_opcode_line_begin_assertion:
 	  if (_M_at_begin())
-	    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+	    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	case _S_opcode_line_end_assertion:
 	  if (_M_at_end())
-	    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+	    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	case _S_opcode_word_boundary:
 	  if (_M_word_boundary(__state) == !__state._M_neg)
-	    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+	    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	// Here __state._M_alt offers a single start node for a sub-NFA.
 	// We recursively invoke our algorithm to match the sub-NFA.
 	case _S_opcode_subexpr_lookahead:
 	  if (_M_lookahead(__state) == !__state._M_neg)
-	    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+	    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	case _S_opcode_match:
 	  if (__dfs_mode)
 	      if (_M_current != _M_end && __state._M_matches(*_M_current))
-		  _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+		  _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	    if (__state._M_matches(*_M_current))
-	      _M_match_queue->push_back(make_pair(__state._M_next,
-						  _M_cur_results));
+	      _M_states._M_queue(__state._M_next, _M_cur_results);
 	// First fetch the matched result from _M_cur_results as __submatch;
 	// then compare it with
 		    auto __backup = _M_current;
 		    _M_current = __last;
-		    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+		    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 		    _M_current = __backup;
-		  _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+		  _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
 	  if (__dfs_mode)
-	      if (__match_mode)
+	      if (__match_mode == _Match_mode::_Exact)
 		_M_has_sol = _M_current == _M_end;
 		_M_has_sol = true;
 	      if (_M_current == _M_begin
 		  && (_M_flags & regex_constants::match_not_null))
-	      if (!__match_mode || _M_current == _M_end)
+	      if (__match_mode == _Match_mode::_Prefix || _M_current == _M_end)
 		if (!_M_has_sol)
 		    _M_has_sol = true;
 	case _S_opcode_alternative:
-	  _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_alt);
+	  _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_alt);
 	  if (!__dfs_mode || !_M_has_sol)
-	    _M_dfs<__match_mode>(__state._M_next);
+	    _M_dfs(__match_mode, __state._M_next);
   // Return whether now is at some word boundary.
   template<typename _BiIter, typename _Alloc, typename _TraitsT,
-    bool __dfs_mode>
+	   bool __dfs_mode>
     bool _Executor<_BiIter, _Alloc, _TraitsT, __dfs_mode>::
     _M_word_boundary(_State<_TraitsT> __state) const
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_scanner.tcc b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_scanner.tcc
index f501ff6..818e47b 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_scanner.tcc
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_scanner.tcc
       // In POSIX, when encountering "[]" or "[^]", the ']' is interpreted
-      // literally. So "[]]" or "[^]]" is valid regex. See the testcases
+      // literally. So "[]]" and "[^]]" are valid regexes. See the testcases
       // `*/`.
       else if (__c == ']' && (_M_is_ecma() || !_M_at_bracket_start))
 	  _M_token = _S_token_bracket_end;
 	  _M_state = _S_state_normal;
-      // ECMAScirpt and awk permmits escaping in bracket.
+      // ECMAScript and awk permits escaping in bracket.
       else if (__c == '\\' && (_M_is_ecma() || _M_is_awk()))
 	  _M_token = _S_token_hex_num;
-      // ECMAScript recongnizes multi-digit back-references.
+      // ECMAScript recognizes multi-digit back-references.
       else if (, __c))
 	  _M_value.assign(1, __c);
 #ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__
+	  // POSIX says it is undefined to escape ordinary characters
 	  _M_token = _S_token_ord_char;
-  // Eats a character class or throwns an exception.
-  // __ch cound be ':', '.' or '=', _M_current is the char after ']' when
+  // Eats a character class or throws an exception.
+  // __ch could be ':', '.' or '=', _M_current is the char after ']' when
   // returning.
   template<typename _CharT>
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/performance/28_regex/ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/performance/28_regex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891cc2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/performance/28_regex/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+// <>.
+#include <regex>
+#include <testsuite_performance.h>
+using namespace __gnu_test;
+int main()
+  time_counter time;
+  resource_counter resource;
+  start_counters(time, resource);
+  // this should get compiled to just L"[abcd]"
+  auto re = std::wregex(L'[' + std::wstring(300, L'a') + L"bc"
+                        + std::wstring(1000, 'a') + L"d]");
+  bool ok = true;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
+    ok = ok && (std::regex_match(L"b", re) && std::regex_match(L"d", re));
+  stop_counters(time, resource);
+  report_performance(__FILE__, "", time, resource);
+  return ok ? 0 : 1;

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