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Re: branch creation

>     I would like to create a branch to work on the libstdc++ design
> modifications proposed some months ago to implement the algos debug
> mode. To summarize I would like to implement algo debug the same way
> as the container debug mode is implemented. The advantage will be a
> better control of the debug algos, we will avoid usage of debug algo
> in debug containers or other debug algos, and also a better
> seggregation between normal and debug code.
>     This modification will impact library ABI so challenge this idear
> in a branch first. Is there a doc explaining the branch creation
> process ? Should I ask the permission somewhere ? Are we suppose to
> synchronize branch with trunk regularly ?
Besides what already replied by Ian, and confirming that no, you don't
have to ask permission anywhere, I only want to add that indeed I
believe it's a great idea. In my opinion, it would make sense to also
commit to the branch other ABI changing bits, besides those related to
debug-mode: people already discussed quite a few times on this mailing
list and elsewhere that we really want a new branch for those. About
synchronizing, my idea would be cooperating on it, thus anybody
committing invasive changes makes sure to sync sufficiently often those
parts is working on with trunk. Anyway, no need to be very precise at
the outset, in my opinion, let's just do it! ;) I have ready at least
3-4 small changes (+ I remember 2-3 open PRs waiting for ABI breaking,
which we could tackle pretty soon)


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