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C++0x issues

I have run the parallel testsuite with and without C++0x, and everything seems fine. Nothing fails which doesn't fail either with C+ +0x or parallel in isolation.

On a related note, we should probably start running the testsuite in C+ +0x mode more regularly, and somehow mark tests which won't pass in C+ +0x. I'm not sure how hard that is to do.

Just running the testsuite in C++0x threw up a few things, in particular it bought Library issue 1133 to my attention, which basically means that all C++03 code which calls list::splice won't work in C++0x.

Looking at issue 1133, while there is no Proposed Resolution yet, I intend to test a patch for option (A) there, giving both a non-const lvalue and rvalue overload, which seems the only way to keep C++03 code working, while also allowing code like l.splice(l.end(), function_returning_list()); to work.


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