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Reworked nonstd pointer patch

Patch for non-standard pointer support, with all requested changes. Sorry this has taken so long.

All changes requested were made, including renaming _ExtPtr_Allocator.

A couple of other changes:

(a) As indicated in prior post, the _Pointer_adapter now inherits from its storage policy so that the policy can publicly extend the API of the pointer type in a way that a specific allocator can take advantage of.

(b) Pointer comparisons for _Pointer_adapters<_Tp> of the same type, will defer to methods on the storage policy for comparisons. This is safer as their are conceivably segmented memory schemes which might map segments at different virtual addresses in different processes, making comparisons by get() invalid. Comparisons to native pointers or to pointers of different types still perform the comparison using the standard pointer value yielded by get().

(c) Did a little work on the constructors and assignment operators such that I think the _Pointer_adapter now allows construction or assignment with implicit conversions, under the same circumstances that such conversions are allowed by the compiler (e.g. Tp* to const Tp*, but not the other way around.) A test was added to test that invalid implicit conversions cause appropriate compile errors with the template.

(d) The overload __static_pointer_cast<To,From> functions were enhanced to support the conversion of _Pointer_adapters to _Pointer_adapters of other types, and also to standard pointers, so long as the associated standard cast operation would work.

All enclosed tests work on x86_darwin.

Attachment: nonstd_pointer.patch
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