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Re: tr1::array initialization

> I've searched this list as well as google and the c++ committee
> information I've found on and haven't seen any discussion
> about this nice-to-have initialization of tr1::array:
> tr1::array<int> a = { 1, 4, 6 }; // instead of tr1::array<int,N> a =
> {...}
> I was disappointed when I first learned of the tr1::array because I
> was sure that an initializer would be allowed similar to
> int a[] = {1, 4, 6};
> Why can't we let the compiler figure out the N?
> Such an initializer would help in auto-generated code when N is not
> known in advance.

I think you made a pretty strong case here. You'd probably be best off
to write up a specific proposal with the wording you desire for a
variadic N, and submit it to the LWG issues list.


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