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Re: [c++0x] std::tuple<MoveOnlyType>

2008/2/12, Pedro LamarÃo <>:
> My understanding is that the following code should compile.

This is a somewhat smaller version of the same thing.

[psilva@desen cxx]$ cat MoveOnly.hpp

struct MoveOnly {

        MoveOnly () { }

        MoveOnly (MoveOnly&&) { }

        MoveOnly& operator= (MoveOnly&&) { return *this; }

        MoveOnly (MoveOnly const&); // = delete
        MoveOnly& operator= (MoveOnly const&); // = delete

make_move_only () { return MoveOnly(); }


[psilva@desen cxx]$ cat rvalue_tuple.cpp
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

#include "MoveOnly.hpp"

main (int argc, char* argv[]) {

    typedef std::tuple<MoveOnly> tuple_t;
    tuple_t t1(make_move_only());

    return 0;

[psilva@desen cxx]$ make
g++-4.3 --std=c++0x -O0 -I.    rvalue_tuple.cpp   -o rvalue_tuple
MoveOnly.hpp: In constructor 'std::_Head_base<_Idx, _Head,
true>::_Head_base(typename std::__add_c_ref<_Head>::type) [with int
_Idx = 0, _Head = MoveOnly]':
  instantiated from 'std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail
...>::_Tuple_impl(typename std::__add_c_ref<_Head>::type, typename
std::__add_c_ref<_Tail>::type ...) [with int _Idx = 0, _Head =
MoveOnly, _Tail = ]'
  instantiated from 'std::tuple<_Elements>::tuple(_UElements&& ...)
[with _UElements = MoveOnly, _Elements = MoveOnly]'
rvalue_tuple.cpp:10:   instantiated from here
MoveOnly.hpp:13: error: 'MoveOnly::MoveOnly(const MoveOnly&)' is private
error: within this context
make: ** [rvalue_tuple] Erro 1

I've noticed that the problem is actually happening in _Tuple_impl.

This constructor:

      template<typename _UHead, typename... _UTail>
        _Tuple_impl(typename std::remove_reference<_UHead>::type&& __head,
                    typename std::remove_reference<_UTail>::type&&... __tail)

is never entering the overload candidate set for _UHead = MoveOnly and
_UTail = "empty".

When I comment out the declaration of this constructor:

      _Tuple_impl(typename __add_c_ref<_Head>::type __head,
                  typename __add_c_ref<_Tail>::type... __tail)

the compiler gives me this overload candidate list:

[psilva@desen cxx]$ make
g++-4.3 --std=c++0x -O0 -I.    rvalue_tuple.cpp   -o rvalue_tuple
In constructor 'std::tuple<_Elements>::tuple(_UElements&& ...) [with
_UElements = MoveOnly, _Elements = MoveOnly]':
rvalue_tuple.cpp:10:   instantiated from here
error: no matching function for call to 'std::_Tuple_impl<0,
note: candidates are: std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail
...>::_Tuple_impl(std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>&&) [with
int _Idx = 0, _Head = MoveOnly, _Tail = ]
note:                 std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail
...>::_Tuple_impl(const std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail ...>&)
[with int _Idx = 0, _Head = MoveOnly, _Tail = ]
note:                 std::_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail
...>::_Tuple_impl() [with int _Idx = 0, _Head = MoveOnly, _Tail = ]
make: ** [rvalue_tuple] Erro 1

 Pedro LamarÃo

 "The True Self is the meaning of the True Will:
   know thyself through Thy Way."
                                        -- The Book of Thoth

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