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Re: Is std::search coding fast enough?

On 04/07/07, Dimitris Xochellis <> wrote:
Hi list,

After reading the following std::search STL algorithm [1] I have got the impression that it can be
coded in a more efficient way. In my opinion, the code in the lines *A* & *C* guaranties that the
condition of the line *B* will be always true. Consequently, we can effectively replace the "while
(__first1 != __last1)" expression of the line *B* with a simpler "for ( ; ; )" expression and the
algorithm will work just fine and significantly faster as well.

I agree.

For a while I was worried that this code was wrong, I think the
"general case" wouldn't work for a search string of length 1, although
that doesn't matter as we special case that.


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