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Paolo Carlini wrote:
Peter Dimov wrote:

I see. In fact, as you may remember, I have been asking for an
infrastructure providing an emulation layer transparent to the users
for *years*...

I understand, but isn't the infrastructure now almost in place? The compiler support is present; is it not just the library support that is missing?

I wish I could share your optimism :-) These issues are nasty, very nasty, given all the requirements. Please have a look to the past exchanges on the lists: people came to the conclusion that the only satisfactory and complete solution are multilibs. And that would not solve the statically linked case. Well, if you have a complete solution ready fullfilling all those requirements, just post it ;)

OK, here's what I have in mind. The basic assumption is that all targets support a spinlock using __sync_lock_* or equivalent. I'll concentrate on the 386 case here and fetch_and_add but the others are similar.

Assume a spinlock pool:

spinlock_t spinlocks[ 41 ];

spinlock_t spinlock_for( void * p )
   return spinlocks[ (unsigned)p % 41 ];

void lock_spinlock_for( void * p );
void unlock_spinlock_for( void * p ); // omitted for brevity

// set by runtime at startup before any other code is executed

extern bool __is_486;

// emulation layer

int __sync_fetch_and_add_4( int * ptr, int value )
   if( __is_486 )
       asm { xadd [ptr], value } // pseudocode
       lock_spinlock_for( ptr );
       int r = *ptr; *ptr += value;
       unlock_spinlock_for( ptr );
       return r;

This seems to work as intended for all cases that come to mind. If a module compiled with -m486 is linked with a module compiled with -m386, the result will work when run on 486 or better since the emulation will have the same effect as the inlined intrinsic.

I may of course be missing something; apologies if so.

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