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Re: Locale codecvt facet doesn't seem to return 'partial'

FYI Paolo here's the extension use to double check the UTF-8 encoding.


#include <locale>
#include <fstream>
#include <ext/codecvt_specializations.h>

int foo2()
  using namespace std;
  typedef codecvt_base::result                  result;
  typedef char                        		int_type;
  typedef char                                  ext_type;
  typedef __gnu_cxx::encoding_state                     state_type;
  typedef codecvt<int_type, ext_type, state_type>       utf8_codecvt;
  typedef char_traits<int_type>                 int_traits;
  typedef char_traits<ext_type>                 ext_traits;

  state_type state("ISO-8859-15", "UTF-8", 0, 0);
  string from("¡Hasta mañana!");
  static char to[256];
  ext_type*       eto_next;
  const int_type*       ifrom_next;

  locale                loc(locale::classic(), new utf8_codecvt);
  const utf8_codecvt& cvt = use_facet<utf8_codecvt>(loc); 

  result r = cvt.out(state, from.c_str(), from.c_str() + from.size(), 
		     to, to + 256, eto_next);

  // write it out
  const char* filename = "test_utf8_output2";
  filebuf fb;
  string tmp(to);, ios_base::out);
  fb.sputn(tmp.c_str(), tmp.size());

int main()

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